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Some lovely areas of the country that you're able to cycle through there Matt, that hundred mile ride seems like a heck of an achievement!
Some lovely areas of the country that you're able to cycle through there Matt, that hundred mile ride seems like a heck of an achievement!

I'm not far from some nice countryside but I think that's true for most places in the UK. Even if you live in a city it never takes that long really to get out and enjoy the countryside. Although now there are some great urban trails and tracks as well.

The 100 mile ride wasn't really planned as such but just sort of happened. I am however planning a longer ride to Chester/North Wales - hopefully for later this Summer. Watch this space. :D
Diabetes O diabetes please tell me what is going on. Yes, perfect weather, just a little breeze but I can't complain about that but the diabetes just wasn't playing along. After spending most of yesterday cutting our hedges and exercising my arms in the process 🙄 I headed out to Delamere in leafy Cheshire this morning for a longish ride to give the legs a workout.

Strava stats are 87.1 miles completed at an average speed of 14.9 mph and elevation gain of just over 2500 feet.

Mmmm the levels - had to leave not long after breakfast and they were at 11.8 mmol/l (wouldn't normally do it but gave a correction of 2 units), at 11 miles 13.2 mmol/l o_O, at 25 miles 8.8 mmol/l, at 40 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 47 miles 6.6 mmol/l, at 53 miles 9.8 mmol/l, at 60 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 67 miles 3.6 mmol//l, at 72 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 77 miles 5.4 mmol/l and back home 6.9 mmol/l. o_O Didn't have anything to eat until 47 miles when I had the malt loaf but normally levels would have been dropping - it's like there was a (long) delayed reaction. After the 3.6 at 67 miles had 3 gels. I suppose they don't look too bad but something about it didn't seem right.

I've got my DAFNE style carb counting course starting next week so I may ask the DSN's about it.

I'm not religious but they have produced some nice buildings. Celtic cross at St Luke's, Goostrey

Sunlight on Rudyard Lake

Garmin stats - Strava lost 0.1 mph and 0.1 mile 🙄
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Terrific ride Matt! Wow - 87 miles! 😱 I wonder if it's partly due to the fact that you are becoming more accustomed to rides of up to 50 miles, and it's only after that that you start needing more fuel to keep your levels up? I get a similar reaction when I run beyond (a paltry!) 8 miles - no fuel up to then, but certainly after.

Lovely pictures 🙂
Terrific ride Matt! Wow - 87 miles! 😱 I wonder if it's partly due to the fact that you are becoming more accustomed to rides of up to 50 miles, and it's only after that that you start needing more fuel to keep your levels up? I get a similar reaction when I run beyond (a paltry!) 8 miles - no fuel up to then, but certainly after.

Lovely pictures 🙂

I'm not sure Alan, it could be as I have upped the mileage recently. :confused: I was thinking it may be the basal - I've had a few off track results recently. I think I'll investigate that first and maybe do some tweaking.
My niece has been on a cycling holiday in the Lakes over the past few days - yesterday 'Some tough climbs today ! Wrynose, Hardknott, Birker Fell and some other steep buggers. Got up them all 🙂' Blimey! Respect to her and her friends, those are HARD climbs! 😱 Here are her stats:
My niece has been on a cycling holiday in the Lakes over the past few days - yesterday 'Some tough climbs today ! Wrynose, Hardknott, Birker Fell and some other steep buggers. Got up them all 🙂' Blimey! Respect to her and her friends, those are HARD climbs! 😱 Here are her stats:

Well done to her for that - some very, very tough climbs. 🙂 (I noticed on her Strava she didn't call them steep buggers but steep b*****ds.) :D

She is already over 3000 miles for the year and averages 7 rides a week. 🙂 Makes my 1155 miles and average 1 ride a week look fairly paltry.
Well done to her for that - some very, very tough climbs. 🙂 (I noticed on her Strava she didn't call them steep buggers but steep b*****ds.) :D

She is already over 3000 miles for the year and averages 7 rides a week. 🙂 Makes my 1155 miles and average 1 ride a week look fairly paltry.
Thought you would appreciate the achievements 🙂 She's really got the bug for it, and the club she rides with seem to be a good social group for her as well, she's been on quite a few holidays with them, including abroad. I'm just amazed really - she never showed any inclination for anything like this for the first 27 years of her life! 🙂 I think she usually rides to work and back, about 20 miles 🙂
Thought you would appreciate the achievements 🙂 She's really got the bug for it, and the club she rides with seem to be a good social group for her as well, she's been on quite a few holidays with them, including abroad. I'm just amazed really - she never showed any inclination for anything like this for the first 27 years of her life! 🙂 I think she usually rides to work and back, about 20 miles 🙂

It is quite addictive and Strava contributes to that as you try and beat your own pb's, friends times etc but also set yourself monthly and yearly challenges for distance and climbs. I know of one person on a cycling forum who'd been out one day but then realised he was short in distance and went out at ten to midnight to get that month's distance challenge in. :D

I was always keen on cycling as a child and in my teens - even after I got diabetes. It was then intermittent in my twenties but I started again in my thirties and now even more so in my forties. I think I'm what is now called a MAMIL. :D I understand there is a good social aspect to riding and groups are part of this - it's easier and quicker in group riding as well, however as I'm an anti social so and so I just go out on my own at my own speed and time. :D
It is quite addictive and Strava contributes to that as you try and beat your own pb's, friends times etc but also set yourself monthly and yearly challenges for distance and climbs. I know of one person on a cycling forum who'd been out one day but then realised he was short in distance and went out at ten to midnight to get that month's distance challenge in. :D

I was always keen on cycling as a child and in my teens - even after I got diabetes. It was then intermittent in my twenties but I started again in my thirties and now even more so in my forties. I think I'm what is now called a MAMIL. :D I understand there is a good social aspect to riding and groups are part of this - it's easier and quicker in group riding as well, however as I'm an anti social so and so I just go out on my own at my own speed and time. :D
Same for me with running - my main pleasure, especially when living in Sheffield, was getting away from everyone! 😱 🙂 I tried Strava for running once ages ago, but it had a bug that doubled up my time for a distance, making my result look ridiculously slow, so I gave up on it. Haven't been able to run now for nearly 3 months with this flipping injury - and that was probably made worse because I was determined to complete the full 5 miles I'd set out to do, despite being in pain from 4.5 miles 🙄
Same for me with running - my main pleasure, especially when living in Sheffield, was getting away from everyone! 😱 🙂 I tried Strava for running once ages ago, but it had a bug that doubled up my time for a distance, making my result look ridiculously slow, so I gave up on it. Haven't been able to run now for nearly 3 months with this flipping injury - and that was probably made worse because I was determined to complete the full 5 miles I'd set out to do, despite being in pain from 4.5 miles 🙄

My OH has a bike and we have been out a couple of times for rides together but she prefers her running. If I could find a T1 diabetic who wanted to rides similar distances and had similar speeds at the days and times I wanted and who lived nearby then yes I would ride together. I don't think I'm being too inflexible. 😉:D

I would imagine Strava have ironed out any bugs in their software as they are always adding new bits to it. There are quite a few diabetic groups on there - I'm in a couple, Team BG (cycling, running and swimming) and T1 diabetic (cycling). Some of the TNN riders are in them and it's no surprise they top the leader boards in those groups each week. :D

It's a shame about your injury - hope it gets better soon and you can enjoy your running again in the better weather. 🙂
Headed over to Sheffield today to see my Mum and sister and family - so a hilly one again. 😉 The scorching weather was not very apparent this morning as it was a bit cloudy with a breeze but it certainly warmed up for the return journey although by the time I set off back I'd missed the hottest time of the day thankfully. I took my mudguards off yesterday so that probably means it will rain next week. :D Passed through Staffordshire and Derbyshire villages including Hartington, Monyash, Bakewell and Baslow before the long climb up to Owler Bar and into Sheffield. Nice day to be out although my left knee had a few twinges so I'm hoping it is alright.

Strava stats are as follows : 76.2 miles completed at an average speed of 13 mph and elevation gain of 5900 feet.

I had the first instalment of my DAFNE style course on Friday and it was very interesting. As Trophywench said there is always plenty to learn on these courses. Tweaking ratios and properly carb counting (rather than my previous guesstimating) is already paying dividends. Levels on this ride were as follows: at start 6.7 mmol/l, at 10 miles 9.7 mmol/l, at 20 miles 5.5 mmol/l, at 28 miles 5.4 mmol/l, at 40 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 48 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 55 miles 6.0 mmol/l, at 64 miles 4.9 mmol/l, at 70 miles 6.4 mmol/l and back home 5.2 mmol/l. They look great but I would normally prefer to run them slightly higher but I suppose didn't suffer any problems. Had a fair bit to eat - 6 gels, 2 slices malt loaf, banana, kelloggs winder from my sister (some sort of concentrated fruit string thing), 2 cheese and onion rolls at my Mums - all with no NovoRapid.

Sunny Sheff - back 'home'

Church at Hartington on the way back

Stay on the road. Keep clear of the moors. :D

Here's the Garmin stats
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Homesick! 😱 (even though I'm not actually from Sheffield, I lived there slightly longer than I did in my home town! 🙂)

Great numbers Matt, looks like you managed your food intake well! 🙂
What a change a week makes as it was a bit of a washout weekend and my prediction of last week (took my mudguards off therefore it will rain) came true. I therefore put the mudguards back on - not quite up to Formula 1 mechanic speeds but not too bad and as it appeared to be drying out a bit I headed out for a shorter ride than of late this afternoon to Jodrell Bank and back via Congleton. :D There were one or two light showers - rain jacket on, rain jacket off - but overall it was fine and felt quite warm. The heavy rain had left debris over the roads and lakes of water on some of the country lanes. The bike definitely needs a clean. 🙄

Strava has it as 42.4 miles completed at an average speed of 14.4 mph and elevation gain of just over 2000 feet.

Levels at start 8.8 mmol/l, at 11 miles 12.1 mmol/l (liver dump as I did hammer it a bit on the way out - paid for it on the way back 🙄), at 20 miles 10.3 mmol/l, at 25 miles 11.6 mmol/l, at 33 miles 9.9 miles and back home 6.1 mmol/l. Didn't have anything to eat on this one.

A better class of bird in Cheshire 😉 - white and blue peacocks at Timbersbrook

Dark clouds gathering - from the top of Biddulph Moor

One of my ugly mug looking a bit flushed after the long climb - at the top of Biddulph Moor

Here's the Garmin - Strava has lost a whole 0.2 mph 🙄
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Good picks like normal Matt. It was wet this morning at ours & went for short walk instead. Them there numbers are pretty dam good 😎
An earlyish start this morning (7.30) and it was overcast but felt reasonably mild but the main thing was it was dry and the sun did make an appearance on occasions. 🙂 Mindful that I couldn't be too long I thought I had just enough time and so headed out to Knutsford in Cheshire.

Strava has it as 59.6 miles at an average speed of 14.7 mph and elevation gain of 2000 feet.

Woke up this morning at 5.45 with a 2.8 hypo and was wary of what the levels were going to be like. Before I set off 5.8 mmol/l (still feeling a bit lightheaded I had 20g CHO in biscuits before setting off), at 11 miles 11.7 mmol/l, at 21 miles 10.9 mmol/l, at 32 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 40 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 49 miles 4.9 mmol/l, at 54 miles 6.2 mmol/l and back home 9.6 mmol/l (overdid the gels 🙄). Not bad but not brilliant either. Didn't have much to eat due to the higher early levels but had two pieces malt loaf and two gels. Obviously didn't need the last gel. 🙄

Menacing looking clouds at Gawsworth but it stayed dry until late afternoon (chucking it down now at 6.30pm)

Here's the Garmin
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You will be getting one of them helmet camera's next. Good pickies 😎
Well done Matt 🙂 My niece apparently got 'p**sed through' yesterday, but managed an astonishing 135 miles 😱
Well done Matt 🙂 My niece apparently got 'p**sed through' yesterday, but managed an astonishing 135 miles 😱

That's pretty good going - well done to her. 🙂 Unlucky with the weather though although it was quite variable around the country. On Strava she has set her target for the year at 4250 miles and is well in advance of that - averaging 168 miles a week for the last 4 weeks. (Mine's only averaging 66 miles a week for the last 4 weeks but I usually only get out once a week 😉). If you speak to her I've requested to follow her on Strava just in case she thinks I'm some random internet nutter :D. Anyone can follow me on there, requests not required - nutters or not. :D Seriously though, I have the privacy settings 1km around my address but unfortunately for females in today's society they will need to take extra care such as the request to follow option.
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