Dark Underbelly of Metformin - A Saga...

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Slightly foxed by 10% carbohydrate! Am I right in thinking a raw potato would be 17.5% - given USDA says:

Carbohydrate, by difference17.5 g/100g
I think that a baked potato is around 20% carb, so that would be about right - though the Americans include fibre in the carb count - which they spell fiber, so that usually gives it away.
Slightly foxed by 10% carbohydrate! Am I right in thinking a raw potato would be 17.5% - given USDA says:

Carbohydrate, by difference17.5 g/100g
I think @Drummer avoids potato on the whole, preferring swede or celeriac
I think @Drummer avoids potato on the whole, preferring swede or celeriac
Thanks. I avoid potatoes too. Looking back they were my early warning sign of incipient T2D. My feet puffed up after I gorged myself on my daughter's roast potatoes at Christmas 10 years ago. So I gave them up. Unfortunately our surgery gave up annual checks at the same time so they missed the signs as well until they were put into special measures in 2022.
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Medication is your choice to take . Its only your GP that can really advise.
For me yes just my side.
Metformin was not good for me. The sickness was awful and loose bowel movements not welcome.
i am now on Jardiance (Empagliflozin) with slow blood or weight loss.
I have metabolic syndrome . I have joint replacements from having arthritis
I get very discouraged with all getting great results from low carb but it did help me to do twelve weeks strict on it.
Diabetes is not easy to live with. However, it is our life and our body and we have to live to what makes us be able to cope.
Medication can play a role but lifestyle also has a part.
Conversely you do not get the same reaction from carbs if you are on other medication / or have inflammation which triggers your liver to dump sugar as well as the dawn-phenonomum .So basically my way forward is s day at a time.
Ways i find help are drinking fluids, Movement even iff its just up snd down every half hour.
Reduce carbs. I use celeriac or turnip instead of potato. I use courgette or leek for pasta and i love cauliflower rice. Tesco do it frozen so to use ready made makes life simple . So a good vegan meal could be veg chilli on Cauliflower rice. i eat salmon so ill have that on shredded cabbage with sesame and ginger and I do allow one tablespoon of honey in that recipe which is divided into four. . You could use tofu . Just experiment to taste.
Winter has been lots of soup and i cannot wait to have summer salads especially home grown.
I am bad too i have some treats.
i hope you enjoy the remission program.
Take care and go easy its just making each day work for you.

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Thanks for all useful feedback, I have booked GP appointment this week to discuss all diabetes medication, and adult diapers, and for me currently it seems that high fibre vegan diet and probiotic/prebiotic products combined with 2000mg of Metformin every day are dangerous combination for all the unpredictable bloating, digestive pain, uncontrollable bowel movements and spending days shuffling miserably between the bathroom and the washing machine chanting "must lower blood glucose ugh", think the worst offender has to be Activia Prune Yoghurt, with "healthy breakfast" of chopped fresh fruit and berries, followed by Metformin and flask of tea until next meal, and I have tried Prune Juice when constipated but it's just not worth the risk and the mess frankly, ugh!

There's another drawnout story with my GP Surgery where I have experienced discrimination and poor quality healthcare and treatment and refused health screening, then as direct result of making complaint, the Practice Manager attempted to force me under duress to sign legally binding "acceptable behaviour contract" in front of an independent NHS complaints advocate and I am now taking my case to the Health Ombudsman for investigation, so I do support the NHS, but I have had very rocky rollercoaster ride seeking diagnosis, assessment, health screening, healthcare and treatment whilst being treated badly as LGBTQIA+ person and told I have quote "offended all the staff with all my angry emails" but no examples were given and I have clearly shown I am educated and more than capable of using the English language to express my self without resorting to bad language, swearing, personal attacks, or making libellous/slanderous comments about anyone (think I can be forgiven one or two censored sh*ts here due to the subject matter and painful angst!), and I do regard the legal notice as form of censorship, an attack on free speech and designed to have chilling effect upon NHS complainants as it reads like an underhand fast-track way to discharge patients who complain as "offence" is so subjective, for example, I complained about receiving both cervical cancer screening appointments to attend women's health clinic, and getting the constant "do you suffer from erectile dysfunction?" blunt questions from diabetes nurse at every single appointment, leading me to enquire if someone at the GP Surgery had maliciously changed my details to misrepresent me as hermaphrodite or intersex as skewed punching down response to simply requesting my preferences for gender neutral titles and pronouns and name were respected under the Equality Act, but this has been misrepresented as me sending offensive emails by highlighting the despicable way outdated NHS policies completely fail LGBTQIA+ Communities, and my punishment for challenging this discrimination is censorship and being forced to sign gagging order which I have rejected and instead I am seeking legal advice as it's so obviously wrong to treat vulnerable minorities in this way.

Anyway, here's Jamie Lee Curtis plugging Activia like she's really got something to prove, maybe they can stock all these probiotic healthy gut digestion products next to incontinence products in supermarkets in future for convenience, mine's the Prune one, ugh...😉
Thanks for all useful feedback, I have booked GP appointment this week to discuss all diabetes medication, and adult diapers, and for me currently it seems that high fibre vegan diet and probiotic/prebiotic products combined with 2000mg of Metformin every day are dangerous combination for all the unpredictable bloating, digestive pain, uncontrollable bowel movements and spending days shuffling miserably between the bathroom and the washing machine chanting "must lower blood glucose ugh", think the worst offender has to be Activia Prune Yoghurt, with "healthy breakfast" of chopped fresh fruit and berries, followed by Metformin and flask of tea until next meal, and I have tried Prune Juice when constipated but it's just not worth the risk and the mess frankly, ugh!

There's another drawnout story with my GP Surgery where I have experienced discrimination and poor quality healthcare and treatment and refused health screening, then as direct result of making complaint, the Practice Manager attempted to force me under duress to sign legally binding "acceptable behaviour contract" in front of an independent NHS complaints advocate and I am now taking my case to the Health Ombudsman for investigation, so I do support the NHS, but I have had very rocky rollercoaster ride seeking diagnosis, assessment, health screening, healthcare and treatment whilst being treated badly as LGBTQIA+ person and told I have quote "offended all the staff with all my angry emails" but no examples were given and I have clearly shown I am educated and more than capable of using the English language to express my self without resorting to bad language, swearing, personal attacks, or making libellous/slanderous comments about anyone (think I can be forgiven one or two censored sh*ts here due to the subject matter and painful angst!), and I do regard the legal notice as form of censorship, an attack on free speech and designed to have chilling effect upon NHS complainants as it reads like an underhand fast-track way to discharge patients who complain as "offence" is so subjective, for example, I complained about receiving both cervical cancer screening appointments to attend women's health clinic, and getting the constant "do you suffer from erectile dysfunction?" blunt questions from diabetes nurse at every single appointment, leading me to enquire if someone at the GP Surgery had maliciously changed my details to misrepresent me as hermaphrodite or intersex as skewed punching down response to simply requesting my preferences for gender neutral titles and pronouns and name were respected under the Equality Act, but this has been misrepresented as me sending offensive emails by highlighting the despicable way outdated NHS policies completely fail LGBTQIA+ Communities, and my punishment for challenging this discrimination is censorship and being forced to sign gagging order which I have rejected and instead I am seeking legal advice as it's so obviously wrong to treat vulnerable minorities in this way.

Anyway, here's Jamie Lee Curtis plugging Activia like she's really got something to prove, maybe they can stock all these probiotic healthy gut digestion products next to incontinence products in supermarkets in future for convenience, mine's the Prune one, ugh...😉
Sorry to hear you have been treated like this. I have to say best dealt with professionals complaints are very hard to understand.
Everyone had their rights and i wish you the result that will help you resolve all this.
@Nayshiftin thanks for all your inspiring posts, I can be extremely stubborn and I have developed thick skin from all the knocks, bullying, discrimination, double-standards of patriarchy over lifetime (I also don't benefit from "the boys club" as I don't meet the conditions of entry either as I'm sure many detractors enjoy highlighting this about trans and gender diverse people who are assigned male at birth!), so you can be sure, this is no pity party, this is making amends if I highlight these odd experiences, to be sure!

I really wanted to share some positive helpful info relating to low carb foods and diabetes after my "poop joke" moan-fest, so my parents were hippies no surprise, my Mum went to all the health food stores and independent grocer co-ops she could find, fizzy sugary drinks and sweets were banned, and therefore our family kitchen growing up always had staples of what I know now to be low carb gluten free basic foods, as Mum was never food snob or gourmet and just trying hard to avoid food additives and eat healthy wholefoods...

Gram Flour AKA Chickpea Flour - supermarkets sell small bags, cash & carry stores sell large bags, health food stores sell organic varieties, but very versatile ingredient used in many Asian dishes like veg samosas, pakora, tempura, bakery and sweet treats, added to other flours to bind bread products, worth trying and not mentioned much on support forum.

Buckwheat - I use as noodles and in my new diet to replace muesli and granola, it's actually seeds ground into flour and has no relation to wheat or grains in any way, incedibly versatile, health food stores stock many variations and you can use ground flour in baking, bakery and bread products.

Lentil flour - Similar to gram flour, can be turned into pasta, noodles, used as flour in baking, bakery and sweet treats, plus Asian curry dishes and flatbreads in traditional recipes.

Coconut Flour - new one, I guess you have to be prepared to mix different flours and binding agents like vegan egg replacement powder, rice flour, raising agents, all together taking risks, the vegan chefs I have known over the years are Alchemists and Scientists figuring out how to replicate textures and tastes of wheat/dairy/sugar/egg without the unwanted lactose, gluten, animal products, but whatever works for you, add butter to flours if you are making pastries and you are not vegan, Bon Appetit!

And Jamie Lee Curtis decides to interview guests who share her cravings for probiotic Activia yoghurts, what could possibly go wrong?! 😉
Apologies my Indian friend Usman has just pointed out his preferred Natco Gram Flour is made from ground split chana dal or besan variety chickpeas, but it's still low carb with caveat that the manufacturer states it's produced in contaminated environment so may be traces of gluten, sesame, nuts etc, if anyone using the support forum has Coeliacs or IBS caused by gluten... I know nothing, I have never visited India, I only know of British versions of Asian food, um-hmm! 🙂
In praise of home cooking and British-Asian cuisine we have all grown up with over the years, I always love Nadiya's enthusiasm and joy for cooking and sharing food, and this is brilliant showcase for healthy simple tasty low carb meal, obviously swapping out the bread bap for salad bowl or small wholemeal pitta bread, and swapping out the egg and mayonnaise for vegan alternatives if you are vegan, but it's easy to buy no added sugar baked beans, gram flour, spices, garlic, herbs, fresh veg and low carb bread from supermarkets, baked not fried!

I will be reducing Metformin, requesting prescription alternative from GP and going out more now that I will be able to function like real human being, and holding off on the "toilet humour" it was fun while it lasted, ugh!

Potatoes boiled in skins, for example: protein 6%, carbs 93%, fat 1%.
This is incorrect. Boiled potatoes contain a good percentage of water, so they are definitely not 93% carbs or anywhere near that.
This is incorrect. Boiled potatoes contain a good percentage of water, so they are definitely not 93% carbs or anywhere near that.
Water is not a macro nutrient. Please read the whole of that paragraph again.
This is incorrect. Boiled potatoes contain a good percentage of water, so they are definitely not 93% carbs or anywhere near that.
going by this
People also ask

How many carbs are in 100g of boiled potatoes?

Nutrition chart
Average Quantity per servingAverage Quantity per 100g
- saturated (g)0.020.01
Carbohydrate (g)23.215.4
- sugars (g)0.50.3
Dietary fibre (g)2.61.7
7 more rows
Water is not a macro nutrient. Please read the whole of that paragraph again.
I have no idea what is a "Macro nutrient" but I do know what percentages are. Therefore, I am interested in weighing my food and calculating the total carb content based on the percentage of carbs by weight (as @Nayshiftin has presented). Expressing it in any other way seems unnecessarily complicated and does not provide the information needed.
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I have no idea what is a "Macro nutrient" but I do know what percentages are. Therefore, I am interested in weighing my food and calculating the total carb content based on the percentage of carbs by weight (as @Nayshiftin has presented). Expressing it in any other way seems unnecessarily complicated and does not provide the information needed.
helli Make someone happy, please yourself. To me seems like your way is working for you.
TBH I think I really want quick fix excuse but someone like yourself doing the hard work really achieves. Keep going you are doing great.
Water is not a macro nutrient. Please read the whole of that paragraph again.
I read what you wrote but to me it was not at all clear and could certainly be misleading or confusing for people on a diabetes forum who are calculating their carb intake and read it without fully understanding the context or use . Certainly could be dangerous for someone newly on insulin that doesn't know any better. I am guessing "Cronometer" is an app?

I half wonder why water isn't a "macro nutrient" when it is more essential to life than all the rest!
I read what you wrote but to me it was not at all clear and could certainly be misleading or confusing for people on a diabetes forum who are calculating their carb intake and read it without fully understanding the context or use . Certainly could be dangerous for someone newly on insulin that doesn't know any better. I am guessing "Cronometer" is an app? I half wonder why water isn't a "macro nutrient" when it is more essential to life than all the rest!
Clear or not, I have deleted this from that post:
Anyway my question [addressed to everydayupsanddowns] was about units. Cronometer [a nutrient tracking app], which keeps an eye on my nutrients, works in grams/100 grams [water included] and uses percentages for macro nutrients [water excluded]. Potatoes boiled in skins, for example: protein 6%, carbs 93%, fat 1%.
Let's move on.
Clear or not, I have deleted this from that post:
Anyway my question [addressed to everydayupsanddowns] was about units. Cronometer [a nutrient tracking app], which keeps an eye on my nutrients, works in grams/100 grams [water included] and uses percentages for macro nutrients [water excluded]. Potatoes boiled in skins, for example: protein 6%, carbs 93%, fat 1%.
Let's move on.
I think that 93% has to be for dehydrated potato - potato as we eat it is around 20% carbs, which is surely the number we need to know.
Like potatoes, high fructose corn syrup is no longer part of my new remission diet... NSFW warning features jokes mocking racism and racist beliefs, written by and starring comedy geniuses Nadya Ginsburg (American with Jewish heritage), Selene Luna (American with Latinx heritage), and Jackie Beat (American with Italian heritage), Be our guest!
* Fair Warning * If you are very easily offended and squeamish about descriptions of medication side effects or bodily fluids, it's probably best to skip this post, you have been warned...

Outside of my comfort zone but very tired of saying "I'm fine" through gritted teeth and forced smiles, I have been struggling with side effects of Metformin extended release 2000mg per day (1000mg with breakfast, 1000mg with evening meal) and still relative newbie to the world of Type 2 Diabetes, certain foods and conditions like high levels of stress make the bad side effects worse such as very painful indigestion, uncomfortable bloating, explosive diarrhoea and painful bowel movements, which inevitably have destroyed my social life and robbed me of all my confidence when I go out as our society makes no allowances for accessible public toilets, so I have been forced under duress to request from my supportive GP adult diapers for the "bad days" where I have to go out and the Metformin side effects are very difficult to live with...

I know it's easy to say "well just stop taking Metformin then" but it has helped me to massively lower my blood glucose levels and I have to persevere until I have lost excess weight and maintained all the lifestyle changes required before that's something I can consider, and I am aware that some people have rejected all diabetes meds in favour of low carb diets but I currently cannot commit to any low calorie low sugar, low carb low calorie meal replacement diet due to my current circumstances, and there are no quick fix solutions to weight management - bariatric surgery is not for me, extremely risky and many unpublicised side effects such as keeping food and drink completely separate for the rest of your life and risks of painful infections post-surgery and even being fitted with stoma bag if surgery and treatment does not go to plan, so not exactly as advertised or "luxury Turkish holiday with surgery in five star hotel" blah...

Trying hard to find the humour in an impossible situation we are all taught not to discuss in polite society, so ultimately cancelling all social engagements to spend my free time doing lots of laundry loads and buying lots of detergent and toilet paper in bulk isn't working out, so if the adult no-poop-it-all diapers means reclaiming some control back over my life and wearing more clothing than cheap black sweatpants and black oversized shapeless tops as an exercise in hiding in public, then it's worth it on worst days and I am shamelessly exposing my self here to encourage others again to reframe their suffering, re-examine their pain, refocus their self-perception and reimagine their lives how they want them to be accepting and living with diabetes and all the meds side effects and all the stigma around weight management to be the best version of themselves they can be because life is too short to be controlled by poop!

Drag queens, comedians and performance artistes have made living and name for themselves using toilet humour and poop jokes throughout the ages and here's classic parody from New York Drag Legend "Lady Caca" AKA Sherry Vine, but again considering the subject matter, if you are very easily offended and in work environment and don't understand the power of reclaiming stigma and fighting oppression using humour and comedy, then go watch something else, change the channel, look elsewhere NSFW, because Ghurl, I just sh*t my pants! Thanks Metformin! This is NOT sponsored advertisement!
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