Does anyone else get annoyed by people saying “diabetes in a can” or “diabetes in what ever”? Or is it just me?

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Sugar-free gum - ignore the carbs. A slice of lemon - ignore the carbs. You’re not aiming to eat zero carbs anyway. Why not focus on eating healthily, avoiding the obvious things like large hunks of cake, etc, and simply moderating the major carbs you eat like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, etc?
I am doing the Low carb diet programme for Diabetes Uk
I am not carb free at all.
There is carbs it seems in everything.
I am overweight but the main thing I am concentrating is getting my BS down.
If I can I am sticking to this until I get those under control. They have been coming down a point or so per day. Still not within range. I will get there.
I got fed up as I did not look into what really I was calling carb free before.
I also looked at things and could not do them like no breakfast etc etc on the "Freshwell diet". I might get there one day.
The last time I got bloods they moaned at me and she even commented on my shape etc. Possibly to make me diet .All it did was put me into not giving a x about myself hence HbA1c 108 even though I did not think I was that bad.
So yes I am mega strict at the moment. Still carbs Sat 48.5. Sun 55.3
Monday 62.9 today so far 21.9
So def not Keto and low carb is rising but I still I'm lowering BS and I am lowering the dial on the scales so a good start.
The carbs in sugar free gum are likly to be sugar alcohols, and, depending on the type, these are not used by the body...for example erythritol is quite high in carbs but has no effect on the blood sugar.
I am not low carb now, but never counted milk in coffee or tea...i have a cgm and never saw them making a difference to my blood sugars
You’re taking carb counting way too much to an extreme if you’re horrified that chewing gum has 0.6g carb each.
No its not too bad in one way if i limit but if you had a packet everyday and lots of other things it adds and adds. In slimming world all that's free. I am a bit anxious I guess. I;; relax when BS gets into a better zone.
The carbs in sugar free gum are likly to be sugar alcohols, and, depending on the type, these are not used by the body...for example erythritol is quite high in carbs but has no effect on the blood sugar.
I am not low carb now, but never counted milk in coffee or tea...i have a cgm and never saw them making a difference to my blood sugars
Thanks for that.
I see multiple videos of people on any social media platform when they have a lot of sugar or anything that revolves around junk food or sugar and they turn around and say “it’s diabetes in a can”, “diabetes in a bottle”.
It really annoys me especially being diabetic. I try to ignore it but it just bugs me.
Just one of the many reasons why this forum is the nearest thing to social media that I do.

One of the other reasons is that often, if I say anything to my wife or either of our two sons, I have to repeat myself because they're so engrossed in their phones that they didn't hear me. Drives me crazy. I'd be better off texting them.
I am doing the Low carb diet programme for Diabetes Uk
I am not carb free at all.
There is carbs it seems in everything.
I am overweight but the main thing I am concentrating is getting my BS down.
If I can I am sticking to this until I get those under control. They have been coming down a point or so per day. Still not within range. I will get there.
I got fed up as I did not look into what really I was calling carb free before.
I also looked at things and could not do them like no breakfast etc etc on the "Freshwell diet". I might get there one day.
The last time I got bloods they moaned at me and she even commented on my shape etc. Possibly to make me diet .All it did was put me into not giving a x about myself hence HbA1c 108 even though I did not think I was that bad.
So yes I am mega strict at the moment. Still carbs Sat 48.5. Sun 55.3
Monday 62.9 today so far 21.9
So def not Keto and low carb is rising but I still I'm lowering BS and I am lowering the dial on the scales so a good start.
The Freshwell meal planner has Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner but does comment there is no need to eat meals like breakfast if you don't want to.
i bought the booklet there is days when you fast at breakfast on the Freshwell diet
i bought the booklet there is days when you fast at breakfast on the Freshwell diet
Is that a Sunday when people often have brunch.
I don't think you need to take everything absolutely to the letter. Use as guidance rather than dictat, otherwise people would be eating things they hated.
@Sally71 that’s awful what people say about your daughters OCD, it’s just ignorance

I feel like no matter what way you look at it, mental health is often overlooked until it gets bad.

It does make it more of a relief when you find those who do understand
Is that a Sunday when people often have brunch.
I don't think you need to take everything absolutely to the letter. Use as guidance rather than dictat, otherwise people would be eating things they hated.
Yes, I take things very literally but I tried some of it but I guess once I have got the idea from the programme that I am doing I'll look on it easier. At the moment its been honeymoon on this but there will be times when the food is there and I just want it. At the moment the new recipes are fun the fact my BS were 8.7 and not >17 i8s really good.
I have to do something that works for me.
It is at least 8 months since I looked at it but I know at the time the menus one did not appeal and two long term I know I could not cope on it. This way I get a lot more but then you pay for it. Freshwell was a cheap booklet once printed off.
It is actually the surgery my mother in law attended before she moved from Weathersfield.
No its not too bad in one way if i limit but if you had a packet everyday and lots of other things it adds and adds. In slimming world all that's free. I am a bit anxious I guess. I;; relax when BS gets into a better zone.
A packet a day is what 10 gums so 6g carb? Still insignificant.
A packet a day is what 10 gums so 6g carb? Still insignificant.
tbh I thought they were carb free until its says 100g =94.8g but yea when you see the portions its fine
Just one of the many reasons why this forum is the nearest thing to social media that I do.

One of the other reasons is that often, if I say anything to my wife or either of our two sons, I have to repeat myself because they're so engrossed in their phones that they didn't hear me. Drives me crazy. I'd be better off texting them.
It's not just phones, if I say anything to my OH I have to repeat myself because he's so engrossed in his book he doesn't hear me!
Thank you, I’m glad the OCD got sorted as that was by far the worst. Everything else we can cope with I think. I’m trying to learn not to react to people. You can’t blame people for not understanding, I do have a bit of difficulty though with people who have never been to a single doctor or camhs appointment with my daughter, thinking they know better than we do how to deal with it all. But I’m slowly learning how to ignore them. Maybe they are just trying to help.

edit: apparently my daughter has had people saying to her ”why did you get NHS help just for that?” when she says that she had really bad OCD. I don’t suppose she goes round telling everyone this, but it sounds like it has cropped up more than once. How are you supposed to answer that?! “Because it’s the sh1ttiest, most awful mental illness that destroys everything and nearly killed her?” Like someone here said, people aren’t interested in explanations so what’s the point.
@Sally71 - just wanted to send you a hug, I know how that one feels because people with ME get similar reactions from people who know nothing about it and think they know everything about it even though they have no medical qualifications and no experience of living with it. It's understandable that people don't know about illnesses they don't have and aren't interested in learning about them, but horrible when they won't accept what the person who does live with the illness says about it.

Thinking about this thread, I asked R (who is autistic) how he feels about people saying they are "a bit autistic" or that they've done something a bit autistic - he sighed and said "I'm past caring!"

Just wondered if you get that, @Lucyr - and whether it bothers you?

It annoys me a bit on R's behalf, and also because (having trained as an academic specialising in text) - it's wrong, it's like someone saying they're "a bit pregnant" - no, either they are or they aren't, there's no middle option!
@Sally71 - just wanted to send you a hug, I know how that one feels because people with ME get similar reactions from people who know nothing about it and think they know everything about it even though they have no medical qualifications and no experience of living with it. It's understandable that people don't know about illnesses they don't have and aren't interested in learning about them, but horrible when they won't accept what the person who does live with the illness says about it.

Thinking about this thread, I asked R (who is autistic) how he feels about people saying they are "a bit autistic" or that they've done something a bit autistic - he sighed and said "I'm past caring!"

Just wondered if you get that, @Lucyr - and whether it bothers you?

It annoys me a bit on R's behalf, and also because (having trained as an academic specialising in text) - it's wrong, it's like someone saying they're "a bit pregnant" - no, either they are or they aren't, there's no middle option!
My son is severely autistic and yes I am a bit autistic . I have some of the traits but Ive never been diagnosed. My son will have some of me in him but I am nothing like him and don't have the same difficulties he faces. I see it like being Diabetic type 2 I will not have it as bad as another but I am still diabetic . Autism is a vast spectrum don't even think they call it that these days . It just means everyone is unique.
The main thing is accepting and allowing each to be themselves.
Conversely no one tolerates everyone . Its a fact people will hate/ like me but to keep us safe we have to as R says dont care. Choose what matters and try and move on from the hurts.
Its not easy believe me . Enjoy each time you have together because life never stays the same.
I take your point, @Nayshiftin - but not having it as badly or having it differently is not the same as not having it at all -
I was thinking of people who are clearly neurotypical saying that they are a bit autistic or have done something autistic, usually with a derogatory implication. You may well have autism and just not a diagnosis, and be completely different from your son, there is a huge range of difference between different autistic people (much more so than between different neurotypicals, I think!).

I didn't mean I get really angry about it or hurt by it when people do it, just mildly irritated! Life's too short to let that sort of thing get to us, as you say x
I take your point, @Nayshiftin - but not having it as badly or having it differently is not the same as not having it at all -
I was thinking of people who are clearly neurotypical saying that they are a bit autistic or have done something autistic, usually with a derogatory implication. You may well have autism and just not a diagnosis, and be completely different from your son, there is a huge range of difference between different autistic people (much more so than between different neurotypicals, I think!).

I didn't mean I get really angry about it or hurt by it when people do it, just mildly irritated! Life's too short to let that sort of thing get to us, as you say x
Yes, that is because you care and you also want to protect .
I am getting where you coming from now .
I think though we all say things we regret when we realise the impact. There will be things i say through ignorance but I agree for some they will never understand . There was a programme called your shout and i got irritated explaining my son . Someone said go on there. I said to be fair if they listen to my shout then they will listen outside. The ones that need to listen will never. Its beyond them. All i will say is that having my son taught me unconditional love . Not everyone gets that.
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Thinking about this thread, I asked R (who is autistic) how he feels about people saying they are "a bit autistic" or that they've done something a bit autistic - he sighed and said "I'm past caring!"

Just wondered if you get that, @Lucyr - and whether it bothers you?
I get “well you don’t seem autistic to me” and “oh everyone’s a bit autistic”

I don’t like either of them as they are both factually incorrect and dismissive of autistic peoples experiences. I do know that some people have traits of autism but don’t meet the diagnostic criteria and I do recognise the difficulties they have, and would have no problem including them in autistic events. But the notion that everyone is a bit autistic is simply wrong and really dismissive of the very real and significant challenges that autistic people face.

Having said that, I don’t have the energy to get angry about it. I dislike it, but it’s happened so often that I just accept it as a regular thing now.
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