Does anyone else get annoyed by people saying “diabetes in a can” or “diabetes in what ever”? Or is it just me?

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Autism is a vast spectrum don't even think they call it that these days . It just means everyone is unique.
You can’t be “a bit autistic” if you wouldn’t meet diagnostic criteria though. Either you would meet the criteria and are autistic (whether formally diagnosed or not) or you have some traits but are not autistic.

Autism isn’t “just recognising everyone is unique” it’s a disability that means you have significant challenges in a specific set of areas.
You can’t be “a bit autistic” if you wouldn’t meet diagnostic criteria though. Either you would meet the criteria and are autistic (whether formally diagnosed or not) or you have some traits but are not autistic.

Autism isn’t “just recognising everyone is unique” it’s a disability that means you have significant challenges in a specific set of areas.
My son is in a Hesley placement he is truly autistic . Hell never live in our world as we do. So I know what autism is. I think the play is on words here. a bit autistic as in I am a bit diabetic. i have a diagnosis of diabetes so i can fit in but i don't suffer like those on insulin pumps. Ive never been rushed to hospital with it but i am diabetic.
i get ill never be autistic as my son. My husband i would say he is a bit Aspergers at times but it means he displays the traits. Hell never be Autistic or Aspergers as he lives and leads a life not with s label.
Its the label diagnosis that and their needs. My son cannot not be autistic as that who he is . Some say a bit not meaning they have it
only meaning their actions resembles it.
Again its hard to articulate.
We are ALL unique with it or not.
My son is in a Hesley placement he is truly autistic . Hell never live in our world as we do. So I know what autism is. I think the play is on words here. a bit autistic as in I am a bit diabetic.
You’re not really making any sense, you can’t be “a bit diabetic” either you’re diabetic or not. Same with autism, either you’re autistic or you’re not autistic, or you have some traits but are unsure whether you’d meet the criteria (in which case you’re not a bit autistic you’re just unsure whether you’re autistic or not)
@Nayshiftin I use an insulin pump
I do not "suffer" I get on with my life
I have never been rushed to hospital due to my diabetes.
Because I treat my diabetes with insulin, I am more likely to experience a hypo.
Because I have Type 1, I cannot avoid insulin.
But no diabetes is the "good type of diabetes".
Type 1 is not worse than type 2. They are different.
@Nayshiftin I use an insulin pump
I do not "suffer" I get on with my life
I have never been rushed to hospital due to my diabetes.
Because I treat my diabetes with insulin, I am more likely to experience a hypo.
Because I have Type 1, I cannot avoid insulin.
But no diabetes is the "good type of diabetes".
Type 1 is not worse than type 2. They are different.
I am glad you do not suffer some do like my cousin her injections hurt her. She is nervous of hypos and is a type two. Unlike me she is not fat. So she is type 2 but bearer tyoe 1. I dont think she will ever loose her diabetes through weight loss as shes on insulin snd meds. and has been hospitalised.They tell her its nit her fault.
Where as I’ve just got the blame for being fat. Mine will go through diet. I had 59.9 carbs yesterday . B S is bsck up to 9.7.
I wish i had had luxuries yesterday but i did not so it must be in me.
Yes I say Im a bit meaning I have not got it seriously as some. One day i might not have it. I am a bit out going chatting on here but i am not an extrovert.
The difference i think is we all have blood sugar rises . My hubby can drink and have cakes , biscuits, crisps. and eat a loaf of bread sure his BS will be up a bit but they don‘t test him and his body copes. So that day he will be a bit diabetic Id say. No offence to us that are .
I obviously do not see it from your way. Lets agree to differ.
It hurt the other way when my son did not get included because it was so obvious that he was autistic they knew hed not fit in. Someone recently said to my coysins daughters group. “ Lets and back they’ll think were like them “.
Now i do take offence at that.
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The difference i think is we all have blood sugar rises . My hubby can drink and have cakes , biscuits, crisps. and eat a loaf of bread sure his BS will be up a bit but they don‘t test him and his body copes. So that day he will be a bit diabetic Id say.
He’s not “a bit diabetic” if he eats a loaf of bread and his bg goes up. If his body deals with the carbs and brings it down again, and his long term average bg is normal then he’s not diabetic. If he’s had an a1c in the diabetic range then he’s diabetic. Next you’ll be saying diabetics with normal a1cs are non diabetic just because their bgs are normal!!

Really think you need to go back to basics with your diabetes knowledge, try reading around the site there’s lots of information available explaining what diabetes is.
He’s not “a bit diabetic” if he eats a loaf of bread and his bg goes up. If his body deals with the carbs and brings it down again, and his long term average bg is normal then he’s not diabetic. If he’s had an a1c in the diabetic range then he’s diabetic. Next you’ll be saying diabetics with normal a1cs are non diabetic just because their bgs are normal!!

Really think you need to go back to basics with your diabetes knowledge, try reading around the site there’s lots of information available explaining what diabetes is.
you obviously don't get me at all .
Well, we are all different, with different ways of seeing the world, and thats not a bad thing. Its good jow this thread has raised awareness of a wide range of viewpoints
I am sure that we are all guilty of doing this at some time or another with different phrases we commonly use. Something as simple as saying "I would die for that...." Meaning you would love to have it, said in front of someone terminally ill could cause significant distress and upset. Obviously you would not intentionally do that, but you never know who overhears your comments and how they might be upsetting for others. The important thing to keep in mind is whether the remark is intended to cause upset or is just an ill judged remark from someone who has no real understanding of the situation. If the latter then you really need to learn to let it go over your head especially bearing in mind that you will almost certainly have made a similarly ignorant or insensitive comment at some point yourself at times in your life perhaps on some other issue, with no intention of causing upset. I always like to look at myself before I point my finger at others. None of us are perfect or get it right all the time or know the full facts.
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