drops in thier eyes

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
well im off for my retinal eye examination on Monday morning , only thing is i got no-one to take me , partner cant get off work and im somewhere i have no mates close, does anyone think it is really that big a deal to have some body there after you have had the drops in , or is that just if your a driver(which i aint)
Just if you drive really, although if it's sunny then take some sunglasses as it can be unconfortable with the bright light afterwards. they may not have to put the drops in, ask them if they can get a good picture without. Last time I didn't have to have drops because they could get a good enough picture without. was great because the whole appointment was less than 10 minutes. usually you have to wait about 30mins until the drops work.
oh right happy days i will ask that then , less time i spend in there the better .
oh right happy days i will ask that then , less time i spend in there the better .

Steff can i ask how long you have had to wait for an appointment? I have been asking my gp for referral for over 12 months now. apparently they sent the referral in dec 08, but they keep telling me it takes a while. :confused:

getting so peed off with it am sooo overdue new glasses and optician wont touch me without referral:mad:
Steff, I've had 3 retinal screenings now and was only accompagnied on the second as we thought it was more of a consultation than a more detailed test. First one I walked home from the doctors but found it a bit glary; second time my husband drove us home from the hospital in the evening and I found the red brake lights on cars and buses very vivid. Last time - bright sunny day and two different buses to get me home and about 90 minutes travelling time. Managed well but wish I'd had some sunglasses in addition to the automatic darkening on my normal glasses. Mind you - the last time I'd had several different tests and 3 or 4 lots of drops so more than the retinal screening
Steff can i ask how long you have had to wait for an appointment? I have been asking my gp for referral for over 12 months now. apparently they sent the referral in dec 08, but they keep telling me it takes a while. :confused:

getting so peed off with it am sooo overdue new glasses and optician wont touch me without referral:mad:

Where I live they have a mobile unit which visits various surgeries and hospitals around the city. They gave me an apointment at my local surgery, but it was 3 months off so I asked if there was anywhere else I could go, and got an appointment almost immediately at the local hospital - it was only an extra 10 minutes journey!
hi tracey sorry to here that ,

I actually only got diagnosed on 12th feb t2 , but by the 16th i had the letter for appt , thats terrible you have to wait so long , im having similar probs but im waiting on hearing from a dietician
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Just phoned dsn re annoyance at wait for eye test, not only did i get straight through to her, no answerphone! she was really helpful said i did not need to wait for the gp referral gave me the number to call, just ask for a reference number and thats that. (not got through to them yet as busy), also asked if they did pumps, yes! short discussion and we are going to talk all about it on my next appointment in 3 weeks, fingers crossed. :D:)
glad to hear you had successful contact with your DSN. Hopefully you can talk to your DSN and see if you are eliagable for a pump, do you think you fit the criteria?
glad to hear you had successful contact with your DSN. Hopefully you can talk to your DSN and see if you are eliagable for a pump, do you think you fit the criteria?

I hope so, i really need better control. although im trying im not often in normal range, i really spike up after certain meals even when increasing insulin, and often can drop around 5-8 ish in 30 mins. I have never had hba1c below 8 and dont expect it to be on my next visit either.

Success, i cannot believe it, just called, got a reference number, im off to book with optician. Cannot believe how easy after all the to and fro with gp, they never told me i only had to phone, doh!:eek:
It took 3 or 4 months for me to get my first retinal scan. Apparently it can't be done too soon after being diagnosed to give the pills a chance to bring sugars down

As for company when I go, I go by bus and always by myself. Take sunglasses and a floppy hat to protect your eyes afterwards. They should explain everything ghtere and you should have had some guide lines with your appointment letter.
cycling after retinal scan

I have cycled home after having drops in my eyes, but would push my bike if I couldn't see well enough to be safe to myself and other pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicle users. For cycling, not just to / from eye examinations, dark glasses are usually a good idea, to keep dust as well as bright sunlight out of eyes. However, these days, the hospital digital retinal examiner can always get a decent photo without using drops.
well my partner has managed to get 2 hrs off work so he going with me now ,, all good
well off for my retinal test thingy tomorrow i know it has proper name but hay i cant remember , wish me luck all ,im getting worried but i tend to when im going into sumit new , probs just being a baby and it will be nothing :D
How come my Optometrist never tries doing it without drops?! I hate them, it really stings and I dont like other people putting things in my eyes! grr.
well off for my retinal test thingy tomorrow i know it has proper name but hay i cant remember , wish me luck all ,im getting worried but i tend to when im going into sumit new , probs just being a baby and it will be nothing :D

It'll be fine steff - really nothing to worry about, but good luck anyway!:)
How come my Optometrist never tries doing it without drops?! I hate them, it really stings and I dont like other people putting things in my eyes! grr.

I wonder if your optometrist is either lacking in confidence in his/her ability to take good pictures without drops, or just being lazy? As we often find, there are good and not-so-good GPs, nurses, dentists etc., so probably optometrists too, unfortunately. When I had mine done (only had it done once) the chap did take a good look first to see if he could take them without drops, but decided he needed them - at least he considered it!
ty hun shall let you all know (if your interested) how i got on x
ty hun shall let you all know (if your interested) how i got on x

yes. good luck with it! I do know how you feel, ive got mine next thursday. am really aprehensive about it, even though been goiing on for ages about not having an appointment. :(
cheers Tracey , i got taxi on hold if im to bad when i leave there :D
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