I'm never hungry, haven't had a hunger pang since the 1950s.
You have to find a happy medium that keeps you healthy plus you AND your diabetes happy as Larry - and there's only YOU that can find it for you. Think mine is smallish meals but at regularish intervals. (How annoying, I hate anything so regular !)
If you aren't healthy because you aren't eating enough - and I went through a phase of this, had a mental breakdown, went off eating - anything, just like you - and when my head started to recover my tummy didn't want to. Saw my sis for the first time in over 10 years - they emigrated to Oz - and after about a week she just picked up the dinner plates one day and said as she walked away 'Strikes me you're just not eating enough, Jen' We didn't need to discuss it, she was just saying. I knew she was right. So - I consciously MADE myself have one more forkful or bite when I felt stuffed.
I could do with eating a forkful less with every meal now, because all the bad habits that caused me to put on 3 stone decades ago have returned. Oh I'll just have one slice of pork pie, a few crisps, one biscuit .... the pork pie disappears and the whole tube of Pringles and the entire packet of biscuits - and we'll treat ourselves to a nice cream cake with our cuppa this afternoon .......