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My dad was in 3 Para, in Palestine. Still going strong at 81, cancer survivor for 20 years. Still very proud of his days in the regiment and now living in Holland where they are held in great respect.

wow palestien!!!! bet that was something.
mine has a coat with all the badges on the burgandy t shirt and burgandy hat i never ask anything about it tho i know a soldiers time is usually something he dont share

Try going down the Legion........they'll share. We not only talk about our time in the forces, but boast about it. We are proud of who we were/are, why not talk about it. If you're referring to down South, some had a far worse time than me....but hey. I joined up on the back of what my Dad told me, regarding the last war, so in effect, I joined up to kill or be killed. Sad I know, that was the mentality then, nardays, they join for a 'career', Don't see it myself.
Try going down the Legion........they'll share. We not only talk about our time in the forces, but boast about it. We are proud of who we were/are, why not talk about it. If you're referring to down South, some had a far worse time than me....but hey. I joined up on the back of what my Dad told me, regarding the last war, so in effect, I joined up to kill or be killed. Sad I know, that was the mentality then, nardays, they join for a 'career', Don't see it myself.

i joined up cos i wanted to be like my dad to. yep i knew it was dangerous but i didnt care. like you dave kill or be killed. something inside me just had a knack at shooting (must be all the times my dad let me have a go of his carbine lol). i did however sign my longterm papers after my first stint, but only cos i loved doing what i did and couldnt at the time imagine doing anything different.

i used to go the legion, but they had a disagreement with my dad as he is ex us forces and wouldnt serve him even tho he had been going in for donkeys years (manager changed) so i no longer go down.
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