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Closed loop funding


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Have any of you gotten a closed loop pump under the new guidance (TA943) ?
I fit under the children’s bit as I’m 17 but just wondering if anyone has qualified and actually gotten a closed loop pump.
My next appointment is 2nd January and I will ask, I am anticipating being told no though.
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My clinic are aiming to roll it out to all under 25s that want it by April
My clinic are aiming to roll it out to all under 25s that want it by April
That’s great considering it’s a 5 year rollout - especially given the cost.
That’s great considering it’s a 5 year rollout - especially given the cost.
Yeah we’re already 1 year into the 5 year rollout though, and a lot more under 18s were already on pumps, so will take the rest of the time to rollout to age 25+ that qualify (a1c above 58 here)
Yeah we’re already 1 year into the 5 year rollout though, and a lot more under 18s were already on pumps, so will take the rest of the time to rollout to age 25+ that qualify (a1c above 58 here)
True, the year has gone fairly quickly, that makes sense with the rollout.
I got mine on Tuesday. I was already on the libre 2 plus under my GP, and Omnipod dash via my hospital.
They asked me when NICE updated the guidance if I would be interested in HCL, I don’t meet the criteria but my team at the hospital also consider other factors such as TIR and mental load.
So I have been on a waiting list for a few months, the consultant spoke to me a few weeks ago and asked again if I was interested she said it would be 8 weeks. I think it was 3.
I know my team are really interested in moving anyone across who wants it and is already on the preferred CGMs and if the CGM’s are paid for by surgeries, so not from the same funds that has made it easier for them to roll out the upgraded pump.

My TIR is good apart from during menstruation and ovulation it’s been much easier on the pump, but our hopes was that this would be a better fix for those few days a months where it goes wonky.
I know my team are really interested in moving anyone across who wants it and is already on the preferred CGMs and if the CGM’s are paid for by surgeries, so not from the same funds that has made it easier for them to roll out the upgraded pump.

Interesting @PhoebeC Are you saying they’re only really looking at people who have a pump that can loop with the Libre? Does that not limit pump choice a lot? Is that allowed in the guidelines?
I do know they are setting with users of Dexcom too, on the Omnipod 5, is it the 6?

I haven’t been told their plans for other set ups, I know that they offer other pumps, I think they offered me 5 options when I first asked. Due to the sport there was 2 patch options for me, so I didn’t look into any of the others.

I know the team do office to support on all of the sensors. And a number of pumps I believe that Tameside in general is very pro pump the nurse commented on Tuesday that years ago DSN didn’t get involved as a whole in pumps, there would be one specialist. Whereas now the whole team is trained and they roll them out to newly diagnosed as early as possible.

When I first asked about pumps, they did say that the Omnipod and the other patch were cheaper for funding and easier to access due to not being tied into a contract. I think the pay as you go type set up of the patch pumps makes it more flexible than a long-term investment in other types. I don’t think this is policy. They are just using what they have available to help people quicker. I was told I could pick any type pump, that they always offer the patient what works for them best.
When I attended the session for the Omnipod 5 system recently, we were all Libre users apart from one woman who had a Dexcom. She tried for a while during the session but found it really fiddly, so decided to switch there and then to a Libre 2+.

When I was moved onto the pump system in March, I was taken by the Medtronic (minimed?) system but the thought of being tied to a system for 4 years was a bit daunting. I opted for the Omnipod Dash, as did the vast majority of those in attendance, knowing that we could switch to a different system if it did not work out.

As I mentioned in another post, there are 1800 people in this area who need to be moved onto the closed loop system. I think I qualified for the same reasons as @PhoebeC as my HBA1C and management of the condition are both 'excellent' according to my DSN.
Are you saying they’re only really looking at people who have a pump that can loop with the Libre? Does that not limit pump choice a lot? Is that allowed in the guidelines?
As I understand it this is additional to the criteria: anybody already using a pump and a CGM which can be made into an HCL (at least one of the supported ones, I guess) should be able to have that happen even if they wouldn't qualify under TA943.
Thanks @Bruce Stephens I’m asking, sadly, because my local authority are seriously messing people with non-Libre CGMs around. I can’t see that this is a national decision and I’m furious. Ideally I’d be waving some rule in their face to stop them.
Hi @Lily123 Are you already using a pump and if so, is it capable of looping with your current CGM? If so, there is no funding needed, just the time involved to sort out your training. If you aren't on a pump, then I think some areas are prioritising training those people who have a pump and CGM already to get them onto closed loop before moving more people onto pumps. I think the problem is limited staff to train people as much as funding, so they are hanging back on new pump starts, other than priority ones like small children and pregnant women, until they have the majority of people currently pumping onto HCL, if they want it. This may not be the case in your area of course, as different clinics have different issues and priorities.
That’s interesting @PhoebeC about the CGM funding and good that you’ve now got a closed loop.
Hi @Lily123 Are you already using a pump and if so, is it capable of looping with your current CGM? If so, there is no funding needed, just the time involved to sort out your training. If you aren't on a pump, then I think some areas are prioritising training those people who have a pump and CGM already to get them onto closed loop before moving more people onto pumps. I think the problem is limited staff to train people as much as funding, so they are hanging back on new pump starts, other than priority ones like small children and pregnant women, until they have the majority of people currently pumping onto HCL, if they want it. This may not be the case in your area of course, as different clinics have different issues and priorities.
I’m not on a pump, I use Novorapid and Tresiba and a Dexcom G6.

I should have mentioned that it in the original post, sorry!
Yeah, you’re probably right about the priorities and the staffing levels.