Cholesterol questions

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When I was diagnosed with T2 my LDL was a bit high, HDL low, and Trigs high. After 3 months of low carb, LDL has gone up, HDL has gone up to normal levels and Trigs down to normal levels. I don't eat much saturated fat and keep an eye on how much I do eat. Might had a small bit of cheese, mainly low far Babybel, or low fat Greek Yoghurt. The odd tablespoon of double cream in a meal. Not like my wife who has half a carton of double cream over fruit and has normal levels!
Dietary cholesterol is not generally thought to have much influence on the Lipid panel unless people are Hyper Responders to Dietary Cholesterol. 20 to 30% are Hyper Responders - LDL goes haywire in Hyper Responders for up to two hours after a Chols heavy meal. Otherwise dietary restriction of Chols only reduces Chols on ave by 10% of Total. But dietary restriction was all that was on offer at the time of Ancel Keys, the great physiologist who first highlighted Cholesterol issues, he didn’t have the Magic Bullet of Statins to hand. Bernstein explains that LDL (‘bad ‘ cholesterol ) will increase when someone switches to Low Carb but HDL ( a lagging indicator) will eventually catch up and hopefully start controlling the mess.
Dietary cholesterol is not generally thought to have much influence on the Lipid panel unless people are Hyper Responders to Dietary Cholesterol. 20 to 30% are Hyper Responders - LDL goes haywire in Hyper Responders for up to two hours after a Chols heavy meal. Otherwise dietary restriction of Chols only reduces Chols on ave by 10% of Total. But dietary restriction was all that was on offer at the time of Ancel Keys, the great physiologist who first highlighted Cholesterol issues, he didn’t have the Magic Bullet of Statins to hand. Bernstein explains that LDL (‘bad ‘ cholesterol ) will increase when someone switches to Low Carb but HDL ( a lagging indicator) will eventually catch up and hopefully start controlling the mess.

But saturated fat is, dietary cholesterol seems to be used as a deflection by some.

Why would dietary fat cause any measurable increase in blood cholesterol? The metabolism of fat in the body goes thru a complex process and my understanding is it is finally absorbed if at all in the bowel area where a small proportion may end up adding to blood cholesterol. I thought the liver was the main influencer for cholesterol and carbs are readily stored as fat by the liver if not needed for energy. I know this is very simplistic but many challenge the 'saturated fat is bad' 'research' as it appears to be at odds with the way the body metabolises fats. Have I got this wrong?
Right ok, I think I’m finally getting it. My individual numbers are all good accept pesky total. 😡 Sorry, I’m such a stress head
My Total is always high, but individual elements and ratios very good. I call my Total inconvenient.

I don't have my most recent numbers, from tests as part of a cardiac health study, were in my usual area. I was dreading the usual discussions surrounding statins (I don't take them), but the Cardiologist researcher was happy with my numbers.

When I mentioned the usual "chat" he stated he saw no reason to suggest stains. He further clarified his position might have differed if I had cardiac disease or an historic cardiac event.

I'll go with the specialists opnion, in the light of a LOT of information.
Right ok, I think I’m finally getting it. My individual numbers are all good accept pesky total. 😡 Sorry, I’m such a stress head
Hi, you are not alone I continually find the whole cholestrol thing, total cholesterol, ratios, HDL and LDl and whatever else confusing. My total chol was high, my ratio HDL good, trigs good but LDL too high. At my last review the nurse told me to try and reduce that and then after the next blood test we would discuss statins if no improvement which I thought was reasonable. I have read lots on the British Heart Foundation web which did clarify much of the debate.
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Why would dietary fat cause any measurable increase in blood cholesterol? The metabolism of fat in the body goes thru a complex process and my understanding is it is finally absorbed if at all in the bowel area where a small proportion may end up adding to blood cholesterol. I thought the liver was the main influencer for cholesterol and carbs are readily stored as fat by the liver if not needed for energy. I know this is very simplistic but many challenge the 'saturated fat is bad' 'research' as it appears to be at odds with the way the body metabolises fats. Have I got this wrong?
A Cochrane review of the evidence by Hooper in 2020 concluded that diets containing 20% of calories from saturated fat increased Total Cholesterol and LDL and cardio events. But who gets 20% of calories from saturated fats ? They and Transfats have been public enemy No.1 since Ancel Keys's book ' Eat Well and Stay Well' in 1959 when he cautioned restraint on white fat from farmed animals. Keys's 1972 book, 'Eat Well and Stay Well the Mediterranean Way' majored on 'good fats' like olive oil, nuts, fish etc. Unfortunately the jury is out on whether substituting 'good' fats for 'bad' fats has a major effect on cardio risks. All fats may be equal or equally 'bad' in large quantities.
I had a problem with nightmares on statins so stopped them but after many chats with Dr I went back on them but just another type and no more nasty dreams.
A Cochrane review of the evidence by Hooper in 2020 concluded that diets containing 20% of calories from saturated fat increased Total Cholesterol and LDL and cardio events. But who gets 20% of calories from saturated fats ? They and Transfats have been public enemy No.1 since Ancel Keys's book ' Eat Well and Stay Well' in 1959 when he cautioned restraint on white fat from farmed animals. Keys's 1972 book, 'Eat Well and Stay Well the Mediterranean Way' majored on 'good fats' like olive oil, nuts, fish etc. Unfortunately the jury is out on whether substituting 'good' fats for 'bad' fats has a major effect on cardio risks. All fats may be equal or equally 'bad' in large quantities.

It would seem many on here do.
For me that's less than 50g.
And I am not on a low carb diet, so I'm not making any calories up with it either. If you are?
Butter, cream, bacon, fried food, fatty cuts of meat, the list goes on.......
My Total is always high, but individual elements and ratios very good. I call my Total inconvenient.

I don't have my most recent numbers, from tests as part of a cardiac health study, were in my usual area. I was dreading the usual discussions surrounding statins (I don't take them), but the Cardiologist researcher was happy with my numbers.

When I mentioned the usual "chat" he stated he saw no reason to suggest stains. He further clarified his position might have differed if I had cardiac disease or an historic cardiac event.

I'll go with the specialists opnion, in the light of a LOT of information.
Hi, I’ve just noticed your hba1c history. That’s very inspirational. Can I just ask, as you were taken off the diabetes register do you still get yearly checks ? what is your diet like currently? Are you very low carb? Have you been able to reintroduce more foods and what kind of numbers do you see if your still testing? So
Sorry for all the questions and tell me to mind my own business if you like I’m just curious xx
Okay so was just brainstorming in the shower.. I’ve had a thought based on the above post from burlancs. So my total chol was 4.8 on diagnosis, changed diet and it goes up… what If it’s not the amount of fats I’m eating but the percentage of them in relation to other foods. Although my sat fat is well under recommended, my other food groups have reduced so much have i caused an imbalance? Is this even a thing? God loves a trier xx
Okay so was just brainstorming in the shower.. I’ve had a thought based on the above post from burlancs. So my total chol was 4.8 on diagnosis, changed diet and it goes up… what If it’s not the amount of fats I’m eating but the percentage of them in relation to other foods. Although my sat fat is well under recommended, my other food groups have reduced so much have i caused an imbalance? Is this even a thing? God loves a trier xx
It could well be.
It seems that an imbalance in the consumption of saturated fats, ie high, causing the body to shift up its production of cholesterol.
I keep mine low by trying to avoid fats, and when I do have them, I aim for good fats.

I don't believe there is any such thing as a "diabetic register".
When I reversed mine, I still retained all the annual checkups, blood tests, and still make sure I declare type 2 on my travel insurances, to avoid any issues with incidents that could be related to type 2.
My cardio vascular health is good, but as it's a known complication, so for the avoidance of doubt, I decided it was better to declare it, and pay a small premium, than argue about it in ICU one day.
I still do "dangerous" sports so if anything ever happens, I want all bases covered, regardless of how I get there or what I'm labeled on the paperwork.
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Okay so was just brainstorming in the shower.. I’ve had a thought based on the above post from burlancs. So my total chol was 4.8 on diagnosis, changed diet and it goes up… what If it’s not the amount of fats I’m eating but the percentage of them in relation to other foods. Although my sat fat is well under recommended, my other food groups have reduced so much have i caused an imbalance? Is this even a thing? God loves a trier xx
All I can say that that doesn't bear out with me as a theory.
I eat way more fat and MUCH less carbs and about the same protein as I used to and cholesterol has been steadily reducing.... As I say, my current results are pending and I always "hold my breath" at this point in case there is a significant change in that trend. I won't mind a few decimal places of increase but an increase of a couple of whole units would mean I might need to rethink my dietary strategy. This will be my first fasting cholesterol I believe since diagnosis, so that may or may not have an impact.
Could fibre be an issue in the cholesterol equation? I do use fibre supplements as well as seeds and nuts and veggies for fibre.
All I can say that that doesn't bear out with me as a theory.
I eat way more fat and MUCH less carbs and about the same protein as I used to and cholesterol has been steadily reducing.... As I say, my current results are pending and I always "hold my breath" at this point in case there is a significant change in that trend. I won't mind a few decimal places of increase but an increase of a couple of whole units would mean I might need to rethink my dietary strategy. This will be my first fasting cholesterol I believe since diagnosis, so that may or may not have an impact.

Hopefully you'll see even better trigs in a fasting test.
The fibre could be a thing, was it "soluble fibre" that was promoted for cholesterol reduction?
It could well be.
It seems that an imbalance in the consumption of saturated fats, ie high, causing the body to shift up its production of cholesterol.
I keep mine low by trying to avoid fats, and when I do have them, I aim for good fats.

I don't believe there is any such thing as a "diabetic register".
When I reversed mine, I still retained all the annual checkups, blood tests, and still make sure I declare type 2 on my travel insurances, to avoid any issues with incidents that could be related to type 2.
My cardio vascular health is good, but as it's a known complication, so for the avoidance of doubt, I decided it was better to declare it, and pay a small premium, than argue about it in ICU one day.
I still do "dangerous" sports so if anything ever happens, I want all bases covered, regardless of how I get there or what I'm labeled on the paperwork.
Thanks for that … ooh what dangerous sports do you do out of interest ?
Could fibre be an issue in the cholesterol equation? I do use fibre supplements as well as seeds and nuts and veggies for fibre.
Hi there, yes I did think of you when I was deliberating over this. Hopefully for you your result are still as good. Yes I think I have quite a bit of fibre but I may start paying closer attention to that. Thankyou x
Thanks for that … ooh what dangerous sports do you do out of interest ?

Scuba diving
Jet skiing
Motor racing (that's a recent one)
Off roading (planning to do that in more places in europe, so not the same as the UK).
Now the world is opening up we have started booking a few places in the world to go to, so I'm sure other thing's will appear as well.
And some of those places are off the beaten track, so I want health insurance there too.
The policy is a twelve month cover, and it includes most risks.
Hopefully I'll only need it for injuries, well not "hopefully", but for a few pounds extra it'll cover anything mostly now.

My daughter was looking at skydiving, but I can't see the appeal of jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane.
She's into skiing now, that's one I have tried, but not really gotten into it.
The other one is more camping and climbing, again, not really something I like, but you never know.
I don't know if it has any bearing on my results but I was eating WAY too much sugar and carbs in general pre diagnosis so the dramatic change may have been a huge relief on my body and perhaps my lowering levels are a response to that.
Also my Dad ate a lot of saturated fats throughout his life in the form of bacon, butter inches thick on his (always) white bread, lamb chops etc and he had the heart of an ox even at 84 when he died of an asthma attack, which the paramedics made comment on when they were trying to save him, so there may be a genetic element to it.
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