Comments in a petrol station!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was buying some jelly babies at a petrol station as they were on offer (?1 each) and so picked up the last 2 packets (for work, home, car etc etc)!

Got to the counter and the old boy behind the counter commented on "Do you like these". I thought hmmm but for the first time i actually said out loud "it helps to keep my blood sugar levels up". He replied "you're not diabetic are you - you don't look it?". I paid for my stuff and left thinking - Do diabetics look a certain way then? Perhaps we have alien horns or 3 heads?

Was wondering if anyone else had ever had any comments made to them once strangers have realised you are diabetic?
The horns only appear when you admit you are diabetic, that's what fools them most of the time! :D

I wonder what his mental image of a diabetic was? 😱
There was a man on the train one night claimed he could tell a person was diabetic by the way they looked and smelled, apparently we are a 'funny colour and smell of candy floss and burn toffee'. I ecided he was beneath contempt and ignored him but handed his very emabressed wife a leaflet for diabetes UK and a slip of paper with this site on it!
iI heard someone talk about the smell too, no idea what that means!!
Not only do we have horns we smell too haha xxx
didnt you have the compulsory D tatooed on your forehead ??
I can't say I'd noticed a smell, but there must be something if dogs can tell when their owners are going to have a hypo. Unless this man is like a dog with a really good sense of smell!
Hang on, horns and a tail would be diabolic wouldn't it, not diabetic?
I get that alot......... people are weird............. haha
There was a man on the train one night claimed he could tell a person was diabetic by the way they looked and smelled, apparently we are a 'funny colour and smell of candy floss and burn toffee'. I ecided he was beneath contempt and ignored him but handed his very emabressed wife a leaflet for diabetes UK and a slip of paper with this site on it!

I don't know about the 'funny colour', but the smell might have been a reference to ketones, which can be smelt on the breath if you have enough.
Yeah I have heard breath smells sweet if we have ketones.

Was asked by the NHS is my breath smelt of nail varnish remover!! Urm....... huh?!
About nail varnish remover, Laura. It's the smell of acetone that they mean. It has a sweet smell, found in pear drops and nail varnish remover, which are the things they reference, since most people know the smell of one or the other.
LOL! It was a while ago they said that and I actually took the phone away from my ear and gave it a weird look! lol
A colleagues reaction when he realised I inject 4 times per day and finger prick at least twice - " oh I just couldn't do that" - my reaction.... "oh I somehow think you could! The alternative is a no brainer"
Yeah I have heard breath smells sweet if we have ketones.

Was asked by the NHS is my breath smelt of nail varnish remover!! Urm....... huh?!

My answer would be is it that obvious I've been drinking the stuff? but that's not taking it very seriously is it?!
Must be drinking it, I never use it to remove nail varnish...
I also hear the comment that my insulin smells like hospitals when I do an air-shot near someone 😉

hahaha this made me laugh out loud....people are soooo uneducated in the D 🙂 xxx
I also hear the comment that my insulin smells like hospitals when I do an air-shot near someone 😉


My one pen smells like anti-septic stuff. :confused: Not sure why.

'Oh! i couldn't inject like you do' yes, i get that alot.
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