Code of Conduct Button

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“…if we are able to imagine the forum as large round wooden table (Knights of Camelot, Monty Python & Holy Grail), with seating all around the table where those closest to the table have more say, are heard from their platforms, and behind-the-scenes have fraternity networks going back to private education, elite universities and their family names cementing their undisputed place at the head of the table leading all debates and discussions, all eyes on them for their opinion, and in the corner of the room jumping up and down behind the seating but mostly ignored, are less privileged folks…”

I’ve never noticed or been aware of such things on the forum. Have people referred or implied they’re from elite universities, etc, or, if this phrase is ok, the ‘upper class’?? I’ve found that everyone’s voice is listened to. Some people have more diabetes knowledge/experience than others but that’s not to do with privilege. It can be simply the length of time they’ve had it, the variety of drugs and tech they’ve tried, if they’ve done a course, etc etc.

I think this is a pretty equal place. I listen to anyone who has something interesting or helpful to contribute, as I’d guess most people do. I’ve no idea where anyone went to uni or how much money they’ve got. That’s irrelevant. Or are you talking about the mods? If so, the same goes for them.
Here, here, Inka.

Thank you for putting in to words what I was struggling to do because it is difficult to say some things without coming across in a fashion that is likely to cause the moderators to shut me down because they, in turn, are under pressure.

For my part I understand that, in the world, there is intolerance for many different groups of people and there is a genuine attempt to reverse that trend. Sadly, I think there are also some people who are now trying to over-correct the problem (maybe unwittingly, but in other cases quite deliberately).

I look forward to the day when someone's sexual preferences don't need to be highlighted to all and sundry. People will just be treated as people. I also look forward to the day when people don't feel the need to trawl through years of posts on an online forum in order to raise perceived issues long passed and forgotten.
As a rocker (59 club member) I would be closer to the table than scooter riders! Closest would be the Hells Angels! :rofl:
I don’t know whether I am responsible for Josh bringing up this subject but if it is, please accept my apologies. It all started when Diabetes UK recently INVITED its forum members to share their remission stories. I therefore submitted my story early so that all data quoted by me can be checked and verified with my medical records. I thought this was important because the data seems too good to be true as it concerns the following points:
1) In remission for seven years
2) No loss of weight
3) No diets. In fact meals are the same as pre-diagnosis
4) Excess fats around waist did not stop blood sugar falling

I do understand those are rather quite significant findings and many people will find hard to believe but is Diabetes UK not an organisation that helps support and educate diabetics? Surely the organisation also has to learn new ideas or concepts especially if supported by evidence and not summarily dismiss it as spam especially as I have been a registered forum member for many years albeit I don’t post much. I have ranted and decided not to take matters any further. I do hope that the organisation does not regret this decision in the future. I will now extricate myself from this forum and apologise for any problems caused.
Hello Everyone,

Since this has gone off topic from its original purpose, I am locking this thread.
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