Disability Living Allowance....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

As we parents are aware, our children are entitled to D.L.A, for their diabetes.
Well Nathan's renewal form come through, well more like an exam paper.. I filled in said form, which took me quite a few days in order for me to fill in all relevant
information and even enclosed a weeks diary of how diabetes affects him, meal times, blood testing, insulin regime etc. A job well done I thought to myself.. How wrong I was.
March I got the outcome, Nathan's entitlement was to be dropped. I then telephoned up to ask about th decision.. To my dismay..they have disallowed him any care for during the night..stating that at 14 he should be and take responsibility for his diabetes and not rely on others for help.. Hello what planet Im I living on. Nathan has of late suffered some horrendous night time hypo's.. partly to insulin, food and age.. these hypo's have left him on the floor..how on earth can he help his self.
I then asked for a reconsideration..to my dismay..they still stand by what the decided. Now I am in the process of appealing at an independent tribunal.. to which I will go in fighting for Nathan. I am grateful for any benefit entitlement he is allowed but this must correspond to what he has to deal with..in lay mans terms a chronic life threatening condition.
Personally, I feel all diabetics should be entitled to D.L.A. regardless of age or type. Why do we have to fight this system, the guides and rules the government, parliament have set out...FUNNY HOW THEY CHANGE AND BEND THE RULES TO THEIR ADVANTAGE... Should we all claim for lemons, T.V's and swimming pools???.. This system is wrong and I intend to challenge it.
On that note.. I was wondering if any other parents are having the same problem or have been in the tribunal situation?
Sorry for this long post, it's just i'm really angry, and fed up.
Thank you
Love Heidi and Nathan aka 'Kevin the Teenager'
Have you tried your local paper - they may shame the befefits people into giving you the benefit your son deserves?

Good luck.
Thank you Brightontez
I will certainly think about that, possibly my next point of call.
Hope Brighton still sunny
I have put your question on the childrens forum that i am on. There are lots of parents who have appealed against and won middle rate DLA. If they know how to get through the sytem they will let me know - i will copy their answers on here for you. I am pretty sure that they cant reduce the rate just because he has reached 14 as the dangers are still the same and you are his carer. I will let you know as soon as i have any replies. 🙂Bev
More thoughts - get a letter from your doctor backing up your son's hypos and if the press turn up don't let him smile for the photo.

You might wish to add that you are losing sleep having to get up to check on you son as he has poor control.

You could ask for a detailed explanation for the refusal getting them to quote the relevant documents they rely on for their reasons. They could have made a mistake which could be pointed out to them.

It was sunny and cold today here in Brighton.

Good luck and keep fighting!
I just got this reply - hope it helps? Bev

Hi Beverly,

I asked for my case to be looked at again and they refused to change the decision. I took it to the independent tribunal and they changed the decision. I think that is as far as you can go. http://www.benefitsnow.co.uk/dmakers this is the web site I used to help me fill out the form, this is how they make the decisions. Most of the people reading the dla forms have no idea what so ever about diabetes or the right sugar level they only look at why you need to look after your child and for how long. Going to the GP and explaining what you have to do during the night will mean that they will support your claim for the higher rate.

I hadnt been to my GP regarding Matties bed wetting, just to clinic. However before I filled out the forms for DLA I went to the GP and discussed all of Mattys care so that he would fill out the forms correctly.

More thoughts - get a letter from your doctor backing up your son's hypos and if the press turn up don't let him smile for the photo.

You might wish to add that you are losing sleep having to get up to check on you son as he has poor control.

You could ask for a detailed explanation for the refusal getting them to quote the relevant documents they rely on for their reasons. They could have made a mistake which could be pointed out to them.

It was sunny and cold today here in Brighton.

Good luck and keep fighting!

involving the press is not a good idea. 😱
Just how embarresed Nathan would feel. The teasing from his mates would be awful too.
Do DUK not do a pack as how to fill in the form? Or is there an article on their website?

Yes you need to ask for a statement of reason and ask for all paper work regarding Nathan's case.
For many years I have struggled with the DLA claims, I would strongly recommend going to your local Citizens Advice Bureau, they will help you appeal the decision.

I have been disabled for since 1994 due to a car crash and the form filling is becoming a joke. The CAB office told me that many people give up trying to claim due to the stresses caused by the long procedure and the fact that many people are refused help yet are infact elligable for dla.

But without CAB (or similar organizations) help your appeal would problebly be refused.
Thank you for all your help and advice so far in dealing with my question/outburst.
We got a large letter from the diabetes specialist nurse to enclose with the original renewal/claim form.
As we are all aware the decision makers have no idea what diabetes is like or how to live with it.. As I say its a club no one would put their name down for..
But one thing for sure I will be attending that hearing with as much if not more knowledge/information, documents, written statements, and even my pal that has had Type 1 for 36years since she was 8mth old. Hopefully to overturn Nathans decision but to raise awareness and set a presidence for how future claims are dealt with.

Well good luck Heidi, please let us know how you get on? Alex is just 11 - but i am sure we will have this in the future - although he only gets middle rate anyway! Bev
Thanks Bev,
I will sure keep you all posted on how this develops.
How your little one getting on?. If I can be of any help in any way give me a shout. This is a brill site/valuable site my only regret is I didnt join up ages ago.
Just one last thing - get copies of all the forms you fill in and any supporting documents so that if they lose them you can easily send another claim/appeal in and to remind you what you told them if you get any more questions asked. If you make a mistake and give them a different answer they can assume you could be lying.

When you have to do the paperwork next year you have something to go on.
Thanks Bev,
I will sure keep you all posted on how this develops.
How your little one getting on?. If I can be of any help in any way give me a shout. This is a brill site/valuable site my only regret is I didnt join up ages ago.

Hi Heidi, he is ok thankyou - just having lots of hypo's - but so are a lot apparently due to the weather! We are hoping he may be offered a pump - but i know they are hard to get so we will have to see! Thanks. Yes i agree this site is amazing and has helped me so much - i dont know what i would have done without it - everyone feels like family!🙂 Bev
Hi Heidi, he is ok thankyou - just having lots of hypo's - but so are a lot apparently due to the weather! We are hoping he may be offered a pump - but i know they are hard to get so we will have to see! Thanks. Yes i agree this site is amazing and has helped me so much - i dont know what i would have done without it - everyone feels like family!🙂 Bev
Hi Bev
Glad little one ok, the weather could have something to do with his hypo's, it may also be his age etc. Diabetes is hard enough for them and us as parents with out the hypo's.
I've got my fingers crossed for you that you can get the pump. A few of the kids in our area have them and seem to do really well with them, Ive also spoke to a couple of adults with them and they havent looked back.
If you dont mind me asking how long has your son been diabetic, Nathan started feb 07 2mths before he was 12.
Hi Heidi,
Alex was diagnosed nearly 6 months ago now. He was 10 and had been very ill - all the signs were there but i didnt know what to 'look' for! Does Nathan want to go on a pump?🙂Bev
Hi Bev,
Bless, it was exactly the same for me with Nathan, like Alex he was very ill and all the signs were there, unfortunately the doctor didnt pick up on it either as I mentioned in my posting when I first joined.
Nathan isnt really sure about pump at the moment, to Nath its all just a hassle either way and cant be bothered with any of it. Still doesnt accept it, doesnt want it etc. Was it your thread a read yesday regarding Alex and exams and how you felt??
Hi all.

Thank you again for all your advice regarding the DLA, and for the web sites, they were brilliant and gave me more knowledge on how the system works. If your a parent and claiming its well worth having a look for general pointers etc.
Well i've spent the last few days writing a formal letter of appeal..5 more pages😡.
I also have a solicitors appointment on wednesday, for her to look through my letter and advise me on legal issues that go hand in hand with a tribunal hearing.
Fingers crossed all will go well and i will keep you posted, for now i say...'Bring it on'...haha 😎

Heidi and Nathan
Hi all.

Thank you again for all your advice regarding the DLA, and for the web sites, they were brilliant and gave me more knowledge on how the system works. If your a parent and claiming its well worth having a look for general pointers etc.
Well i've spent the last few days writing a formal letter of appeal..5 more pages😡.
I also have a solicitors appointment on wednesday, for her to look through my letter and advise me on legal issues that go hand in hand with a tribunal hearing.
Fingers crossed all will go well and i will keep you posted, for now i say...'Bring it on'...haha 😎

Heidi and Nathan

Good luck with the tribunal - hope the hard work payes off 🙂
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