Amity Island
Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 1
During the global health emergency Dr Hazan put forward a hypothesis early in 2020 where she proposed three simple approaches for treating and preventing COVID, based on the improvement of bifidobacteri in the gut, which in turn, provides protection to the respiratory system. This hypothesis was retracted, and not by her. She tried to recruit participants to test her proposed treatments using hydroxylchloroquine, ivermectin and some vitamins, but was censored on all the social media channels. Making it impossible to carry out any studies which could have potentially saved millions of lives.Yes, I read the paper. Unless I misread it, it showed that more severe infections lead to lower Bifidobacterium levels
The novel vaccines were issued under an EUA (emergency use authorization). An EUA can only be issued when a national health emergency and/or no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Had there been any alternatives, the vaccines could never have been used.
There is also a much wider issue here, which is why people are essentially being poisoned by ultra processed food which negatively effects gut microbiome and health. Had the western population not had such terrible food, the COVID outcome may have been far less a problem.
I also think that the billions that went into the pandemic response would have been better spent on diabetes research / cure which affects way more people of all ages for most of their lives 24hrs a day and at a huge cost..
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