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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So Exante have ceased trading.

I’ve ordered a sample pack from Shake that Weight and will let you know what I think of them.
Is it this:

Part of the HUT group?
Strange, their website is still selling subscriptions!
Strange, their website is still selling subscriptions!
Not really shocked at that either tbh.
All the products are on clearance and there’s a distinct lack of flavours etc.

So Exante have ceased trading.

I’ve ordered a sample pack from Shake that Weight and will let you know what I think of them.
New to this forum, and I'm a Yank, so I had a heck of a time finding good shakes to substitute for the British kind. We have lots of meal replacements, but which one is good enough? Amazon to the rescue. there are plenty there, and they seem to compare favorably to Exente, at least to the extent that I'm a judge. I'm just completing week two of my 8 weeks btw, and its going exactly as the Prof predicted. Its not all sunshine, but I'm making it work.
@mhtyler Which ones did you plump for?
@mhtyler Which ones did you plump for?
Well, keep in mind this is American Amazon, but my first purchase was Heur plant based caramel-vanilla meal replacement. Not bad...but not real thick, and a bit chalky...so just okay. I dickied it up with some pumpkin spice extract yesterday...not bad. BTW my favorite way to make these things is in my NINJA blender. I add 8 oz water, blend, then add some crushed or cubed ice, blend some more for a nice cold shake...but I digress. I've recently acquired PLNT meal replacements. PLNT appears to have the highest nutrition level of anything I've seen...roughly 35% of most requirements in one shake, and 20g protein. BEST tasting of anything I've tried. Using the above method it makes a choc. shake you'd think came from MacDonalds (assuming you like Macdonalds shakes). Very thick, also not very sweet. I've been known to add in a little Stevia when my sweet tooth is acting up. I've also just gotten some Gold Standard pre-made shakes that appear pretty good, and at a great price...we'll see. I haven't found anything here like the soups you have over there, so my Wife is planning on making some chicken vegatable with the right protein/kcals when I really want something savory. FYI, none of the shakes that I've come across here have 200 kcals. They tend to hover around 110-140. No problem I just have an extra shake to take me just above or below 600...usually a little above because with my evening salad I doubt I'm getting much at all above 700kcals total.
So Exante have ceased trading.

I’ve ordered a sample pack from Shake that Weight and will let you know what I think of them.

Gosh! That’s a real shock @ColinUK 😱
Gosh! That’s a real shock @ColinUK 😱
The whole Hut Group has been in trouble for a while and still are even though they’re dressing up their current issues as a major restructuring. Yesterday they announced that they’re shedding 160 jobs. One hundred of them are in warehouse operations so that’s really going to improve customer service.

Let’s be honest but no order I ever made from Exante arrived in a satisfactory condition. They always had elements missing and I always had to wash everything because invariably one or two sachets were improperly sealed so has covered everything else in a fine layer of shake powder.

However the flavours they did, especially the caramel latte, milk tea and vanilla, were always delicious and easy to mix and drink. I’m going to go back on a largely shake based diet for a while (possibly 6 or 8 weeks) imminently as my weight has crept up even if my hba1c hasn’t really moved and the prospect of finding another supplier is daunting. I have a trial pack of four items from ‘Shake the Weight’ which despite their awful name and incredibly female targeted marketing does come highly recommended. The one product of theirs I’ve tried (a bar) was delicious so I’m hopeful their shakes will be as well.

Apparently they omit a certain kind of starch from their formulations which is generally included in most other brands meal replacement shakes that can cause an unpleasant digestive side effect. That means that theirs are supposedly incredibly well tolerated by many more people than some other brands. Only trialing them will determine if that’s the case for me but I’ll certainly start a thread, or add to my existing Newcastle diet thread, when I get going.
@mhtyler and how are you finding the weight loss?
Well, keep in mind this is American Amazon, but my first purchase was Heur plant based caramel-vanilla meal replacement. Not bad...but not real thick, and a bit chalky...so just okay. I dickied it up with some pumpkin spice extract yesterday...not bad. BTW my favorite way to make these things is in my NINJA blender. I add 8 oz water, blend, then add some crushed or cubed ice, blend some more for a nice cold shake...but I digress. I've recently acquired PLNT meal replacements. PLNT appears to have the highest nutrition level of anything I've seen...roughly 35% of most requirements in one shake, and 20g protein. BEST tasting of anything I've tried. Using the above method it makes a choc. shake you'd think came from MacDonalds (assuming you like Macdonalds shakes). Very thick, also not very sweet. I've been known to add in a little Stevia when my sweet tooth is acting up. I've also just gotten some Gold Standard pre-made shakes that appear pretty good, and at a great price...we'll see. I haven't found anything here like the soups you have over there, so my Wife is planning on making some chicken vegatable with the right protein/kcals when I really want something savory. FYI, none of the shakes that I've come across here have 200 kcals. They tend to hover around 110-140. No problem I just have an extra shake to take me just above or below 600...usually a little above because with my evening salad I doubt I'm getting much at all above 700kcals total.
I'm UK based and googled PLNT. My security system didn't like their website and blocked me, so I exited sharpish!! I then tried Amazon.co.uk. It didn't recognise PLNT but took me to ProteinWorks. They sound similar, being pea protein based. I tried them and found them gritty, thin and lacking in flavour. I gave them a 2* rating only. So it's back to Tesco Slim Shake made up with unsweetened almond milk and water.
Regarding soup, I make what I call Chickestrone soup, which includes carrots, swede, squash, sweet pepper, onion, cabbage, leek, green beans, tinned haricot beans (or similar), tinned tomato, stock, Italian seasoning and diced chicken instead of pasta. No thickening agent like corn starch or flour. I find it full of flavour.
I'm UK based and googled PLNT. My security system didn't like their website and blocked me, so I exited sharpish!! I then tried Amazon.co.uk. It didn't recognise PLNT but took me to ProteinWorks. They sound similar, being pea protein based. I tried them and found them gritty, thin and lacking in flavour. I gave them a 2* rating only. So it's back to Tesco Slim Shake made up with unsweetened almond milk and water.
Regarding soup, I make what I call Chickestrone soup, which includes carrots, swede, squash, sweet pepper, onion, cabbage, leek, green beans, tinned haricot beans (or similar), tinned tomato, stock, Italian seasoning and diced chicken instead of pasta. No thickening agent like corn starch or flour. I find it full of flavour.
chickastrone! I love the name
@mhtyler and how are you finding the weight loss?
Weight loss is exactly what Prof. Taylor expects. I'm down 12 pounds in 15 days. Sugar this AM was 5.8mmol/L so that's okay. One slight...I think very slight difference that I do; Prof Taylor says to go ahead and have tea, and I do, but I sweeten it with Stevia. I get no spike from it, and it fills gaps in the day. I've read more than a little on CPIR, Cephalic Phase Insulin Response, and I just don't think it's an issue. I can't measure insulin of course (who does?) but if it was spiking it, my weight loss would be impeded, don't you think? The concern I have is; will my pancreas spring back into action, or will I be one of those whose pancreas is permanently out to lunch? My initial numbers lead me to hope.
Does nobody rate SlimFast then? I like SlimFast but it sens my bg up. Dunno what to do for the best. 🙄
My sister went to school with the guy who owns THG (Moulding.)
His brother worked at Rolls Royce, but retired when the company was floated! (He had shares.)
My sister went to school with the guy who owns THG (Moulding.)
His brother worked at Rolls Royce, but retired when the company was floated! (He had shares.)
I'm at a loss to work out what this has to do with Exante etc?
Does nobody rate SlimFast then? I like SlimFast but it sens my bg up. Dunno what to do for the best. 🙄
I find it too expensive and horrifically high in carbs. I go for Tesco Slim Shake which I make with water and unsweetened almond milk in 2:1 ratio for 9.2gm carbs only. I leave in the fridge for 20 minutes to thicken up.
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