deja vu...?

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i love that comment about how it's unhygenic for the next person who uses the table. yeah, because we wipe our used needles ALL OVER the table after we've done injecting.
i love that comment about how it's unhygenic for the next person who uses the table. yeah, because we wipe our used needles ALL OVER the table after we've done injecting.

And the person clearly feels it's OK to inject in toilets because it's our own fault we have to do it...😱🙄
And the person clearly feels it's OK to inject in toilets because it's our own fault we have to do it...😱🙄

But what about the poor person who has to use the toilet next ?? 😛😛

I re-joined twatter today and promised to stick with it rossi_mac!! not going to be too much diabetic stuff well maybe!!

So Katie you on twatter too??

yeah mine hasnt got any diabetes stuff either, i'll follow you :D mine is KatieSDuncan
lol twatter :D

rossi and katie, i just added you on there 🙂
I've never twitted, or 'booked, or Beboed. Does that make me a Luddite? I have spaced once or twice, but that was another story.
Does anyone feel the urge to light torches and get the pitch forks out? It might be just me looking for lynch mob action...😛
I've got me pointy hat out, brushed off me broom and polished up me warts. I'm ready for anything.

i love that comment about how it's unhygenic for the next person who uses the table. yeah, because we wipe our used needles ALL OVER the table after we've done injecting.


Stuff like that really really bugs me. The amount of times I've been asked to go into the loo and inject at resteraunts because its 'offensive' for other customers. It's just awful how people can be like that and it gets me so angry. Because I wipe my dirty infected diabetes needles all over the table and chairs...yes...
Salmonpuff, Who asked you to go into toilets to inject? Restaurant staff or customers?
I'm surprised that anyone would ever notice if I injected, but speed and discretion help! And I've only had diabetes as an adult, so no-one else is ever involved in my injections, unless my partner / parents / sister / brother in law / neices completely ignoring what I'm doing counts - that's how I like it, by the way.
Salmonpuff, Who asked you to go into toilets to inject? Restaurant staff or customers?
I'm surprised that anyone would ever notice if I injected, but speed and discretion help! And I've only had diabetes as an adult, so no-one else is ever involved in my injections, unless my partner / parents / sister / brother in law / neices completely ignoring what I'm doing counts - that's how I like it, by the way.

both, and usually in these so called 'family resteraunts'. It doesn't happen often, the last time it happened was last year I think when I was out having a meal with my parents. Not a good idea to say stuff like that when my dads about - you don't wanna mess with him!!!

Most of the time no one notices, which is how I like it. I just wish that if people do notice they dont be an idiot and demand I go into the loo to do it. Ask what I'm doing and I'll explain - and no dear idiot customer/manager person, you won't catch anything from what I'm doing

if i ever got asked to go somewhere else to inject, i think i'd flip my lid. like most, i am quick and discreet when injecting (i don't sit there waving the needle around going OOOOOH SHARP THING LET ME STICK IT IN ME NOW) so if i was ever asked to go to a toilet i would politely refuse. in the toilet of all places? how much more unhygienic can you get??
In Scotland it's illegal to ask a mother NOT to breastfeed in public.

I think the same law should be made national, and also extended to the taking of LIFE SAVING MEDICATION.

I've nearly always injected in public (including this afternoon in the middle of a shopping centre). I'd love to see someone tell me to go somewhere else. I'd have such a go at them. Theres far more chance of us catching something in the loo than there is of them catching something from us.

Honestly some people are just so rude and ignorant!

Oh My Godness I Am Reliving My Nightmare Again !!!!!
In Scotland it's illegal to ask a mother NOT to breastfeed in public.

I think the same law should be made national, and also extended to the taking of LIFE SAVING MEDICATION.

I've nearly always injected in public (including this afternoon in the middle of a shopping centre). I'd love to see someone tell me to go somewhere else. I'd have such a go at them. Theres far more chance of us catching something in the loo than there is of them catching something from us.

Honestly some people are just so rude and ignorant!


ha! The amount of times i've injected in the middle of west quay. I do find it quite amusing when people give me really dirty looks. Many a time have there been whispers of 'drug addict'. Its rude and ignorant, very rude and ignorant and really gets on my goat! And yes, you are quite right - more chance of catching stuff from the loo :D
Do they really think drug addicts would use the bright and colourful 'pens' that most of us use.

If we were still using the old school hypodermic syringes with the bright orange caps then fair enough there might be cause for confusion, but come on people.

This makes these people doubley ignorant - firstly it shows how little they know about diabetes and secondly how little they know about drug addicts! 😉

some truths of injecting insulin & illegal drugs

I quite agree, NiVZ - objectors don't know much about injecting anything!
In fact, when AIDS / HIV first appeared in early 1980s, people had to pay for their own disposable syringes to inject insulin. Then drug addicts were given the same syringes free (to lessen likelihood of sharing needles and spreading viruses), while insulin users continued to pay. Eventually, insulin users got the syringes prescribed free, and later, pen devices and needles took over. Drug dealers haven't yet started issuing injectable illegal drugs in insulin pen device compatible cartridges! Nor do illegal drug users routinely dispose of their used needles in safe bins, unlike responsible insulin users.
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