Every days a new day and another day that goes wrong

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Hi Gill,
As others have highlighted it appears to me your biggest challenge is the fear of going too low possibly due to your memory of your close friend and heightened by your own anxiety and compounded by other stresses that you have mentioned.
This seems to be leading you to take corrective action at a very high BG level ie 9 or 10 and hence that is your floor when in fact for many it is more of a ceiling.This fear seems to be impacting on your willingness to take enough insulin as your quantities do seem modest and with your current levels of hyperglycaemia you need to as Helli says try and reduce this gradually.
Why not set a low alarm which will alert you to the need to take action but at a much lower level so that your natural spike will not take you so high as you currently go.
Once you do that gradually you should gain more confidence and relying on your alarm should mean even if you get distracted by other events you can then take appropriate action.
First and foremost you need to look after yourself as unless you are healthy and well you are unlikely to be in the best position to look after others so please do take care.
Yes i know all that. And i am trying to do it gradually but like i said im having too many changes happen and mistakes happen like tonight, actualky had success for lunch, sat out the down arrows and won, however dinner time arrived in target and on targets just about , gave my bolus and some oozed back out as i withdrew the needle. So what i achieved this afternoon gas gone out of the window. This damn mistake keeps happening because i have to pinch up as im skinny. A mistaje for most can handle. I dont have room for this type of mistake and I keeps happening. Its not all about my fear.
My husband keeps telling me to be positive. The only thing i can be positive about is that the same mistakes keep happening.
Silly question @gillrogers but how hard/wide are you pinching up? There’s a bit of a knack to it, I think.
Yup there’s definitely a knack. Not squeezing to hard is one. Probably about an inch wide, and holding it up slightly.
Yup there’s definitely a knack. Not squeezing to hard is one. Probably about an inch wide, and holding it up slightly.

I’ve just measured my pinch up! Mine’s more like an inch and a half. I think that allows for more ‘softness’ in the flesh. When I pinch, I gently squeeze the two sides together until they can go no more, so my bit of flesh is high enough. As you’re having problems, it might be worth some careful experimentation with it. Also, when I use my pen, I always sit to inject as this makes the flesh softer and less tense.
Thanks for that tip @Inka , I do mine sat down to.. I think i can get a bit more. Just realised that in the hard spots i cant pinch up as much. Just trying not to squeeze as hard to do the pinch itself.
@Inka , last nights mistake gave me hell. Libre said i went to 18 though stick test was 15.9 by 11.3o i was 15 , now as a correction unit can double for me and i still had 2 hours worh of active insulin on board i only gave me a unit correction. Woke at 3 on 12 so had another unit. Got it down to 9.6 by 5.30 and now its level. Honestly everytime I have something go right it goes wrong after. This gets me down much too.
Wow think ive finally got through to my diabetic team that i need better support. Think it was that i litterally spelled it out that i get treated like a typical type one (apologies if ive used the wrong word) of my age whos had years and years of experience so should be able to deal with the problems i face relatively easily, as opposed to a newby just out of honeymoon period who hasnt a clue.

So theyre getting a multi disciplinary team together to work out a plan to support me better.
Wow think ive finally got through to my diabetic team that i need better support. Think it was that i litterally spelled it out that i get treated like a typical type one (apologies if ive used the wrong word) of my age whos had years and years of experience so should be able to deal with the problems i face relatively easily, as opposed to a newby just out of honeymoon period who hasnt a clue.

So theyre getting a multi disciplinary team together to work out a plan to support me better.
Hope the support lives up to your expectations!
unbelievably me! So a successful night at last! Starting at 8.8 this morning. What happens? I inject for breakfast and damn well loose some! Thought I had a good spot as needle went in ok. Injected was a bit hard, eased back on the squeeze up and still lost some ☹️.
Sorry to hear how hard life with diabetes is for you atm @gillrogers. It’s difficult reading because it’s exactly how I felt when first dx.

The best advice I received was on this forum (of course!) - I can’t remember who posted this, but he said: “treat your diabetes objectively” ie as if it wasn’t part of you. It’s hard, I know, but viewing my (often inexplicable and extremely frustrating) diabetes from a distance has helped me enormously.

As for the insulin leak you mention, it happens. When I fill my bottle of water before work, I always spill a bit, it happens. ((((Hugs))))
@Bloden , thank you. Oh I know it does, just seems to happen too much for me. Had a good chat with my gp yesterday. She’s determined to get me a psychologist and get the Dbn team to support me better. She also said I’m not in as much trouble with it as I think I am with regards to my high numbers as I’m a Lada patient diagnosed much later on in life than if I was diagnosed as a child or early adult. She said most of her diabetes patients have much higher numbers than me. That provided me with a much needed boost.
Hi Gill,
Great that you have had a couple of positive events and we all need these to help us to get through the bad moments.
We can just focus too much on our own efforts and not always appreciate a wider perspective May reveal you are actually doing much better than you think
unbelievably me! So a successful night at last! Starting at 8.8 this morning. What happens? I inject for breakfast and damn well loose some! Thought I had a good spot as needle went in ok. Injected was a bit hard, eased back on the squeeze up and still lost some ☹️.

Can you get someone to watch your injection technique @gillrogers ? I tried to describe mine but I probably didn’t do it very well. I know we say “pinch up” but it’s not squeezing so much as lifting the flesh away from the muscles underneath. That is, the flesh in your ‘pinch’ should be soft not hard. Your thumb and fingers hold the flesh up but they don’t compress it, if that makes sense?
Can you get someone to watch your injection technique @gillrogers ? I tried to describe mine but I probably didn’t do it very well. I know we say “pinch up” but it’s not squeezing so much as lifting the flesh away from the muscles underneath. That is, the flesh in your ‘pinch’ should be soft not hard. Your thumb and fingers hold the flesh up but they don’t compress it, if that makes sense?
Yes i though thats the idea and yes i am doing it too hard im sure as i find i difficult to get anything to pinch up. How wide do you go at the start of the pinch? Was that what you meant for the inch?
Yes i though thats the idea and yes i am doing it too hard im sure as i find i difficult to get anything to pinch up. How wide do you go at the start of the pinch? Was that what you meant for the inch?

I sit down so the flesh on my thigh is relaxed, then I look to choose an area to inject. I then use my thumb one side and my middle finger (or sometimes my index finger or middle and ring finger together, depending on where I’m doing it) to push/hold the flesh up. When I put my thumb and finger down ready to ‘pinch’ they could be 2 inches or more apart. I then slowly bring them together until I have lifted the flesh up and away from my muscle. There’s no squeezing - just enough pressure to bring up the flesh and hold it there while I inject.
I sit down so the flesh on my thigh is relaxed, then I look to choose an area to inject. I then use my thumb one side and my middle finger (or sometimes my index finger or middle and ring finger together, depending on where I’m doing it) to push/hold the flesh up. When I put my thumb and finger down ready to ‘pinch’ they could be 2 inches or more apart. I then slowly bring them together until I have lifted the flesh up and away from my muscle. There’s no squeezing - just enough pressure to bring up the flesh and hold it there while I inject.
Right gotcha! Just had a practice. Doing that way seems to be pinching up more effectively. Think my squeeze ing was trying not to let go of the pinch if tgat makes sense. I seem to have the problem.more on my left leg as im left handed so my right hand is doing the pinch up.
I’m ambidextrous but you could practise using your left hand if you think that will help. Practise without injecting 🙂
I was told to count to 10 while holding down plunger before withdrawing needle to make sure full dose went in, so far no I've not had any loss
I was told to count to 10 while holding down plunger before withdrawing needle to make sure full dose went in, so far no I've not had any loss
Yes i do that but its oozing out of the injection site after with drawing the needle. You can see it ooze back out. Its me squeezing to hard. Gotta sharpen my technique lol
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