Daily patterns - libre - user comparison

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My usual problem is trying to peel them off at the end of the two weeks. I had one original Libre that fell off a day early, after a particularly hot and sticky day climbing in and out of the car all day, and another that I realised was working loose at one edge, which I quickly taped over. That was several years ago and also after a hot and sticky day, doing a load of gardening, and I think Abbott have changed the formula for the glue since then.
I can count on one hand the number that haven't lasted the full 14 days in nearly 3 years of use and usually it was because they started to come adrift. Since I started using an arm band to protect it and give it extra security and remind me which arm it is on when I am having a good scrub in the shower, I haven't had a problem at all, so I consider it has been a very worthwhile investment. The number of times I ping the elastic arm strap but the sensor is unharmed, makes me realise how much the sensor was exposed to challenges prior to using the arm band.
I’ve had several hundred last the full time with no issues
Like @rebrascora, when I was using Libre, very few did NOT last the full 2 weeks.
I only swapped to have a CGM that interacts with my pump. Apart from that, I was happy with Libre for about 3 years.
I have what I call"Limpet Skin" so once I got used to the sensor being there during my daily application of Libre's arch-nemesis (a bra), it never came off even though I had no strap or cover.
I too have had very few that don't last the 14 days.
We're weird. Most people don't participate in online forums. Most of us are doing better than average.

In 2020 only 15.9% of people achieved both >70% in range and <4% below range:
And that's just TIR. For HbA1c-- I found this information when reading the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists' submission to the consultation on hybrid closed loop: NICE recommends as a target that people with Type 1 should get HbA1c down to 48 or below-- but less than 10% of people with Type 1 ever manage to achieve that.

I bet it's a higher percentage among us 'weirdos'. ; )
That consistency in your overnight levels is absolutely amazing though and if you have been ill that will cock things up during the day quite a lot. I do my best not to get ill :confused: as that really helps. 😉 Thankfully there are not many zoonotic illnesses between horses and people so I am pretty safe, plus my low carb way of eating helps stabilize things, although that 30 day period above covered mine and Ian's birthdays in Feb when there was some eating out and rather too much birthday cake involved. 🙄
About 3 weeks ago I got ill for the first time since being diagnosed with T1D ...

I'd read all sorts of stuff about the liver pumping out lots more glucose, so you need lots more insulin, and I already had the 'sick day rules' flowchart posted on the corkboard in my kitchen just in case ... But I still wasn't prepared for how much it threw my levels out of whack! Ruined my lovely graphs, sob. ; ) Only now getting back to normal!
I bet it's a higher percentage among us 'weirdos'. ; )
Probably, but it doesn't include me. I've once or twice been below 50 but only once or twice. My TIR is 70-80%, so fine. And I'm fine with an HbA1c of low 50s (last one was 52).

But we know the average HbA1c achieved by people on pumps is 64 (which is why NICE chose that level), so if that's the average there are presumably people who're at levels which many of us can't really relate to.
I average a great TIR usually in the 90s, currently 98% for the last 7 days, my variability, as you can see from my graphs, is minimal and yet my HbA1cs are usually low 50. My lowest was 45 but I was getting far too many hypos, albeit mostly mild ones, so my consultant asked me to aim for low 50s and I just achieved a 50 thanks mostly to the Libre 2 alarms keeping me out of the red. For me TIR is much more achievable than HbA1c.
I might buck the trend a little with my screenshot, but unashamedly so as I really am trying to get to grips with it all. And throw in some honeymoon phase to boot for this here T1...

Good luck all and thanks for sharing to those that have. I agree it's actually quite comforting to see stats possible and the different shapes and sizes we display


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Thank you for giving your graph. Its worth saying people who post their graphs on a message board are a self selecting sample from a population who are likely more engaged in dealing with their diabetes than the general population of diabetics. At the end if the day, its data to inform actions. Here is my slightly less flattering 7 days werein i forgot i have to adjust my ratio for evening workdays.


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That's a really interesting point to me TDM thank you. As I say this is still all fairly new to me. Diagnosed January and only stepping up back to work life gradually after DKA and a couple of other things flattened me for a bit. For some reason Sundays seem much more prone to hypo to me than Saturdays. And at the moment I haven't tinkered with adjusting dosage weekdays to weekends. Would you mind sharing what adjustments you routinely make? Appreciate it'll be different for me but so far I've been pretty formulaic
That's a really interesting point to me TDM thank you. As I say this is still all fairly new to me. Diagnosed January and only stepping up back to work life gradually after DKA and a couple of other things flattened me for a bit. For some reason Sundays seem much more prone to hypo to me than Saturdays. And at the moment I haven't tinkered with adjusting dosage weekdays to weekends. Would you mind sharing what adjustments you routinely make? Appreciate it'll be different for me but so far I've been pretty formulaic
Imy ratio is 1 unit insulin to 20 carbs on none work days, and that goes down to 1 to 10 on workdays, presumably stress related, or maybe i move more on non work days.
It changes quite a bit so whatever you come up with it may need readjusting periodically.
My breakfast ratios are different again! I'm more insulin sensitive at breakfast time
I can count on one hand the number that haven't lasted the full 14 days in nearly 3 years of use and usually it was because they started to come adrift. Since I started using an arm band to protect it and give it extra security and remind me which arm it is on when I am having a good scrub in the shower, I haven't had a problem at all, so I consider it has been a very worthwhile investment. The number of times I ping the elastic arm strap but the sensor is unharmed, makes me realise how much the sensor was exposed to challenges prior to using the arm band.
I now have some covers to keep it a bit more secure... so far so good and I am on day 9 so far with this sensor. Maybe I was knocking them in my sleep or something!? So far your suggestion is working 🙂 Cheers!

I am curious if others have such a big variation in Glucose levels? Recently I've been having more spikes which is partly down to the food choice but also the time I inject... I think sometimes I start eating before my Insulin is fully effective.

Generally I think I am happy with these readings for saying I was diagnosed in Jan. Still a fair number of lows but I am still in the honeymoon period
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I might buck the trend a little with my screenshot, but unashamedly so as I really am trying to get to grips with it all. And throw in some honeymoon phase to boot for this here T1...

Good luck all and thanks for sharing to those that have. I agree it's actually quite comforting to see stats possible and the different shapes and sizes we display
I honestly don't think it looks too bad, your spikes look like mine where they may go to just over 12 for a short amount of time but then fall back into range quickly. Amending my doses really helped me tbh but I did that through the diabetic specialist nurse. I'm also a new T1 (since Jan) and I find it nice to see the variety of results. I discovered that cereals are a big spike for me... which is a shame since I love a good bowl of cereal.

I agree that those that aren't managing their diabetes as well may not feel confident posting or may not even be here; the fact we are would suggest we want to manage diabetes well. I don't think there's any shame in posting results that aren't "good"; we all face different struggles and none of us are the same
I am curious if others have such a big variation in Glucose levels?
Short answer, yes!
Longer answer, mine are worse than usual at the moment, having had a duff insulin cartridge that took me a couple of days to spot, so my highs are higher than usual, and I've got some time in the Very high category, which I usually manage to avoid, but generally speaking, over the course of a week, there are times when I spike, because I’ve underestimated insulin, or not timed my injection precisely, but life is for living, and if I’ve gone out for tea and want a cake with it, there’s no way I can prebolus, so I just grin and bear the spike.
Short answer, yes!
Longer answer, mine are worse than usual at the moment, having had a duff insulin cartridge that took me a couple of days to spot, so my highs are higher than usual, and I've got some time in the Very high category, which I usually manage to avoid, but generally speaking, over the course of a week, there are times when I spike, because I’ve underestimated insulin, or not timed my injection precisely, but life is for living, and if I’ve gone out for tea and want a cake with it, there’s no way I can prebolus, so I just grin and bear the spike.
I feel the same, I'm not going to let diabetes take over my life. I will do what I can but life is short and we need to enjoy it 🙂

I really am not alone, it seems we all face similar daily battles. The odd brief spike I don't think is too much of a concern! Hard to get everything right all of the time.
Ditto that. Week on holiday and I've thrown up some pretty wild patterns. That's what pasta, cakes, admittedly lots of exercise and so on can do
Main thing is that it's been a blast and I've pretty much brought my new companion Diabetes along for the ride without too many complaints!
Here's mine, trying to avoid carbs except for breakfast (only ever have all bran for breakfast) Have the occasional jacket spud but no pasta, rice or bread. Im probably a bit to obsessed on scanning and trying to keep 100% range. Screenshot_20230401_185702.jpg
Got a new 30 day daily pattern that is as close to a straight line in the middle of range as I could hope for.....
Really finding the alarms on Libre 2 are helping me enormously. I think it is only fair that I acknowledge that as I had significant reservations and reluctance to change from Libre 1.... until I was forced to upgrade, due to the discontinuation. I was really sceptical about the alarms and thought I would need to disable them overnight due to false alarms waking me up, but I haven't had a single one..... it really has been a huge benefit and I am very happy to admit I was wrong about them.
Still a lot more variation during the night than daytime but nothing too desperate.
Got a new 30 day daily pattern that is as close to a straight line in the middle of range as I could hope for.....
Really finding the alarms on Libre 2 are helping me enormously. I think it is only fair that I acknowledge that as I had significant reservations and reluctance to change from Libre 1.... until I was forced to upgrade, due to the discontinuation. I was really sceptical about the alarms and thought I would need to disable them overnight due to false alarms waking me up, but I haven't had a single one..... it really has been a huge benefit and I am very happy to admit I was wrong about them.
Still a lot more variation during the night than daytime but nothing too desperate.
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Nice looking graph, just knew you'd like libre 2, alarms are so handy.
I had no idea lines could be that flat! Hugely impressed
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