Diabetes and pancreatic isdues

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Not really unless it’s my feet or cellulitis, both of which you can’t test from.
You can use alternative sites for testing, a number are suggested if you search for alternative site testing. May not be as accurate as finger tips but would give you some idea of where you are at and if foods are affecting you but as a comparison would be good enough.
Thought alternative sites were discouraged. Bit puzzled why your honing in on testing, I am not seeking advice on testing or diet, was my post unclear?
Thought alternative sites were discouraged. Bit puzzled why your honing in on testing, I am not seeking advice on testing or diet, was my post unclear?
Can you explain again what you are asking as am very confused by your original post and your replies to people trying to help with suggestions?
Hi as per my post my original question was …..have any of you developed pancreatic issues following starting new diabetes medications?

I am not asking for dietary advice or advice on testing my sugar levels as my medical and dietary issues are very complex and am under the care of a Dietican and specialist nurse re the issues that stop me testing due to complex circulation issues .
Hi as per my post my original question was …..have any of you developed pancreatic issues following starting new diabetes medications?

I am not asking for dietary advice or advice on testing my sugar levels as my medical and dietary issues are very complex and am under the care of a Dietican and specialist nurse re the issues that stop me testing due to complex circulation issues .
You might need to be more specific about what diabetes medications you are referring to.
Any reason why? I gather quiet a number can’t be used with pancreatic issues, I am trying to pose an open question re others that have developed pancreatic issues after starting medication, mainly because I have two clinics arguing over my treatment and we are trying to figure out which to trust.
Any reason why? I gather quiet a number can’t be used with pancreatic issues, I am trying to pose an open question re others that have developed pancreatic issues after starting medication, mainly because I have two clinics arguing over my treatment and we are trying to figure out which to trust.
Hello Sarah,
please read @mikeyB post as he is a retired GP with pancreatic problems. Mike states that the only option is insulin and he is quite correct.

Hi as per my post my original question was …..have any of you developed pancreatic issues following starting new diabetes medications?
I would suspect the issues would actually already be there and the meds just made it worse.
I'm type1 of 57 years standing and ended up with pancreatic problems about 4 years ago but never knew what the issue was until about 19 months ago. Now using Creon and feeling a lot better.
Hello Sarah,
please read @mikeyB post as he is a retired GP with pancreatic problems. Mike states that the only option is insulin and he is quite correct.

I would suspect the issues would actually already be there and the meds just made it worse.
I'm type1 of 57 years standing and ended up with pancreatic problems about 4 years ago but never knew what the issue was until about 19 months ago. Now using Creon and feeling a lot better.
Hi I did read the post and replied to Mike, did you not see my reply and thank you?
It’s great creon has helped you, glad it’s helped you, we tried loads of different doses but the pain and bleeding was too much.
That’s what I am trying to figure out re what started when, especially now the allegations are bouncing around and don’t want to end up in hospital again, my symptoms started in 2015 but the diabetes meds weren’t introduced until 2019 and were initially blamed on a injection, when creon was trialled I did ask about insulin and again last month when the fourth drug was added to my prescriptions and then the flare started.
I guess we will have to see what happens next week. It’s all very scary especially as I was originally told it was Ibs and within two weeks I was very poorly in hospital being told I needed time in icu.
I eat low carb foods - the KETO diet plan as laid out in all sorts of books is a very recent thing compared to the simpler method of simply not eating high carb foods. That was the only way to treat any form of diabetes for a very long time, so it is well known that it is perfectly safe and sustainable for ordinary uncomplicated type twos.

I do hope that your new surgery can get to the bottom of the problems you have experienced and can put you on the proper treatment once you have the right diagnosis - which I point out, as gently as possible, we cannot give.

With everything you have experienced you might well have something other than or in addition to type two, as the addition of pancreatitis and liver issues would seem to need the full attention of your new surgery. I very much hope that your incorrect treatment can be reversed, and a properly diagnosed and prescribed regime begun to at least reduce the problems you are experiencing.
Sorry only just seen this reply, I am glad your not following true keto as information I have seen on it is worrying. I am not seeking treatment or diet advice from the forum, just trying to understand and see if anyone has been there before, I am very scared after everything the new surgery said this week and just trying to feel less alone. I am sorry if you thought I was seeing treatment or diet advice, that is very much not the case.
I have explained to Sarah why are BGs are worse. Read my reply earlier. Her BGs are worse because of the pancreatitis. Her pancreas isn't producing enough insulin to cope with any food, so whatever she eats in any form of diet won't make any difference. She is no longer a T2, but T3c, so the same as any T1.

Maybe now you can imagine why her blood sugars are worse.
Thank you again for your reply, it’s right that no matter what I eat I get hyper incidents or loose control of my bowel or both, we have even tested it the last couple of days with a cup of decaf tea on a empty stomach and bloods shoot up and stay high for several hours. My surgeon has got me trialling a whole foods vegan diet to try to ease Stress on the pancreas, some days I am symptom free and then same foods two days later I am chronically poorly. Thank you again!
Hi Sarahp,
Type3c myself became that after having most of my pancreas removed due to pancreatitis. I have multiple co-morbidities also. Cirrohsis of the liver being one of them. From what your saying if your having flare ups. You need to be having gut rest. Best done in hospital as they can hydrate you, also you will be put on an insulin drip. Never had diabetic tablets only insulin injections. So couldn't comment on those causing pancreatitis. The hows and why don't really matter its treating the issue that matters. Hopefully you should be treated with insulin as mikey b says. ( ex gp so knows what hes talking about. Also fellow pancreatitis sufferer)
It’s great creon has helped you, glad it’s helped you, we tried loads of different doses but the pain and bleeding was too much.
As Creon is an enzyme produced naturally by the pancreas I fail to understand how it can be causing your problems. :(
I wish you well in your future journey.
Hi Sarahp,
Type3c myself became that after having most of my pancreas removed due to pancreatitis. I have multiple co-morbidities also. Cirrohsis of the liver being one of them. From what your saying if your having flare ups. You need to be having gut rest. Best done in hospital as they can hydrate you, also you will be put on an insulin drip. Never had diabetic tablets only insulin injections. So couldn't comment on those causing pancreatitis. The hows and why don't really matter its treating the issue that matters. Hopefully you should be treated with insulin as mikey b says. ( ex gp so knows what hes talking about. Also fellow pancreatitis sufferer)
Hi thank you so much for replying. You really have been through the mill, I hope things are more stable now? I agree re the flare up especially as when I went into hospital in May 2021 with liver and cardiac issues triggered by my pancreas issues, as soon as symptoms start I put myself on clear fluids and go to A&E but get sent home, they aren’t allowed to prescribe me pain any relief due to sleep apnea and are currently trying to find a way to proceed to have the gallbladder op without pain relief. Unfortunately the tablets essentially overdosed me (according to the diabetes clinic on Friday) and should never have been prescribed in the first place so now waiting to hear blood results to see if there’s any long term impact. Hoping insulin is next step but need to be able to test in winter/colder months when my circulation won’t play ball.
As Creon is an enzyme produced naturally by the pancreas I fail to understand how it can be causing your problems. :(
I wish you well in your future journey.
Hi it’s because it triggers constipation and this triggers diverticulitis to bleed, so not directly impacting the pancreas but triggers bowel issues. Thank you, you too.
I don't understand why your doctors don't read the NICE guidelines for treating diabetes associated with pancreatitis. They state that Insulin is the treatment of choice. Adding in medication is flogging a dead horse. Tablets only work when there are sufficient cells to produce insulin, but in an inflamed pancreas, there just aren't enough, if any at all.

Sarah, I would suggest when you are seen at the next clinic, that you refer to the NICE guidelines, which as i have explained are screamingly obvious that Insulin must be used. It would transform the way you feel, it will be like a light turning on in a dark room. You don't need any blood tests for that to happen.

Incidentally, constipation with Creon is a sign that the dose is too high. The correct dose is that which gives you regular comfortable bowel motions. too little, you get loose motions, too high a dose bungs you up, or you get the same sensation that a chilli laden meal can, commonly called the "hot ring" syndrome.

You are quite right to say that constipation can cause diverticulitis to flare up. I can't tolerate a high fibre diet, because the roughage can slightly damage the lining of the colon, and that can trigger a flare up of the Ulcerative Colitis.
Hi Mike
Sorry I have not replied before now, it’s been a rough 24 hours, I intend to try to request insulin and appreciate your input re Nice guidelines, thank you!
Creon was tried at several doses, we combined with low residue and low fat, in the end I was told I had bad Ibs, the meds were stopped and about two weeks later ended up in the ambulance very poorly. Thank you again for your time. Best wishes Sarah
Creon was tried at several doses, we combined with low residue and low fat, in the end I was told I had bad Ibs, the meds were stopped and about two weeks later ended up in the ambulance very poorly. Thank you again for your time. Best wishes Sarah
Hi Sarah,
what dosage of Creon did you try and how did you take it?
Hi Sarah,
Sounds like you are having a rough ride. I have type 3c with hereditary pancreatitis. I have no gall bladder either. I have been on creon for a long time but before that I was on Pancrex and Nutrizym. Do they still offer this kind of PERT still I wonder? I hope you manage to get some answers and respite soon.
Hi Sarah,
Sounds like you are having a rough ride. I have type 3c with hereditary pancreatitis. I have no gall bladder either. I have been on creon for a long time but before that I was on Pancrex and Nutrizym. Do they still offer this kind of PERT still I wonder? I hope you manage to get some answers and respite soon.

As far as I'm aware only Creon is available.
Hi Sarah,
what dosage of Creon did you try and how did you take it?
Hi 10,000 started with one meal and day up to three, bleeding started at two meals a day despite fluids and laxatives. Sorry for delay been waiting on investigations completed on the mess my treatment is in .
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