Cgm -Sibionics

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This popped up in my news feed today.
Never heard of them before.
Me neither, applied for the free trial when i saw it advertised yesterday, to share a review about it on the forum though
This is a positive review of this CGM, which is from a Chinese company:

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Its supposed to be pretty good, better i think than libre 2 in terms of accuracy. Type one talks Tom did a review and said it was ok but as he pumps it's no good for him long term. Good to have anouther alternative.
He also said alarms weren't as good as dexcom
He also said alarms weren't as good as dexcom
However, I looked at self-funding in the UK and Dexcom was about 3 times the price of Libre. I hesitated as I am not on insulin and thought too I might self-medicate a hypo and folks say then to do a finger prick first. So at the moment, I'm just finger pricking. I would love a Jelly baby though. He he it may be that they would be too sweet if I tasted them.
Some weeks back I saw a link in a thread to a free trial for this system. I signed up & then a few days later got a request to upload a copy of my prescriptions & diagnosis. Wasn't comfortable doing that so just ignored it but today, the postman delivered two sensors. So I came back to the forums to search for Sibionics but got no results, which is odd. Very little on the web about them either & nothing but Youtube videos for reviews.

So has anyone used them?

Edit: Thanks to @rebrascora finding the original thread, I have requested that it be renamed & the threads merged.
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I think you are probably the 1st person from here to mention getting this sensor, so let us know how it goes!
I think Lucyr had signed up for the free trial
Yeah I didn’t hear anything else though since. If I do I’ll do a review.
Thanks to @rebrascora finding the original thread, I have requested that it be renamed & the threads merged.

I may give the sensors a go starting at the weekend, but I have reservations.
  • I can't see pricing anywhere on their web site, only Ebay sellers & direct from China via AliExpress.
  • I note that even on their own site, there isn't a single customer review.
  • There doesn't even appear to be CE approval on the packaging.
  • They can't even spell their own name!
They can't even spell their own name!
Well that fills me with confidence (sarcasm)! I really hope they send me one. I’m expecting it to be terrible but always intrigued to give new things a go.
Well that fills me with confidence (sarcasm)! I really hope they send me one. I’m expecting it to be terrible but always intrigued to give new things a go.
I received the email asking for medical records on 28th August. As I said, I ignored that but then got another on 18th September saying I'd been accepted. Just checked back & none of their emails tell me how or where to buy additional sensors. There is a link to their "Global" Facebook group but that only has 46 members! No idea what's in there as it's a private group.
Think I might be wary of introducing a "foreign body" into my own body tissue that hasn't been certified as safe for medical use. It is one thing sticking something to your skin but when it comes to needles and filaments penetrating the skin, I think I might be a bit wary.
The more I look at this the worse it gets.
  • There is no app for IOS, only Android.
  • The app isn't available on the Google Play store, only by direct download of an APK from Sibionics. So bypassing any kind of standards & anyone's guess what other data it may be harvesting.
  • Having requested to join the "Global" Facebook group, I've had no response.
On balance I'm going to give it a miss.
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That's the same review that @harbottle posted & seems to be only one. I've just waded through some of the comments though & the reviewer seems very reluctant to answer questions.

Are DUK aware of this product & have any info to share?
I deleted that post once I saw it was redundant given the earlier post on the same topic. Guess I wasn’t quick enough with that deletion so apologies for the unintentional duplication.

For what it’s worth I wouldn’t touch that Sibionics sensor with a barge pole…
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