DIY diabetes

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Fundamentally this is not a software integration issue, in my view.

The real barrier to the type of predictive engine you seem to be hoping for is that the inputs are largely unknown.
Agreed that the (full range of) inputs are unknown, but without the data being readily available it does make investigation more difficult than it otherwise should be, so I stand by my desire for the data to be made available as easily as possible rather than stuck in proprietary apps that require reverse engineering or laborious data export.

Anyway I fear I've taken this thread off on something of a tangent, my apologies to the OP! 🙂
For instance, I have collected a lot of data over the past years and can see multiple instances where I ate the same meal, ostensibly with the same starting conditions (e.g. blood sugar, exercise level) only for the after effects of the meal to be quite different. That leads me to conclude that there were other factors involved. Currently I know of no sensor technology that could make those factors available as inputs to a prediction algorithm.

I’m reminded of the 42 Factors list… 😉

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