drops in thier eyes

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I wonder if your optometrist is either lacking in confidence in his/her ability to take good pictures without drops, or just being lazy? As we often find, there are good and not-so-good GPs, nurses, dentists etc., so probably optometrists too, unfortunately. When I had mine done (only had it done once) the chap did take a good look first to see if he could take them without drops, but decided he needed them - at least he considered it!

He seems to be a very good Optometrist. He spends ages looking at your eyes and makes sure he get's all the usual tests done thoroughly.

How do they check to see if they can take the photo without drops?
He seems to be a very good Optometrist. He spends ages looking at your eyes and makes sure he get's all the usual tests done thoroughly.

How do they check to see if they can take the photo without drops?

With me, he shone a light in my eyes to see how much my pupils dilated. He decided they didn't dilate enough, so put in the drops which make them dilate more - hence why everything is so bright for a couple of hours afterwards :(
With me, he shone a light in my eyes to see how much my pupils dilated. He decided they didn't dilate enough, so put in the drops which make them dilate more - hence why everything is so bright for a couple of hours afterwards :(

ah yes, he always does that and i get to see the blood vessels in my eyes, nice!

I guess mine never dilate enough then - damn! :(
I been awake since 3 worrying , i know i will get there and be fine ah well off i go catch you all later x
hi guys ,

well been and had eyes done i was in and out within 10 minutes :eek:, he said i didnt need drops as i was young , just took the photos and that was it will get results in 2-4 weeks , all that worry grr!
yes, thats good stef. just hope mine is ok on thursday :(
ty guys

good luck thursday tracey
had my eye test today and went fine.

had drops but wernt too bad, the optician lady was lovely (maybe thats because she said i didnt look my age though ;):D)

she said the pictures looked fine and showed them to me, stange seeing the workings of your eyes so big on a screen.

Only downside, got one hellova headache as sooo bright, even tough took my sunnies with me. was good excuse to snooze the afternoon away in bed though.:D
hey tracey glad it went ok , the fella did'nt show me nothing when i had mine done mind you i aint that fussed im screamish anyways .Sorry to here you have a headache i had one myself actually took two painkillers and had an early night i did
good news, my results showed no signs of diabetic retinopathy!!:)
well done hun thats great news
god you had yours after me and im still waiting on me gr x
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keep us posted, im sure you will be fine ;)
well i had a smear 4 wednesdays ago im still awaiting results on that so im used to the waiting :) mind you a mate told me they only let you know on that if something is wrong.
well i had a smear 4 wednesdays ago im still awaiting results on that so im used to the waiting :) mind you a mate told me they only let you know on that if something is wrong.

Maybe its different practice in some areas? I was told should hear in two weeks but usually get results in one week. Was exactly one week, thats good i think. I think its bad if they only tell you if something is wrong, how long you meant to wait before knowing nothing is wrong??:(

my area comes under knowsley/warrington
yeah when i had my eyes done he did say 4 weeks actually so seems diffirent areas diffirent rules etc etc , goodness knows i know from my point of view i dont really enjoy waiting on such important tests results (smear)
good news, my results showed no signs of diabetic retinopathy!!
CHEERS northener i been waiting 4 weeks i was getting annoyed :)
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