Failed omnipod dash pumps.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi poders i have been on omnipods since june and was doing very well but this wk i have had 2 pods stop delivering basal at the same time between 1 and 2 in the morning and had to change a pod about 10hrs before due to change any ideas would be helpfull ?
Ring the company and tell them what's happened. They should send you replacements as well.
I have no experience of Omnipods, but other companies that I have been/am pumping with have always replaced any faulty devices. Well worth phoning the company.
thanks for your reply's but i am not concerned about replacement pods as i just have to ask and they just send them but being woken 2 oclock in the morning and changing a pod half asleep ,i donot sleep very well without my pump going wrong ,its just uncanny 2 pods failing the same hr of day in 1 week ,previously i had medronic pumps for 8 years that never failed in this way thanks again for your reply's.
Hello @Matchless, strange that the Basal timing error is at the same time each day. That info makes me think it is to do with the pump settings, have you changed them recently and were they on consecutive days.
What did the actual error message say?
Also if you changed your pod at 2 in the night that's when it will end the next time, is that what is happening.
A few weeks ago I had 2 pods fail within 14 hours of each other; the second one at 4:30 in the morning with the alarm screeching like a banshee. Not conducive to domestic harmony with the OH!

I called Omnipod later the following morning and they wanted to know all the details. It is important for their technical people.

They sent me two replacement pods. Although it's not concerning for us, you should get the replacements to recompense the NHS. The pods cost them (all of us really) £30-odd a pop.

I've now been podding almost exactly 11 months and have had a total of 4 premature pod failures (including the 2 previously mentioned). Not too bad out of about 110 pods used in that period. I'm guessing that might be pretty consistent with other pump system failures e.g. cannulae going 'off' early.
Hello @Matchless, strange that the Basal timing error is at the same time each day. That info makes me think it is to do with the pump settings, have you changed them recently and were they on consecutive days.
What did the actual error message say?
Also if you changed your pod at 2 in the night that's when it will end the next time, is that what is happening.
Hello @Matchless, strange that the Basal timing error is at the same time each day. That info makes me think it is to do with the pump settings, have you changed them recently and were they on consecutive days.
What did the actual error message say?
Also if you changed your pod at 2 in the night that's when it will end the next time, is that what is happening.
thanks for the reply's i think its just a coincident they stopped about the same time as i have not changed basal settings for wks i did not get any error warnings at all my sugar was just rising fast till i used my fiasp pen which brought it down quickly ,after a third pod failed used a fresh vile of insulin in a another pod from another box of pods and changed to my other arm so far so good ,yesterday i changed my pod at 9pm but next i will change early before the 72 hrs to a more reasonable time of day ,when i changed at 2 o clock i used the extra 8hrs before the next change which made it 10 o clock,fingers crossed.
Are you lying on your sensor whilst you sleep.
i have a different patch pump and discovered it doesn’t like it when apply pressure such as when I wear my skinny jeans (I don’t wear mine on my arm 🙄 )
Hi @Matchless. It sounds as if it was a faulty batch of pods and is definitely worth ringing omnipod as it helps them identify faulty batches. Was there any blood, bruising or lumps on the sites where the pumps failed at all?
It's different hear in France all my pump and supply s come from a service provider called a prestataire they keep regular visits to my house for check ups and my monthly supplys come by post ,if I run short I ring them on a 24/7 number and comes the next day,as lying on the pump I avoid the side it's on.
It's different hear in France all my pump and supply s come from a service provider called a prestataire they keep regular visits to my house for check ups and my monthly supplys come by post ,if I run short I ring them on a 24/7 number and comes the next day,as lying on the pump I avoid the side it's on.
I've been using the Omnipod Dash system for 16 months and have experienced most problems over time. I've reported so many issues I've lost count. I can't add to what other members have said here, but things have improved for me significantly since using adhesive patches. They are available on Amazon now. A clear waterproof adhesive film that stays in place for the life of the pod. It's easy for the cannula to become dislodged, particularly during sleep (even when we think we're not sleeping on it). The patch stabilises the pod as well as preventing it dropping off in hot weather.
I am on Omnipod pump since 16 month and in this time I had 3 similar glucose level rises (fairly high too), which also happened overnight while I was sleeping. Next morning the rise stopped and the level was stabilising (same pod) and I needed some extra units over the next 8-12 hours to reach normal basal level again.

So you may try to take some correction units (same pod) to see if your glucose is stabilising/reducing over the next hours 2-3h or in the morning

For me it was working with all pods, so it maybe a sleeping position problem, which probably moved/squeezed local area at/around your pod to surpress the continous insulin-flow into your body.

Or maybe by accident you injected some air-bubbles into the pod ?

Or maybe local leek around flexible "needle" position ?
Thanks for your input and suggestions i shall try extra tape security ,i have been trying different sites ,at the moment this is my 7th pod in 14days from 2 batches and am on my second PDM which i asked for if the present pod stops before time i will ask for a visit from my my suppler to help me out and bring another batch of pods and go from there but if i continue with this problem i shall ask to go back on tubed pump tandem or medtronic i dont know ,i have been so stressed with all these failures and sleepless nights that i did not have with my animas and medtronic in previous 3 pumps ,
Hi poders i have been on omnipods since june and was doing very well but this wk i have had 2 pods stop delivering basal at the same time between 1 and 2 in the morning and had to change a pod about 10hrs before due to change any ideas would be helpfull ?
Thanks for your input and suggestions i shall try extra tape security ,i have been trying different sites ,at the moment this is my 7th pod in 14days from 2 batches and am on my second PDM which i asked for if the present pod stops before time i will ask for a visit from my my suppler to help me out and bring another batch of pods and go from there but if i continue with this problem i shall ask to go back on tubed pump tandem or medtronic i dont know ,i have been so stressed with all these failures and sleepless nights that i did not have with my animas and medtronic in previous 3 pumps ,
I'm still using the pods nearly 18 months in. But there was a time a few months ago when I asked to try another delivery system asa th stress of failed pods was too much. Lookking alternative pumps and considering the reality of returning to insulin pens made me choose to stay with Omnipod Dash for a bit longer. I seemed to turn a corner after that and, though not perfect, have no regrets now of staying with the pods. My HbA1C is the best it's ever been and seems stable. And the adhesive film really has helped. I'm not contacting Insulet a couple of times every month.
What I don't understand is how you know the pump stopped delivering your basal insulin. I was prescribed a pump to help me manage dawn phenomenon and I'm wondering if your b/s is rise at a similar time each night is due to this. I knew nothing about this phenomenon until my consultant told me and had to Google it! The pod system is doing it's job in magian this, though I still have to adapt my basal rate as my pattern changes.
Ok the latest is it turned out to be the PDM that was faulty and i have used 5 pods since that lasted 3 days each apart from 2 pods that fell of because of heavy sweating because of very high humidity 1 came of after a shower and another just catching it taking my shirt off,I too was getting stressed out tired of failed pods i am going to continue with omnipod till my appointment with my diabetic doctor on the 20th october hoping i have no more issues till i see her and discuss what other options might be available ,i am not looking forward to my next blood test as i am shore it will be higher than my norm 5.9-6.3, before i started the omnipod i was more interested in other patch pumps like the new tandem T sport that has a outboard cannula with a chose of needle sizes but that is not available yet ,i would not mind going back to a tubed pump but not for 4 years .
Are you lying on your sensor whilst you sleep.
i have a different patch pump and discovered it doesn’t like it when apply pressure such as when I wear my skinny jeans (I don’t wear mine on my arm 🙄 )
I read that as you didn't wear your skinny jeans on your arm :D
what patch pump do you have sue?
I assume that was directed at me.
Hey, I'll answer it regardless 🙂

I have a Medtrum A6. Next week it will be upgraded to a Medtrum Nano.
My CCG consider the OmniPod to be too expensive and this is a cheaper option.
Hi Helli it was pumper sue actually but thats ok medtrum nano looks more streamlined than the A6 whats the cannula length and at what angle does it protrude,i will see my diabetic doctor next month for my first review of my omnipod which will be a mixture of more negatives than positives ,at the end of the day its what is on offer rather than what i want well will have to see next month and thanks for your reply .
Hello @Matchless I've never had a pump come unstuck in fact I use an adhesive release spray to take my Omnipod off.
Not sure why you're having such a high level of drop off's. I do alcohol clean and shave any hairs from the area I place the pod, do you?
Any tubed up pod would have to be substantially better for me to consider it as a replacement to my tube and wire free Omnipod.
However I have never worn a wired & tubed up pod going straight to Omnipod so I only have my thoughts that my lifestyle would get in a right tangle, how do you all cope with this.

Ahhh @helli, Just Googled your patch pump to find it is tubeless. I do quite like the software and display but it does seem a bit of a faff to remove and replace compared to my pod.
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