Failed omnipod dash pumps.

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I've had a couple lately where I've no been sure that the actual sticky backy backing was securely attached to the pod all the way across, and feel as ifthey could easily lift at the edges, but only one has come adrift.
I've had that more than once! The sticky backing was completely attached to my skin, but the pod was pulling away. They did stay on. I had one pod failure within the first 2 weeks, where it stopped talking to the PDM. Being new to the pod (only started on 19 Jan this year) I was very fazed by it, but their customer support was excellent and talked me though it - and the subsequent screaming alarm from the discarded pod. I've had one fall off an hour after applying, but I had a shower right after applying it, so I now make sure I shower before changing the pod. One I stuck in a very uncomfy place and had to remove it. If it gets no worse it will be OK.
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