energy drinks

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Something that has been on my mind for about 3 weeks now as i used to love my lucozade energy but since feb i aint had any NRG drinks , Is it bad for me to start drinking these again unless i have a hypo? o/h tells me to avoid these drinks full stop is he right
ohhhh i dont know, I have a bottle of Lucozade in fridge with POISON written on it so nobody drinks it incase i need it..
I would imagine that it would raise BGL's too fast TBH as they use it for gloucose intollerence tests, but its only a guess!

Sure someone will know.

Julie x
lucozade has a lot of carbs in it, which are absorbed very quickly so it will likely cause you to spike high quite quickly. My rule is generally, if it's a hypo treatment it's probably something I'll avoid at other times.
Maybe worth checking to see if you can find any sugar free versions, although I'd imagine the sugar forms most of the energy aspect so they may not do them!
I tend to avoid energy drinks as they have lots of sugar and sometimes caffein too. At the moment I am drinking coke zero which is not too bad. I was told lucozade is OK to treat a hypo otherwise leave it alone.
Hi Steff,

afraid I can only echo what everyone else has said. I too love lucazade but was told only for a hypo and then only a small amount or it will sky rocket my readings.

Sorry it's not good news x
thanks people im not surprised with replies , other reason i was asking is im sick of water and diet coke.
thanksy people im not surprised with replies , other reason i was asking is im sick of water and diet coke.

Have you tried mineral water? Or perhaps water with a squeez od lemon in it?
yeah dont like mineral water, maybe water with lemon i could try i guess if i drink much more water i can see my self floating up the tyne with the ducks
cold water with either lime or lemon and ice is really nice refreshing...
thanks people im not surprised with replies , other reason i was asking is im sick of water and diet coke.

Do you not like all the other "diet" drinks out there?? Fanta Zero, Dr Pepper Zero, Sprite Zero, supermarket own brands - there's loads of sugar free drinks out there! Mind you, if you're asking about restaurants and pubs then yes, you're pretty much limited to diet coke and slimline tonic water.. Mcdonalds do Sprite Zero now though (not that I'm calling that a "restaurant" of course 🙄)
Now you mention it here's a Q for you all.

Whats the difference between coke zero and diet coke??
Do you not like all the other "diet" drinks out there?? Fanta Zero, Dr Pepper Zero, Sprite Zero, supermarket own brands - there's loads of sugar free drinks out there! Mind you, if you're asking about restaurants and pubs then yes, you're pretty much limited to diet coke and slimline tonic water.. Mcdonalds do Sprite Zero now though (not that I'm calling that a "restaurant" of course 🙄)

not really no i might stomach the odd litre bottle of fanta zero but after being used to the ones full of sugar for so long i just cut all fizz out really , of course accept for the diet coke.
not really no i might stomach the odd litre bottle of fanta zero but after being used to the ones full of sugar for so long i just cut all fizz out really , of course accept for the diet coke.

In that case, how about Robinsons squash (there's loads of sugar free flavours), or Oasis Extra Light (couple of flavours)??
There's tons of choice for sugar free drinks now - I remember being a kid and the only sugar free "option" being slimline tonic water!! Yeah, there wasn't even diet coke then!
ohh right oasis i love that didnt know they was a light version thx for that i will endevoir to sniff that out this weekend x
Now you mention it here's a Q for you all.

Whats the difference between coke zero and diet coke??

Coke Zero is sweetened with a combination of aspartame and acesulfame potassium (Ace-K). Coke Zero is the same basic formula as classic Coke while Diet Coke is a different formula completely. Diet Coke is sweetened with aspartame only. There are unsubstantiated theories (at least by Coca Cola) that the unsuccessful release of Coke Two or new Coke was actually the formula for Diet Coke, just sweetened with the classic sugar combination.

Also, Coke Zero has 0.5 kilocalories per 100ml while Diet Coke, oddly enough, still contains one calorie.

One other rational for the Coca Cola release of Coke Zero is that men are reluctant to buy diet coke because of the association with dieting and women. Much of the marketing of Coke Zero in the US is directed toward men and activities often associated with masculinity.

On a side note, in many european countries and pan american/south american countries, Diet Coke is released as Coca Cola Light.

and i did not make it up i copied it lolol
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Cheers Katie, someone said to me they were the same but coke zero was for blokes as studies showed they don't drink diet coke?:confused:

Steff oasis does come lite or liteish, but can't be as cheap as tap water and a lemon!!
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