energy drinks

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There are loads of diet fizzy stuff around if this is what you want. Diet Orangina, diet lemonade, diet ginger beer !!!, supermarkets do their own brands and flavours of diet fizz.

There is also the diet squashes (yuk but you might like them) Toothkind Ribena etc.

Re lucozade. As an idea of how quick it works I can't use it on Jessica as it works too quickly. Jessica has 2% of her pancreas left and the reason it was removed was because it produced a constant flow of insulin and the medication didn't work. However her 2% hasn't totally burned out yet (which is not good, as it is still bad!) and it produces insulin when it feels like it but mainly when treating a hypo. We found that if we gave lucozade it shoots up the levels very quickly and out comes the insulin from the bad pancreas. However with coke, even though it is great for hypos and does shoot levels up it is not as fast as lucozade and sometimes the insulin doesn't come out.

thank you adreinne i had forgot all about orangina, wow that is fast worker
eek i cant do spirits straight up.

diet coke and zero are sooo different, you should taste one after the other :D coke zero tastes exactly like diet pepsi i think.

But I bet you do😉 What about tequila?? Remember vaguelly mind a party me and some mates had, it was the bottle of tequila and bottle of lime pour in someones mouth and shake their head around, got threw (insomepeoplescasesapproriatewordusedthere) that bottle quite quickly!!

Not a pepsi fan here no way, actually become a dr p fan of late, and fanta, good old nazi's!! (only joking although not funny either I know, please don't castrate me)
adrienne, will the 2% stop working completely at some point?

We hope so but this is the how long is a piece of string !!
I've just discovered diet Dandilion and Burdock and Ginger beer from Sainsbury's.
Please don't tell me any bad stuff about it.

Was told by the doctor at the hospital that lucozade was dangerous as it contained so much sugar.
But I bet you do😉 What about tequila?? Remember vaguelly mind a party me and some mates had, it was the bottle of tequila and bottle of lime pour in someones mouth and shake their head around, got threw (insomepeoplescasesapproriatewordusedthere) that bottle quite quickly!!

Not a pepsi fan here no way, actually become a dr p fan of late, and fanta, good old nazi's!! (only joking although not funny either I know, please don't castrate me)

hahah. I wont go anywhere near tequila! I smelt it once and refused to put my lips near it, it smells horrible so I can imagine how bad it tastes! I'll do other shots though, like sambuca or sours.

We hope so but this is the how long is a piece of string !!

oh great, let's hope it happens soon then :D
Was told by the doctor at the hospital that lucozade was dangerous as it contained so much sugar.

I hope the doctor was only talking about when not hypo. When hypo it is the perfect drink !!!
I've just discovered diet Dandilion and Burdock and Ginger beer from Sainsbury's.
Please don't tell me any bad stuff about it.

Was told by the doctor at the hospital that lucozade was dangerous as it contained so much sugar.

yea my locam morrisons do the dandilion and burdock not to my taste
One sip on normal coke and i know straight away. The sugar pratically sticks to your teeth and lines your tounge with a sugar carpet lol. :D I am sure everyone in the world knows i'm diabetic and serves the wrong drink to me just so i get that fuzz taste. Happens all the time lol. I've also had a few nasty comments over the years when i ask for a diet coke, such as ha your eating a hamburger so why the diet drink? Are you trying to loose weight, why not have a salad instead of such and such. I quickly say it's none of you bussiness but i'm bloody DIABETIC!!! The cheek of some folk. 😛
I only ever use lucozade or high sugar drinks for a hupo. The very light blue cartons of ribena are really nice and they still taste syrupy like the original ones! oooooo I miss so much being db
god theres so many drinks i have not considered i am so lazy once i get into a routine i will just stick e.g the water i must go down the drinks aisle and look more carefully 🙄

Next time you are in Morrisons or Tesco look out for some drinks called The feel good drinks company, they are all natural, there is a range of flavours but mine is the orange and passionfruit Mmmmmmm.


Next time you are in Morrisons or Tesco look out for some drinks called The feel good drinks company, they are all natural, there is a range of flavours but mine is the orange and passionfruit Mmmmmmm.


Now they are nice drinks natural or not but from my memory (not the greatest) they're not cheap at half the price!
cheers john thats brill im in morrisons tomo x
hi got the apple and blueberry and the orange and mango , expensive but very worth it
,cheers john
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