Cute small animal picture of the day

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Just tried to rescue two of them, bees are all over the Lavenders, tons of them, but there are always a few deaded underneath, it's so sad. We stuck 'em in water, don't suppose they'll survive poor things.
Just tried to rescue two of them, bees are all over the Lavenders, tons of them, but there are always a few deaded underneath, it's so sad. We stuck 'em in water, don't suppose they'll survive poor things.
Do you mean you stuck the bees in water, @Ditto , or the lavendars (sorry, my brain is very foggy so not quite following your post)? If the bees, I don't think bees like getting wet, so I don't think putting them in water will revive them - might be better to put them on a nectar-rich flower - and also to make sure you have a bowl of water in the garden which has plenty of pebbles in it so they have somewhere dry to stand to get a drink. You can also feed a bee with sugar-water (two parts sugar to one part water) on a spoon, but only as a one-off thing (like treating a hypo!) - it's not good for them as a regular thing and would be dangerous to leave out for them.

Here's a good article about it -
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