Failed omnipod dash pumps.

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Ahhh @helli, Just Googled your patch pump to find it is tubeless. I do quite like the software and display but it does seem a bit of a faff to remove and replace compared to my pod.
My definition of "patch pump" means it is tubeless but that may be my personal definition 🙄

I have used the Medtrum and a tubey pump (Animas which is no longer available) and found both equally easy to remove and replace. Your Pod must be very easy ... or the Medtrum videos may be long winded.
Medtrum was the only tubeless pump available to me (long story but it was initially Medtronic or MDI so I can't say Medtrum was "offered") and I have been pretty pleased with it, Definitely looking forward to the Nano which is 45% smaller.
Hello @helli, yes the removal of the Omnipod is to just unpeel it. Well, you tell the PDM you want to deactivate the pod then you peel it off, that's it.
Similarly to apply the new one first you stick it on then through the PDM you tell it to insert the canula job done.
It is a very easy system to use.
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Hello @Matchless I've never had a pump come unstuck in fact I use an adhesive release spray to take my Omnipod off.
Not sure why you're having such a high level of drop off's. I do alcohol clean and shave any hairs from the area I place the pod, do you?
Any tubed up pod would have to be substantially better for me to consider it as a replacement to my tube and wire free Omnipod.
However I have never worn a wired & tubed up pod going straight to Omnipod so I only have my thoughts that my lifestyle would get in a right tangle, how do you all cope with this.

Ahhh @helli, Just Googled your patch pump to find it is tubeless. I do quite like the software and display but it does seem a bit of a faff to remove and replace compared to my pod.
Hi mark thank you for your views on pods coming of but i donot know why you suggest i have a high amount of pods falling of i had only 2 come of because of very high humidity for a wk and sweated a lot after walking for exercise i now use a heavy duty sport tape thats used for strain injury's i agree most of the time they are well stuck on which i just pull them of with one good pull rather than slowly ,the reason i am interested in a short tubed patch pump as you would have a choice of cannula size ,before the omnipod i did have a animas and a medtronic pumps which overall worked trouble free compared to the omnipod but after they replaced the PDM it has been trouble free since ,the reason i went for a patch pump was for the freedom and a remote control which did add another phone to my pocket but better than a tube pump (would have been better with a app on my phone next to my xdrip app) but you cannot have it all .
would have been better with a app on my phone next to my xdrip app
That's exactly what I have with my Medtrum pump. The Medtrum EasyPatch app sits next to my xDrip app on the main page of my phone.
I appreciate Medtrum is not available at every CCG but grateful it was made available to me.
That's exactly what I have with my Medtrum pump. The Medtrum EasyPatch app sits next to my xDrip app on the main page of my phone.
I appreciate Medtrum is not available at every CCG but grateful it was made available to me.
Your lucky helli i am quit envious at the moment my choice is medtronic omnipod and tandem but later may have the tandem T sport with closed loop i will keep my fingers crossed for the t sport.
Your lucky helli i am quit envious at the moment my choice is medtronic omnipod and tandem but later may have the tandem T sport with closed loop i will keep my fingers crossed for the t sport.
My choice was Medtronic or pleading.
Pleasing does not come naturally but, on this occasion, it worked with a huge dose of luck
The pump postcode lottery is frustrating but I understand it from the CCG perspective as the other option is a much smaller country wide choice set by NICE.
Sorry @Matchless I misread your post getting the 5 and 2 figures you quoted mixed up.
I'm not sure what it is you're disappointed with in using your omni pod as if I read you correctly you are saying that since the PDM was exchanged you've not had any issues?
So what is it exactly you prefer with the T Sport if you can have one, it's always worth adding to my knowledge bank.
That's exactly what I have with my Medtrum pump. The Medtrum EasyPatch app sits next to my xDrip app on the main page of my phone.
I appreciate Medtrum is not available at every CCG but grateful it was made available to me.
Wow Helli your the first diabetic i have come across on this forum that uses xdrip i dont know why more people dont use it along with librelink it is more accurate than librelink and other apps because you can calibrate the readings when you want on the whole librelink reads low than xdrip and glucose meters ,if i suspect the reading is not correct i calibrate when i wake in the morning.
Sorry @Matchless I misread your post getting the 5 and 2 figures you quoted mixed up.
I'm not sure what it is you're disappointed with in using your omni pod as if I read you correctly you are saying that since the PDM was exchanged you've not had any issues?
So what is it exactly you prefer with the T Sport if you can have one, it's always worth adding to my knowledge bank.
the reason is the T sport and other patch pumps with separate cannulas have a longer needle which in 8 years on tubed pumps had better results with 9mm cannula . also they have phone apps so you donot have to carry extra pdm for control.
Wow Helli your the first diabetic i have come across on this forum that uses xdrip i dont know why more people dont use it along with librelink it is more accurate than librelink and other apps because you can calibrate the readings when you want on the whole librelink reads low than xdrip and glucose meters ,if i suspect the reading is not correct i calibrate when i wake in the morning.
I nearly gave up on Libre because it was so inaccurate but with xDrip calibration I learnt to trust it more.
Initially, I used Libre 1 with a Miaomiao 2 but was very happy to be able to ditch the Miaomiao when Libre 2 came out.
I have not linked it up to my watch as some have but most of my time is spent working at my desk with my phone next to me and my current xDrip reading on the front screen so easy to keep an eye on.
I nearly gave up on Libre because it was so inaccurate but with xDrip calibration I learnt to trust it more.
Initially, I used Libre 1 with a Miaomiao 2 but was very happy to be able to ditch the Miaomiao when Libre 2 came out.
I have not linked it up to my watch as some have but most of my time is spent working at my desk with my phone next to me and my current xDrip reading on the front screen so easy to keep an eye on.
I started with libre1 and a little latter added the MM 1 for about 18months then bought the MM2 whch has better bluetooth connection but a smaller battery which as you know lasts about 10days before a recharge witch i do while reading in bed Ha Ha, i did have xdrip linked to a Miband 3 watch but i think my phone did a update and stoped it working it was very handy when it worked it saved getting phone out to check my sugar .
You both @helli & @Matchless seem very aware of your control systems so I'm off to see Prof. Google to investigate xdrip and the various patch pumps you mention.
Just presently L2 and Omnipod Dash are working very well for me [60-70% in range] but could it be better?
As I've been type 1 for some 35 years & injected for all of that time I wonder if a different canula needle length could administer a more effective dose of insulin through the damaged skin caused by constant needle penetration?
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You 2 gents @helli & @Matchless seem very aware of your control systems so I'm off to see Prof. Google to investigate xdrip and the various patch pumps you mention
The most xDrip information I have found is on their facebook group.
There is xDrip+ for Android and xDripIOS for Apple (separate groups).
They are closed groups so you have to request to join but I think they let everyone in ... at least they let me in 🙂

Have fun!
Helen. (Not very gent-like but I'll take the complement anyway 😉 )
So sorry Helen I thought your nick was something to so with Helli - copters but again that's not gender biased either.

Got it now you're HELEN. Changed original post to reflect gender.

So sorry Helen I thought your nick was something to so with Helli - copters but again that's not gender biased either.

Got it now you're HELEN. Changed original post to reflect gender.

No need to apologise.
As an engineer, I am used to people making assumptions about my gender.

NowI shall be "Helen the coptor" 😎
Just caught up on this thread - been on the Dash since December, all going OK, until I've had 5 assorted failures this month! One where the cannula came out, one where the insulin seemed to be leaking out around the cannula, one where the pod became detached, one that was bleeding from the site, and today while out dog walking, alerted by Diabox that my levels were going low so I wanted to do a temp basal preset. Communication error - try again, check status etc., but wouldn't talk to the pod. Eventually came up with the pod failure message, deactivate now, and started screaming at me. Deactivated pod and it communicated OK and stopped the screaming! At least insulin was only suspended for about 45 minutes! Wondering if my current batch of pods is slightly iffy? First two boxes out of the 3 delivered!
Hi poders i have been on omnipods since june and was doing very well but this wk i have had 2 pods stop delivering basal at the same time between 1 and 2 in the morning and had to change a pod about 10hrs before due to change any ideas would be helpfull ?
How do you know the pods stoped delivering basal?
I've used Omnipod Dash for 2 years, not always happily. There were many times I was on the point of giving up. Then I discovered adhesive patches (BaBallet from Amazon). A clear, waterproof film, like Tegarderm – but pod shaped. Not every problem disappeared, but canula now stay in situ and don't block so frequently. The pod doesn't drop off in hot weather and even when knocked.
It's important to report any issues to Insulet as the problem may not be pod related. My last pod nightmare was actually a PDM malfunction and I received a replacement next day.
Just caught up on this thread - been on the Dash since December, all going OK, until I've had 5 assorted failures this month! One where the cannula came out, one where the insulin seemed to be leaking out around the cannula, one where the pod became detached, one that was bleeding from the site, and today while out dog walking, alerted by Diabox that my levels were going low so I wanted to do a temp basal preset. Communication error - try again, check status etc., but wouldn't talk to the pod. Eventually came up with the pod failure message, deactivate now, and started screaming at me. Deactivated pod and it communicated OK and stopped the screaming! At least insulin was only suspended for about 45 minutes! Wondering if my current batch of pods is slightly iffy? First two boxes out of the 3 delivered!

Do you clean site before applying pod, sounds like cannula pod falling off issues is to do with adhesion. Before applying pod I clean my skin with alcohol wipe & allow to dry before application.

Not sure about communication problem as not had any issues with Dash so far, only gripe is battery as it needs charged ever day or every other day.
Do you clean site before applying pod, sounds like cannula pod falling off issues is to do with adhesion. Before applying pod I clean my skin with alcohol wipe & allow to dry before application.
@nonethewiser - yes, although my DSN said not to use wipes as they would dry the skin out, I always use them to ensure that there will be good adhesion (been doing the same with Libre even afer Abbott stopped including them in the packs ... and never had a sensor fall off). Where the cannula pulled out, I suspect it may have been knocked by the puppy, just enough to lift the cannula end, as the pod was still securely attached. I've had a couple lately where I've no been sure that the actual sticky backy backing was securely attached to the pod all the way across, and feel as ifthey could easily lift at the edges, but only one has come adrift. As for the others, guess the bleeder just caught something, and started being painful after about 12 hours, the leaky one no idea unless the cannula hadn't gone in properly, and the comms failure - very odd as the pod was no more than a few inches between my hand and the pod site on my abdomen! Good job I was trying to set a temp basal rate of zero anyway, when it decided to suspend all insulin and asked me to deactivate the pod (although how it suspends insulin and deactivates without having communication, I have no idea LOL)
@nonethewiser - yes, although my DSN said not to use wipes as they would dry the skin out, I always use them to ensure that there will be good adhesion (been doing the same with Libre even afer Abbott stopped including them in the packs ... and never had a sensor fall off). Where the cannula pulled out, I suspect it may have been knocked by the puppy, just enough to lift the cannula end, as the pod was still securely attached. I've had a couple lately where I've no been sure that the actual sticky backy backing was securely attached to the pod all the way across, and feel as ifthey could easily lift at the edges, but only one has come adrift. As for the others, guess the bleeder just caught something, and started being painful after about 12 hours, the leaky one no idea unless the cannula hadn't gone in properly, and the comms failure - very odd as the pod was no more than a few inches between my hand and the pod site on my abdomen! Good job I was trying to set a temp basal rate of zero anyway, when it decided to suspend all insulin and asked me to deactivate the pod (although how it suspends insulin and deactivates without having communication, I have no idea LOL)

Got puppy myself so know what it's like.

Had leaky one before on previous version, yes guess cannula wasn't inserted properly. Regards adhesion, dont know how true this is but DSN said that it takes few hours for pod to become securely attached, something to do with body heat helping process.

Had couple of bleeders, funny enough just left them & pod worked fine so looks are deceiving.

Same here with libre, still use alcohol wipe to clean skin, only ever had one drop off after 3+ years of using.
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