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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It seems that diabetes and depression match each other, how many on this site find that they suffer depression but receive no help at all regarding this part of their illness ???.:confused:
Roger, sorry to hear you are sufferring from depression at the moment, do you think it;'s directly about diabetes or more general stuff? have you spoken to your GP about any types of treatment? what help would you like?

I have suffered from mental health problems including periods of depression. I found the doctors at the hospital terrible when i was attending the young adults clinic. After one appointment the Dr hardly mentioned diabetes and kept telling me how selfish i would be to kill myself, i refused to go back to that clinic. I see another Dr there now who i do like.
I found the dietician I saw fantastic, she saw me every 2 weeks for probably a year to help me with my eating disorder, something that really wasn't her speciality but she was prepared to help me.
I've also had good chats with my DSN when i'm feeling down and she has been able to just listen and let me get things off my chest, she can't particulary help in any practical way but she does listen she did offer me to see the psychologust attached ot the clinic, but i declined.
My team have taken into account my mental health problems, but also let the mental health services do their part when needed.
I'm grateful to be very well at the moment and only have the normal 'diabetes suck days'.
I think any condition carries with it a risk of depression especially when you are first diaganosed.
I have had mental health problems now and in the past but have been particularly lucky, maybe because I have multiple chronic illnesses in which I have received fantastic support.

I am seen by the mental health team on a fairly regular basis to keep an eye on medication and the such, but otherwise each of my specialist nurses provide support in regard to the specific condition and any depression that arises from it. If that makes sense!

If you do feel you need support for your depression ask your GP what services there are on offer in the area. There may be support groups, general counselling or other services which might help.

Dear Roger,

I certainly become depressed sometimes, and is it any wonder given the burden that we all share. I have sent you a copy of the paper that you requested and I repeat that I am willing to help in any way I can either via this board or via my E-Mail address. If you are stuggling with high blood glucose there is a way to improve things and I will help if you so wish

Regards Dodger
Your not on your own on this one, I have suffered from depressive episodes from my early teens or before. This went entirely undetected.
Its only in the last couple of years that i have started to face upto it. I've found my GP to be very helpful in trying to deal with it. That and prozac.
I also find that if i keep active that i usually feel better about things including my control. A sport or activity with a social aspect definitly helps. 😉
Normally feel very down around once a month for a day or two, cry at the silliest things and on anyone who's around, but it is not directly caused by the diabetes...😡:(

Should also add that I am of an age now where I am just begining my menopause, which is not a cause of depression in itself there are changes going on which affect my moods.

I have never suffered from depression, but am aware that people are very affected by it. I don't want to make light of it, and if you think you have a problem then you should seek professional help, but some times people mistake just being a bit down feeling sad or having the blues as being depressed when in actual fact they are having a bad day.
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The hospital I go to has a really good diabetes center and they have a resident psychologist specifially for people with diabetes to talk to, so they definately understand there is a link.
As I was looking at the full NICE guidelines on Type 2 diabetes for another purpose (assessment report for the OU course on "diabetes care") I thought I'd look at what they said about diabetes and depression so quote as follows

"Psychological well-being is clearly part of being healthy. It is an important part of healthcare management of any condition where psychological health is impaired or where it has particular impact on clinical management.

There is evidence of a high prevalence of psychological ill-health in people with diabetes,
notably for depression,21 which is often under-recognised.22 Additionally because of the
importance of self-care to the management of the condition, there is evidence that
psychological ill-health is associated with adverse effects on other aspects of the long-term health of people with Type 2 diabetes.23?25

Formal assessment of psychological well-being is not a standard part of practice in diabetes care in the UK. Other guidelines, including the NICE guideline for people with Type 1 diabetes, have emphasised the importance of recognising and managing depression. Only general recommendations have been made regarding being alert to problems, availability of skills to manage routine psychological disorders, and of appropriate referral to those with special expertise where the condition is more severe.26 NICE has recently published a guideline on the management of depression.27

No evidence search has been performed for the purpose of the current guideline due to the availability of the NICE depression guideline. People with Type 2 diabetes with psychological and/or depressive disorders should be identified by continuing professional awareness, and managed in accordance with current national guidelines."

Work is underway to produce NICE guidelines on depression and chronic health problems so here's hoping that will spur the NHS on in recognising our needs.

On a personal basis, I've had treatment for depression in the past and my GP and practice nurse ask the standard screening questions as part of my diabetic reviews. They seem very much aware that I am more at risk from depression but, like iwth diabetes, one of the best resources I found in managing my depression was from the "dummies" series - "Depression for Dummies" particularly as by the time I got to see the clinical psychological services I was well past the worst

The Dummies Series are great, I have several, including Diabetes for Dummies. I also find the Family Doctor series (available from pharmacies and Chemists) informative too, and they have a selection of resources at the back you can use too.
Type 1 34 years - depressive once - nothing to do with diabetes - but reaction to dad's death 6 months after he died. Very annoyed that it happened to me. But was lucky to recognise it early and deal with it. (I know a lot about depression as mother is bi-polar and brother permenently on prozac.)

Out of interest - how many people have become depressive SINCE they developed diabetes and is it a reaction to having it - or do you see it as a symptom of diabetes, ie it is caused medically by diabetes? I hope I have made that clear?

I am a natural fighter and have always seen my diabetes as part of who I am and do not know life without it - so I am very lucky - which why it has never depressed me, or got me down.

Surely if diabetes causes depression (medically) then I would have it, having had diabetes so long and having had other long term diabetic side effects...and with the family history!

What I am saying is - it seems that diabetes doesn't cause diabetes it is a reaction to diabetes. Maybe I am just getting wound up in terminology.
my depression kicked in when i became diabetic 15 yrs ago i went quite a few years with the attitude of pull yourself together by medical staff it was only after i had a really bad crisis and was commited that i finally got the help and traetment i needed.i now know how i should feel and when i need help usally treatment with anti depresants and therapy.sometimes i can connect it to poor glucose control this can be a bit of a viscous circle when i am down the last thing i want to do is sort out my diabetes but decent control and treatment does help.because of this i think there is a connection between depression and diabetes
being diagnosed diabetic had the opposite effect on me i came off my medication for depression lost weight and became a happier more balanced person, i always tell people that being diagnosed diabetic saved my life it was the kick up the backside i needed to sort my life out, before diagnosis i was just sitting around all day feeling sorry for myself and eating myself to death, so in my case it was the best thing that could have happened to me at the time.
I have small bouts very occasionally Roger, but it could well be the stresses of my job and four boys!
Depresion is a really bad feeling, well the only feeling that goes with the illness is a deep sadness. but having been a sufferer for the last 16 years I have many years ago appcepted that i have the condition and can cope with it, by taking each day for what it is. and keep positive by thinking the black mood times will only be short, and will go.
We all feel down from time to time and get the blues, which I know is not the same as depression.

These feelings are not unique to diabetes, they go with any long term medical condition that will not go away.

My husband has osteoarthritis and sciatica. When the pain killers don't work he is a grumpy old sod, which affects the rest of the family.

I am thankfull I can come here for support so that I am able to support hubby when he has bad days.

What it comes down to I think (and I'm no expert) is needing support and having a safe place to chat about how we feel. These forums certainly help.
Hi guys and gals
I am type 1, 3 months now, i have Ulcerative colitis, Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Sciatica and Asthma, I suffer something terrible with panic attacks and i suffer with SAD, I am 36 yrs old and i have 2 kids, 12 and 10, i sometimes wonder why on earth I am here tbh but everyday i wake up so something must be keeping me here, when i was first diagnosed i went into this depressive why me shell and cried for weeks, I came out the other side and even though I'm still not sorted and keep having to go into hospital with dka I am still smiling and still trying to find something to live for because when your in so much pain you can't walk and all you do is lie on the sofa for days at a time you wonder what the hell your living for, so yes diabetes is something to be depressed about but think of all the people out there who are worse off than us, keep smiling all :D
Out of interest - how many people have become depressive SINCE they developed diabetes and is it a reaction to having it - or do you see it as a symptom of diabetes, ie it is caused medically by diabetes? I hope I have made that clear?

Surely if diabetes causes depression (medically) then I would have it, having had diabetes so long and having had other long term diabetic side effects...and with the family history!

What I am saying is - it seems that diabetes doesn't cause diabetes it is a reaction to diabetes. Maybe I am just getting wound up in terminology.

I think it is a mixture. Insulin is a hormone and does affect moods. I know that when my blood sugars were swinging up and down I was really moody and angry and upset.

Mood swings can also be caused indirectly by diabetes - what I mean is that the constant vigilance and counting every morsel of food and writing down every second of activity and thinking before doing anything and noting every factor that night possibly be affecting blood sugar, the endless puzzles of why your blood sugar is low or high, the frustration that you did exactly the same thing yesterday and were fine but now your blood sugar is 13, the organisation and checking you have insulin and needles and lancets and strips, ordering your prescription, packing your bag every time you go out, not being able to leave the house without a bag of paraphernalia, having to eat all the time and not being able to go out with your friends and get completely mindlessly drunk because of the worry of hypos, having to take insulin at the right time every day - all of this can and does have a psychological effect.

Also if you have other factors in your life, like for example losing your job or moving house which would be stressful anyway, they screw up your blood sugars as well which then affects your mood. I am depressed at the moment due to other factors but it is affecting my blood sugars and eating.
Hi All, what happened to me is that I have little or no support at all to handle my diabetes, I have many other conditions that means I have many different medications to take each day, of course this means side effects, so I have a multitude of side effects but the word is that if I should stop taking the medication I would die, so you have to accept the side effects, but that is of no benefit to me, it is so hard to manage to cope with all the side effects in daily life, but the attitude of the local medical profession is well you are over 60 and are diabetic so what do you expect ??, well I say I need some one to help me manage all these medications, I have had review after review of my drug regime but usually I end up with more medication, I have an excellent GP and Consultant but they can only do so much, I am just trying to say that in the diabetic depression league we are very near the bottom of the ladder, I do not think at all that my diabetes causes depression but the inability to gain help when depression does strike, it is to easy for the medical profession to say well your diabetic and abdicate all responsibility for patient care.:(
I have been a diabetic since 1990 and over the last 2 years or so I have had to see my doctor with depression. It has got worse in the last 6 months and I don't think people understand what I am going through, it is hard to explain to those who do not suffer from depression. Can anyone give any tips on how to get through a tough day.
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