I’m rather hoping that will be the case for me. My last HbA1c at 59 came like a bolt from the blue, the predictions from Libre and MySugr both having been 49. I’d actually joked to the practice nurse about “does that mean I can have a pump now?!” but she referred me and I have an appointment at the end of January.
But do I carry on doing whatever it was that got me to 59? I’ve no real idea what it was as before my numbers have always been somewhere between 50 and 55. Except that half the 3 month period comprised a spell in hospital with a broken hip, very regular meals, very little sleep, not a lot of exercise but quite a lot of stress.
And now? Recovering, mobility improving, but pain from an arthritic knee not helping. Back in AF after a 4 year remission but GP wasn’t inclined to do anything about it as he was satisfied with the BP produced by the meds and it was “something I had to live with” (Different when AF first diagnosed - referred fairly quickly for a cardioversion which was an immediate success and I was fine until the fall. But then my age began with a 6….)
So I’m coping (just) with balancing three medical conditions along with domestic chores, family issues, a husband with mild cognitive impairment which I think is worsening, wondering if we should move home nearer to family and bloomin’ Christmas.
And Libre still predicts HbA1c as 49. Time in range for last 90 days 82%. So on the diabetes front I’m judged to be doing fine, but my graphs look like the Alps and it’s all such hard b*****y work.
Am I going to be laughed out of the clinic?
Apologies for the long rant and to
@Lily123 for hijacking your thread.