DiDkA needs YOU!

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
(mods, is there any way this could be a sticky for a couple of days?)

Hi guys! Told you we wouldn't let a 'no' from DUK keep us down! We've got two ways in which you can help us in the next week. I've been talking with Falcon123, and he's very kindly agreed to let us merge what will be DiDkA's 'Big Test Campaign' and his Big Dipper Weekend to make one event this week. So here we go!

The Big Dipper Weekend 2010

We are looking for volunteers throughout the UK and Northern Ireland who are willing to join in The Big Dipper Weekend.

From Good Friday (2nd April 2010), through to the end of Monday 5th April 2010, we are aiming to have people up and down the country testing each and every drink purchased over these four days. This will let us get a firm insight into what is happening throughout the UK over any given period of time.

What do I need to do?

We are looking for people who are willing to buy a pot of Bayer Diastix. These are urine testing strips, that test liquids for glucose. They retail at between ?5.00 and ?7.00 from most good chemists. We are asking that people buy these over the counter.

To join in, we ask that you test each and every soft drink you buy, write down a few facts, and email your results to us here at DiDkA. It shouldn't take you very long, but it will be invaluable to us in the long term.

How can I sign up?

Send us an e-mail to contact.didka@mail.com , and let us know where in the country you're located. We'll email you out an information pack, showing you how to test, and the facts that we need you to send us.

Don't think you can join in? Don't despair!

We're also looking to try and start an online 'viral' (nothing to do with computer viruses, if you're not familiar with the term). Steff gave us the idea for this when she did something similar with her forum avatar.

Part of a forum? Have a facebook? Have a digital camera or webcam? Then you can do this!

Take a picture of yourself (or just of a piece of paper, if you're camera-shy) holding a piece of paper with www.didka.co.uk written on it. Make that your profile picture or avatar until next Tuesday. That's it! Information for the Big Dipper Weekend (and more) will be uploaded to the site today and tomorrow. Hopefully the more people that can do this, the more people will want to see what's at that address. Make it nice and clear, get creative. How to do it is up to you!

Please think about joining in, and encouraging your friends and family to do the same. You don't have to have diabetes to join in either, it's open to all. If you can pass this info on to any other forums, sites, etc that might be interested, that's fantastic. A similar rundown of events will be going up on the site shortly.

So what about it? Will you join us for a weekend of testing? You know you want to!

Becky x
Hi Becky ...

I will get some of the diastixs from chemist tomorrow ... as me and Nathan are going out a couple of times over the weekend ... so only to happy to dip and see ...

Becky, when you say test 'each and every drink' you don't mean canned/bottled drinks where you already know do you? Sorry, just looking for clarification 🙂
I will source be some of those stixs, but not sure if I'm being allowed out this weekend, I think I'm being chained to the garden, I will try and slip doon the road to the boozer at least and have a diet coke, then beer, should I dip the beer? Could be interesting to see how much sugar shows up on the stixs for them, woops sorry I'm rambling, and I ain't in no woodland!
Just sent an email to didka.. I am up for drink testing.. 🙂
Ill do my new avatar abit later with the DiDkA addy in my pic to.
I will source the sticks tomoro - then check out the East Kilbride/Glasgow areas

Avitars - well I will leave that to another day
I've posted the website on my facebook page and asked people to help if they can x
if you prefer posting any evidence from any tests good or bad rather than down loading the pack we are trying to get a picture of the problem xxx thks folks more news comming...
Have changed my profile pic on facebook with my didka banner 🙂 am off to the chemist shortly to get me diastix too...GO DIDKA GO!!!!!!! X
I have just put a link to the webpage from my 2 websites. Hope you don't mind, but I have used the (re-sized) logo as a link from one of these.
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