Eating out

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All your choices there are pretty high carb except the diet Coke.
You could have something like chicken wings for starter and then if you want burger have without the bun and have a few chips or have the bun but no chips but steak or hunters chicken, with coleslaw or extra veg or salad instead of chips then you may get away with the potato skins for starter.
thanks so much for that. Did not know I could have Profiteroles. Thats great. Do not loike fish or Tea Or Coffie or Pate or Strawberries or Creme Brule but chicken can eat it all day.
Thanks so much. Good advice there. i do not drink alcohol so do not have to think about that. Cheers.
Thanks so much. Good advice there. i do not drink alcohol so do not have to think about that. Cheers.
Thanks Hate Omlette and bean sprouts but mushrooms chicken lovely. Do nit like sorbet.

no problem there. I do not drink and also do not like tea or coffiee.
Ow thanks so much for that. Hate Prawn cocktail and garlic and Pate and soup. Steak sounds great. Did not know I could eat that.
What's wrong with a prawn cocktail or garlic mushrooms or pate for starter or soup. I don't understand why you had bread which is high carb when there are so many lower carb options. Main course could be steak with salad and mushrooms and coleslaw, just ask them for no chips or just a very tiny portion. I usually have cheese for dessert, but if they have a chocolate eclair or profiteroles, a small portion of those should be fine for a special occasion.
By the way have you tried Matzos or Halva. Halva is lovely and sweet and just made out of plant, So lovely
All your choices there are pretty high carb except the diet Coke.
You could have something like chicken wings for starter and then if you want burger have without the bun and have a few chips or have the bun but no chips but steak or hunters chicken, with coleslaw or extra veg or salad instead of chips then you may get away with the potato skins for starter.
ow thanks for that
Ok, well, it looks like you are quite a carb junkie and unfortunately that needs to change if you want to manage your diabetes well and your cholesterol is probably a bit high because you don't eat fruit and veg, as they provide a lot of the healthy fibre in your diet. I can see why you are finding it challenging. I was a sugar addict, chocoholic and comfort eater pre-diagnosis, but thankfully I also enjoy vegetables and fruit although the latter has had to be significantly reduced. I went pretty much cold turkey cutting all sugar and sweet stuff in the first couple of weeks and then whittled the starchy carbs and fruit down after that. Thankfully once I cut right back on the carbs, my craving for them gradually stopped and my tastes changed and I don't crave sweet stuff any more.
Your current diet is unfortunately very unhealthy and it to manage your diabetes, you need to start trying to make healthier choices and cutting down on carbohydrates.....
Halva is sweet because it is full of sugar or honey and not a good choice for a diabetic I am afraid. I am not familiar with Matzos. Being plant based does not make it a healthy choice!
You need to learn to read nutritional information so that you can learn to spot which are high carb foods and which are lower and select low carb options.

What is it about vegetables that you don't like? Are there any that you do enjoy?

How much diet coke or other diet drinks do you generally drink a day? They will unfortunately just be encouraging your sweet tooth. I started weaning myself down from them by adding a bit of water, so just 3/4 of a glass of diet coke and top it up with water and then after a few weeks I was down to half a glass and half water and now mostly just a quarter of a glass or less and the rest water. I am so much fitter and healthier since I changed my diet, I really do not want to go back to the way I was. I have Type 1 diabetes so I have to inject insulin at least 5 times a day. I could eat more carbs like cake and inject more insulin but it would be a slippery slope back to my old ways and I cannot afford to do that and I don't want to because it was killing me.
Ok, well, it looks like you are quite a carb junkie and unfortunately that needs to change if you want to manage your diabetes well and your cholesterol is probably a bit high because you don't eat fruit and veg, as they provide a lot of the healthy fibre in your diet. I can see why you are finding it challenging. I was a sugar addict, chocoholic and comfort eater pre-diagnosis, but thankfully I also enjoy vegetables and fruit although the latter has had to be significantly reduced. I went pretty much cold turkey cutting all sugar and sweet stuff in the first couple of weeks and then whittled the starchy carbs and fruit down after that. Thankfully once I cut right back on the carbs, my craving for them gradually stopped and my tastes changed and I don't crave sweet stuff any more.
Your current diet is unfortunately very unhealthy and it to manage your diabetes, you need to start trying to make healthier choices and cutting down on carbohydrates.....
Halva is sweet because it is full of sugar or honey and not a good choice for a diabetic I am afraid. I am not familiar with Matzos. Being plant based does not make it a healthy choice!
You need to learn to read nutritional information so that you can learn to spot which are high carb foods and which are lower and select low carb options.

What is it about vegetables that you don't like? Are there any that you do enjoy?

How much diet coke or other diet drinks do you generally drink a day? They will unfortunately just be encouraging your sweet tooth. I started weaning myself down from them by adding a bit of water, so just 3/4 of a glass of diet coke and top it up with water and then after a few weeks I was down to half a glass and half water and now mostly just a quarter of a glass or less and the rest water. I am so much fitter and healthier since I changed my diet, I really do not want to go back to the way I was. I have Type 1 diabetes so I have to inject insulin at least 5 times a day. I could eat more carbs like cake and inject more insulin but it would be a slippery slope back to my old ways and I cannot afford to do that and I don't want to because it was killing me.
dont mind some veg. love sweetcorn and tomartoes and sweed and carrots and broccoli. in the steamer it tastes quite nice. love mushroms as well. drink bottles of diet coke but not every day just weekends and film nights on wednesdays. also drink lots of suger free ribena.
dont mind some veg. love sweetcorn and tomartoes and sweed and carrots and broccoli. in the steamer it tastes quite nice. love mushroms as well. drink bottles of diet coke but not every day just weekends and film nights on wednesdays. also drink lots of suger free ribena.
i did read the label on the halva packet and it said it only had i think .something of suger. also all the labels were green and i read it is ok to eat if it has green or orange labels but not red.
i did read the label on the halva packet and it said it only had i think .something of suger. also all the labels were green and i read it is ok to eat if it has green or orange labels but not red.
Unfortunately the 'traffic light ' labels don't tell the whole story as it gives sugar rather than carbohydrate which is the important thing.
Something can be green as it is low sugar but still very high in carbohydrate. My example is puffed wheat cereal which is green because it only has o.6g sugar per 100g but a whopping 69g per 100g carbohydrate so very high.
You need to look on the back of the packet, tin, etc for the carbohydrate amount in the nutritional information.
Choux pastry - even though oh yes it does have flour in it and oh yes flour most certainly has carbs, because of what it's usually turned into, the main things on sale everywhere that is made with it are profiteroles and chocolate eclairs, both of which are hollow - so the actual choux pastry itself is mega thin and merely used as a container for masses of whipped double cream and really, there's no need to sweeten the cream because it's the chocolate on top that is the only thing which adds the sweetness. There is a tiddly bit of carb in cream BUT when you whip it like you do to fill said bits of choux, the bulk of what you get by whipping it, is simply AIR.

There are no calories, let alone carbohydrate, in air!

Meringue is very similar - whipped egg white and OK yes for desserts you do need some sugar, but not half a ton. I adore Eton Mess, crunchy bits of broken hard meringue, whipped cream and a few lovely ripe raspberries, gently amalgamated (what the recipe books call 'folded together') and served in a nice glass dish - or even deconstructed so the 3 elements in separate little piles served on a small plate - you can very soon amalgamate the 3 yourself as desired, if you want to, before conveying it into your mouth.

Incidentally a man I worked with years ago was introduced to tasting plain fresh ripe strawberries sprinkled lightly with ground black pepper whilst on holiday in France on an exchange visit with his branch of Round Table to the equivalent organisation in the town they were each twinned with, and loved the different taste experience, can't say that I did when I tried it one day - but, each to their own! You just never know if you don't try things!
Hi. No have not been prescribed Statins but was told I have to go back in two months two see if my levels have gone down. if not then they will prescribe them. My levels are 5.7. My normal choice would be. Diet coke. Potato skins or cheesey chips, Mains would be burger and twice fried chips or steak or lots of differant meats. Pudding is usually choclate fudge cake maybe two slices. or choclate gatto cake. In fact I still have diet coke. or anything with choclate. Choclate sunday as well. cheers.And obviously no fruit or veg at all. Did not do anything green.

Green veggies are your friend @david fox They’re not only healthy, they have fibre in and will fill your up. So, if you reduce your carbs, adding some extra veg and/or salad is a great thing to do.

The trouble with chips is that a restaurant portion is usually quite large and contains loads of carbs which will push your blood sugar up. Chocolate is delicious but chocolate fudge cake is very high in sugar and carbs. If you could just have a scoop of chocolate ice cream for a treat occasionally, you’d make a big carb saving.

Think of all these carb savings as ‘better health in the bank’. Eating less carbs will help your blood glucose a lot.
All your choices there are pretty high carb except the diet Coke.
You could have something like chicken wings for starter and then if you want burger have without the bun and have a few chips or have the bun but no chips but steak or hunters chicken, with coleslaw or extra veg or salad instead of chips then you may get away with the potato skins for starter.
On another note. Just lost 1 stone after 1 month. I have started power walking round my local park. I can do 3 circits and then power walk home without stopping. Have been doing it every day. I do have a physicall job as well. I never sit down always on my feet doing industreall cleaning. I would like to loose another stone.
Choux pastry - even though oh yes it does have flour in it and oh yes flour most certainly has carbs, because of what it's usually turned into, the main things on sale everywhere that is made with it are profiteroles and chocolate eclairs, both of which are hollow - so the actual choux pastry itself is mega thin and merely used as a container for masses of whipped double cream and really, there's no need to sweeten the cream because it's the chocolate on top that is the only thing which adds the sweetness. There is a tiddly bit of carb in cream BUT when you whip it like you do to fill said bits of choux, the bulk of what you get by whipping it, is simply AIR.

There are no calories, let alone carbohydrate, in air!

Meringue is very similar - whipped egg white and OK yes for desserts you do need some sugar, but not half a ton. I adore Eton Mess, crunchy bits of broken hard meringue, whipped cream and a few lovely ripe raspberries, gently amalgamated (what the recipe books call 'folded together') and served in a nice glass dish - or even deconstructed so the 3 elements in separate little piles served on a small plate - you can very soon amalgamate the 3 yourself as desired, if you want to, before conveying it into your mouth.

Incidentally a man I worked with years ago was introduced to tasting plain fresh ripe strawberries sprinkled lightly with ground black pepper whilst on holiday in France on an exchange visit with his branch of Round Table to the equivalent organisation in the town they were each twinned with, and loved the different taste experience, can't say that I did when I tried it one day - but, each to their own! You just never know if you don't try things!
thank you. a good tip there.
Once went to the Golden Wedding 'do' that friends parents/in laws were having since the 4 of us had already planned to stay at their house that weekend - held at an hotel in Coventry where the buffet table was constantly being replenished - anyway - lovely long fresh cream choc eclairs with really dark and not mega sweet chocolate. Not everyone liked em because they weren't normal milk choc and not as sweet as expected (presumably) so I had two!
I must admit that as prediabetic I tend to have something I will really enjoy when we eat out, I don’t have a sweet tooth ( lucky me, I guess) so rarely have dessert and not bothered about potatoes so happy to leave most of them on the plate. I just go careful the rest of the day and if we have a 2 course meal for lunch I find I don’t want much in the evening anyway. If its not enjoyable its a waste of money and for me at least any ’diet regime’ has to be liveable or I wouldn’t stick at it.

Just read more of the thread ( didn’t realise it was 2 pages) so didn’t realise how much carbs were a thing for you -very difficult I imagine. But you clearly want to make a change or you wouldn’t be here, so good luck with that.
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Once went to the Golden Wedding 'do' that friends parents/in laws were having since the 4 of us had already planned to stay at their house that weekend - held at an hotel in Coventry where the buffet table was constantly being replenished - anyway - lovely long fresh cream choc eclairs with really dark and not mega sweet chocolate. Not everyone liked em because they weren't normal milk choc and not as sweet as expected (presumably) so I had two!
wow, good will power. I would have had the whole lot. Thats my trouble. If there is any choc at home it is all gone. now do not keep or buy any choc or anything sweet at all.Buy the way have you tried frozen grapes. Amazing tastes just like ice lollies.
wow, good will power. I would have had the whole lot. Thats my trouble. If there is any choc at home it is all gone. now do not keep or buy any choc or anything sweet at all.Buy the way have you tried frozen grapes. Amazing tastes just like ice lollies.
I'm afraid freezing doesn't make the carbs disappear :(
I am reminded here of what my husband's first father in law apparently said to him when he and his first wife were courting in their youngish teens and he ate there - Son, in this house we eat bread and butter with a meal - not for it!
I'm afraid freezing doesn't make the carbs disappear :(
I read on the N HS info I was givern that I could eat as much fruit and veg as I wanted. No you are saying be carefull because of the carbs. For Gods sake. I have had enough of this forum. No idea what I am supposed to do. Good Bye.
I understand your frustration at conflicting advice, but grapes are quite high in carbs. If you are eating low carb, then grapes, bananas and similar may been to be restricted, but there are a lot of delicious fruit, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries that are low in carbs.
People are trying to be helpful in making suggestions about better food choices as sadly the NHS advice seems to overlook that carbs or rather too many carbs are the problem and suggesting that 'you can eat all the fruit you want' is leading to many having large portions of high carb fruits rather than choosing some of the lower carb ones like berries.
Most vegetables are good choices but again there are high carb ones which should be had with caution.
That is one of the advantages of home blood glucose testing in that you can determine what foods YOU can eat as well as those it is wise to avoid.
Please don't be too hasty in dismissing the forum.
I read on the N HS info I was givern that I could eat as much fruit and veg as I wanted. No you are saying be carefull because of the carbs. For Gods sake. I have had enough of this forum. No idea what I am supposed to do. Good Bye.

As you are only pre-diabetic, then fruit is probably OK, but don't go mad (i.e. control portions). I'd concentrate on avoiding refined carbs (white rice, white bread, etc.) and maybe reducing portion sizes of carb heavy ingredients and increasing protein. This may be enough to get levels back to normal.

Here's a NHS website with some good advice:

My hba1c was quite high (83) and well into diabetic range, but I still eat Apples and a lot of berries and will occasionally make pancakes out of banana and peanut butter.
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