Covid-19 response

Yes, I read the paper. Unless I misread it, it showed that more severe infections lead to lower Bifidobacterium levels
During the global health emergency Dr Hazan put forward a hypothesis early in 2020 where she proposed three simple approaches for treating and preventing COVID, based on the improvement of bifidobacteri in the gut, which in turn, provides protection to the respiratory system. This hypothesis was retracted, and not by her. She tried to recruit participants to test her proposed treatments using hydroxylchloroquine, ivermectin and some vitamins, but was censored on all the social media channels. Making it impossible to carry out any studies which could have potentially saved millions of lives.

The novel vaccines were issued under an EUA (emergency use authorization). An EUA can only be issued when a national health emergency and/or no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Had there been any alternatives, the vaccines could never have been used.

There is also a much wider issue here, which is why people are essentially being poisoned by ultra processed food which negatively effects gut microbiome and health. Had the western population not had such terrible food, the COVID outcome may have been far less a problem.

I also think that the billions that went into the pandemic response would have been better spent on diabetes research / cure which affects way more people of all ages for most of their lives 24hrs a day and at a huge cost..
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Making it impossible to carry out any studies which could have potentially saved millions of lives.
Remember that when Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were tested in good quality trials, they turned out not to be helpful, like most things which were tried.
The novel vaccines were issued under an EUA (emergency use authorization). An EUA can only be issued when a national health emergency and/or no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Had there been any alternatives, the vaccines could never have been used.
There weren't any good alternatives. Certainly none that were known to have the extraordinary effectiveness of the vaccines.
There is also a much wider issue here, which is why people are essentially being poisoned by ultra processed food which negatively effects gut microbiome and health. Had the western population not had such terrible food, the COVID outcome may have been far less a problem.
Sure. Not really relevant to this, though. If populations were less overweight and younger, C19 would have been much less of a problem (though I note that about half of people in Africa who've been infected (who know that they have been, I guess) report at least one lingering symptom of infection).
I also think that the billions that went into the pandemic response would have been better spent on diabetes research / cure which affects way more people of all ages for most of their lives 24hrs a day and at a huge cost.
You're still imagining that it's a choice. Politicians here were looking at the news from Italy and elsewhere, reasonably anticipating a catastrophe here, and panicking. And no, they couldn't wait until the hospitals here actually filled up because hospital admissions are such a delayed indicator.

Remember that when Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were tested in good quality trials, they turned out not to be helpful, like most things which were tried.

There weren't any good alternatives. Certainly none that were known to have the extraordinary effectiveness of the vaccines.

Sure. Not really relevant to this, though. If populations were less overweight and younger, C19 would have been much less of a problem (though I note that about half of people in Africa who've been infected (who know that they have been, I guess) report at least one lingering symptom of infection).

You're still imagining that it's a choice. Politicians here were looking at the news from Italy and elsewhere, reasonably anticipating a catastrophe here, and panicking. And no, they couldn't wait until the hospitals here actually filled up because hospital admissions are such a delayed indicator.

You are not understanding. Social media was censored. Studies couldn't be carried out as they couldn't recruit people for the studies in any potential treatments etc. This is not following the science is it?

Politicians did have a choice of how they spent the publics money. Test and trace, eat out to help, vaccines gone past use by date, ppe gear either wrong type or past use by date, nightingale hospitals, covid business and furlough payments are but a few good examples of billions wasted. Money that should have been spent on diabetes research or other health programmes or even schools and hospitals.

"Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg says he regrets bowing to what he calls pressure from the Biden administration to "censor" content on Facebook and Instagram during the coronavirus pandemic."
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In Germany, in court this week....

The President of the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) destroyed much of the public mythology of the pandemic response in testimony before an Osnabrück administrative judge earlier this week.

While our elected leaders claimed to be Following the Science, they were eagerly adjusting the Science behind the scenes wherever necessary to make it into the kind of thing that they already wanted to Follow.

The RKJ protocols show that the allegedly independent Scientific advice provided by the RKI provided was in fact heavily influenced by politicians.

He said that pandemic risk assessments were political rather than scientific; specifically, he said that they were “normative” – that is that they were intended to produce certain behaviours in the public, and not to communicate any concrete, observable facts.

Finally, he said that the RKI not only never had any evidence that vaccine mandates do anything to stop transmission, but also that they never even attempted to monitor vaccines.

A bombshell new study suggests that this polio strain, which infected a four-year-old boy amid a wider viral outbreak in China’s Anhui province, is “99%” identical to a polio variant that was stored 200 miles away, during that same time period, at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Researchers at France’s Pasteur Institute cannot say with certainty where this strain, dubbed ‘WIV14,’ originated. But they insisted two possibilities “must be explored” — including the chance that WIV14 polio originated within the Wuhan institute itself.
