Comments in a petrol station!

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Great thread! Have often heard - Are you really diabetic, you're so thin! - wel Doh, I'm thin because the D caused me to lose weight!!! And the one about the insulin smelling of hospitals, thats a frequent one. I could go on and on 😛
Still makes me wonder what we are "meant to look like" 😱

Im seriously curious..... 🙄

I think we're supposed to look like Mr Blobby with a big 'D' tatooed on our foreheads.😉
Hehe I like this thread 😉

My nan said to me not so long ago it was all that sugar in your tea that made you diabetic and when I tried to tell her it had nothing to do with it she pretended she was joking 🙄 bless her.

I've had the 'oh I wouldn't be able to inject if I had diabetes' before a lot even from a nurse at my current surgery x
Last Saturday afternoon I had "so do you have mojor or minor diabetes" and "are you still diabetic?"

The are you still diabetic question was from a chemisty professor, who then started going on about stem still research and that I would be cured in 15 years time.
this thread as i am reading from the weird to wonderful.... i knew that i didnt know much before diagnose but that is a cracker im still wondering what was going through that person s head when he made that comment :eek maybe that would be a bad idea
People going 'oh I couldn't do that' is a red rag to a bull for me.

yea, i get this one quite a lot. My reply is always the same now, "well you would pretty quickly die, then you wouldnt have to" tends to shut them up rapido 😎😱
I also hear the comment that my insulin smells like hospitals when I do an air-shot near someone 😉


well many years ago I was a nurse and I have to admit the smell of insulin is the exact same smell that hopitals used to smell of, to me anyway. Hospitals dont smell like this anymore but I think its the memory that people have.
Last Saturday afternoon I had "so do you have mojor or minor diabetes" and "are you still diabetic?"

The are you still diabetic question was from a chemisty professor, who then started going on about stem still research and that I would be cured in 15 years time.

What a peanut!! Lol some people! Hahaha and he's doing stem cell research....god help us all....
Bernie x 🙂
Horns and a Tail, sounds like Lucifer is D as well. 😱 Wonder how his DSN gets on with him. 🙂
Interesting thread!

Part of me thinks reading this yes it does happen, the comments, the questions, and I would lamp them, but I know I wouldn't.

I can be a bit too tolerant, and think they mean well when they say "they couldn't do that", I didn't know jack (who is he?) really before I was diagnosed, other than my big uncle had T2 and my gran did too and she is paranoid about loosing her legs, and eats diabetic sweets/biscuits by the packet at christmas!

I guess we should bite our tongue and try and educate them all, but then again being a bit defeatist, that'll be impossible, and very frustating, so lets just come on here and have a rant with each other now and again!


Rossi 🙂
Bizarrely I did one drink nail varnish remover....accidentially I should add. It was before I was diagnosed, I was waking up thirsty a lot, I'd left the nail varnish remover next to the water bottle, in my sleepiness I swigged from the wrong one, not good! Quite the irony though, I must've had ketones by then from being ill so my breath probably already smelt of the remover, I just added more!

The 'I could never do that' comment is my pet hate too. I oncehad it followed with, 'I'd just die if I had to inject myself....' errr,no, you'd die if you didn't!! Grrrrr

hahaha god this thread is funny, i have also drank nail vanish remover to! i thought i was the only one hahah

I had someone ask me if my pee smelt like sugar puffs, luckily they were a close friend otherwise i might have taken offense pff haha. :D

I do hate it when people say, ...'Should YOU be eating that?'

while they are munching on burgers, fries and fat coke.... i'm like ERRRR excuse me should YOU be eating. cheeky buggers!😡
That'll be where I caught it then! 😱 🙄

If you eat Jacket spuds with Sausages where does that leave you? Incidentally, still waiting to turn green and sprout the pink feelers. Feeling slightly disappointed that they haven't arrived...
Well, I don't have a D tattoo or sprout unusual things but I must say that although I think the 'Chap on the train' is a complete idiot, when I sit in a waiting room at a diabetic clinic of one kind or another I do NOT look like the rest of them in there. I just don't fit in and while I'm sure there is a lot of people on this thread that look after themselves, there are a lot more that don't, and are fat, and do fit the assumed diabetic profile of fat and over 40.

When I was diagnosed with T1 in Aug09 it was because I kept telling my Dr I wasn't quite right and drinking and eating a lot - he looked at me and put it down to the fact I was swimming, cycling and running a hundred miles a week, he said I'll be fine! I went to hospital with a BG of 27.5 and my HBa1c was 13.8...

And on the smelling thing, dogs are trained to 'smell a hypo', well, assuming you wouldn't have keytones and hypo at the same time - we must have a telling smell either high or low!

Just my 2cents!

PS - My last HBa1c was 6.1 and I still swim bike run for at least a 100 miles a week and I've got faster, so it's not all bad!:D
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