DiDkA Diet drinks awareness campaign UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ok folks I have been threatening an update on the campaign

Firstly for all you newbie’s or members who have missed this campaign this is brief synopsis as to WHAT is going on.
On the 1st of February our member SugarBum started a thread about how she had got caught out on the dreaded sugar free/sugar full problem that many Diabetics encounter on a day to day basis. This lead to a discussion about how dangerous this can be and we were reminded of the case of another member who worked in a ‘fast food outlet’ where the staff had switched the hoses for a joke. But as we all know this is not a joke! So the idea of the Diet Drink Awareness campaign surfaced!

And it went pretty quickly......within 24hrs it was out to the world on the internet with our own face book group being created( now 385 members.)

“Going out to pubs, bars and restaurants is difficult at the best of times when you're dealing with diabetes.
What makes it even more difficult is the extremely limited choice of diet drinks that are available. Usually there's just the one:
Diet Coke.
Now this would be all very well and good if you always got what you ordered. But so many people out there who are dealing with diabetes find that they are actually being served regular, full sugar drinks.
This is not only poor service, but can be extremely dangerous!”

Thanks to our resident bloggers face bookers and twits (?)

And more of you started to tell your stories.....thank you.
This has now become SERIOUS !

Well to date we have started to get organised. Sacred Heart and myself (with the backing from Northerner) have put our heads together and devised a cunning plan...
The first part was to get a name and so we had the poll.
The overall winner of the poll was DiDkA pronounced ‘did...car’ However the thread brought up more excellent ideas ...
DD4D, DRENCH, DAB were great except because we already have the face book site called 'diet drink awareness', we considered changing the title would be confusing.
We then looked at the other contenders suggested by the site
DiDA, DDAC, DiDaC as well as DiDkA as voted by you. Thanks to a hot tip from Salmonpuff, we checked out the potential web addresses available
DiDA, DDAC DiDaC are available on me.uk Which i would be suspicious of ...never heard of it...
Whereas DiDkA.... ....it’s the only one that let us buy the good web address ie a .net .org .co.uk
So finally we are known as DiDkA !! hooray

Now for the logo ...but I will explain in a new thread because its quite exciting....and also DiDkA needs help!! New thread regarding volunteers!! Coming soon!!
Thank you for all your work DiDkA supporters!!🙂
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Brilliant work you people, DiDkA is brilliant, buy that webspace (wo)man!:D
WOW well done to al involved it is amazing what can come from a thread x ty for the update am
p.s great choice of name as well
Just joined the facebook page...
I like the hidden "DKA" - a reminder that messing with a diabetics sugar intake can have serious consequences!
you know full well i'll join in with a bit of writtens tuff
I think it's fab that you organisers hve become some, um, well, organised, and got the ball rolling. From little acorns etc etc.

Brill idea to have the facebook group - I won't be joining, though, as I have family members among my 'friends' and the word's not spread yet about me being diabetic.

But I'll be following the campaign with great interest.

I send the link out to my profile/friend regularly. I want to volunteer when and where possible. xx
This is great am64, thanks for the update. How exciting!! 🙂 I am so impressed of everyones really hard work. I would love to take a photo of the fashion victim useless twit that made the fatal error serving me a "normal" coke in the first to inc somehow into the logo- but perhaps not! 😉


Im hanging to hear what I can do to help. Offically I am signing on the dotted line.....!
This is fabulous, you have done great. I sent the fb link out last week to about 200 odd and lots have joined already, I hope more do as well.

I love the name, I voted for this one as my fav.
follow @didkanews all you tweetaholics :D
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