Comments in a petrol station!

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an out of hours dr once asked me to breath on her to smell my breath as she didnt have any ketone sticks lol , that was def the weirdest one but yeah i had probs with a lot of high's and my breath definatley smells of pear drops , not so much any more thank god!
My answer would be is it that obvious I've been drinking the stuff? but that's not taking it very seriously is it?!

Bizarrely I did one drink nail varnish remover....accidentially I should add. It was before I was diagnosed, I was waking up thirsty a lot, I'd left the nail varnish remover next to the water bottle, in my sleepiness I swigged from the wrong one, not good! Quite the irony though, I must've had ketones by then from being ill so my breath probably already smelt of the remover, I just added more!

The 'I could never do that' comment is my pet hate too. I oncehad it followed with, 'I'd just die if I had to inject myself....' errr,no, you'd die if you didn't!! Grrrrr
I also hear the comment that my insulin smells like hospitals when I do an air-shot near someone 😉


Never heard that one before! lol
Still makes me wonder what we are "meant to look like" 😱

Im seriously curious..... 🙄
didn't you know? I'm actually green and have sprouted pink fluffy feelers 😱
When i have to tell people who i dont know very well its always the "But you dont look ill, i would have never guessed" comment! Does annoy me if i am supposed to look ill *sigh*

I also get told i am "hardcore" when i inject and many people say that they wouldnt be able to do what i do, i guess i take some of these comments as a sort of compliment when they come from my friends as they are always telling me how strong i am and how well i am doing...well what they see anyway
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Yeah I love that one.. "I would never of guessed by looking at you" Of course ya wouldnt you strange person then again who cares if you did?😱
Apparently the ability to smell ketones on someone's breath is genetic - some people can and some people can't.

If you look at someone and they aren't green with pink fluffy feelers, the trick is to look at their fingers and foreheads (which the feelers would sprout) because even if you havem't grown them yet, there are often some tinges of colour just beginnnig to show.
Still makes me wonder what we are "meant to look like" 😱

Im seriously curious..... 🙄

Do you know what I reckon he meant. I bet he was referring to weight. I bet he thinks that to have diabetes it must mean you should be fat.

I would think because of all the DUK and media stuff about diabetes, over eating, the measure up campaign, even on GMTV this morning they said it you eat egg and bacon you get diabetes so it all presumes you are fat.

The fact that type 1 has nothing to do with weight at all never comes into it. Plus people with type 2 are not alway overweight and if they are then sometimes it is to do with insulin anyway and not a lifestyle thing.

I am very very overweight and I had to see a consultant specialist about my eyes. I do not have diabetes, 1 or 2 or 2 or 4 or 5 etc etc 😉 but when I sat in the waiting room the majority had diabetes as it was diabetes day, it said so on the wall. As I am overweight it was presumed by the nurses that I had type 2 and was there for my screening. I was cross but kept my cool as these people are just bloody ignorant. I told them I wasn't diabetic and had other eye issues !

So I bet that is what the silly man meant ! You didn't look diabetic because you aren't overweight.

bbc news said this morning about sausages giving you diabetes 😡
Like last week's Jacket spuds are supposed to help prevent if...
Whow, i don't think i'd mind smelling of candifloss, that sounds quite nice. Nothing silly really, but one of the girls i work with, and bear in mind i work in a pharmacy, and that she's more experienced than me...said she hated taking an injectable drug she'd been prescribed as it made her feel "like a junkie." I didn't point out that some of the people i know and not to mention the lovely Debs in Stores, have to do that four times daily, every day and don't feel at all like junkies unless a certain nurse is in the room of course.
There was a man on the train one night claimed he could tell a person was diabetic by the way they looked and smelled, apparently we are a 'funny colour and smell of candy floss and burn toffee'. I ecided he was beneath contempt and ignored him but handed his very emabressed wife a leaflet for diabetes UK and a slip of paper with this site on it!

:D love it!
When i have to tell people who i dont know very well its always the "But you dont look ill, i would have never guessed" comment! Does annoy me if i am supposed to look ill *sigh*

I also get told i am "hardcore" when i inject and many people say that they wouldnt be able to do what i do, i guess i take some of these comments as a sort of compliment when they come from my friends as they are always telling me how strong i am and how well i am doing...well what they see anyway

"Hardcore" that makes me chuckle...sorry...i must be getting old and yeah peoples ignorance about injecting - they would do it if their life depended on it!

Good job for this site to offload all these wonderful (*said sarcastically*) comments people say to us 3 headed, green, sausage eating, smelly breathed diabetics lol!!

Bernie 🙂 xx
"Hardcore" that makes me chuckle...sorry...i must be getting old and yeah peoples ignorance about injecting - they would do it if their life depended on it!

Good job for this site to offload all these wonderful (*said sarcastically*) comments people say to us 3 headed, green, sausage eating, smelly breathed diabetics lol!!

Bernie 🙂 xx

hhahaaa bernie love it !!
i am loving this thread i got me thinking of the the things people have said to me over the years things that a lot of people on here have heard too
i too have had
"my god how can you inject yourself"
my insuilin smells like a hospital,
oh well you will grow out of it
oh you are a diabetic did you eat too many sweets
the best one was oh well the only thing you cant eat is cakes
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