Carbs how long do they take to affect neuropathy

Yes i agree but i want to eat a lasagne a spag bog and i dont know if i will ever be a le to eat these again ? I mean what can you eat on holiday ? Abroad ? Surely you have to live a life ???
Yes i agree but i want to eat a lasagne a spag bog and i dont know if i will ever be a le to eat these again ? I mean what can you eat on holiday ? Abroad ? Surely you have to live a life ???
Once you get your blood glucose down to a more sensible level then you can be more flexible and have some of those things. You can carry on as you are and risk getting even more complications or accept you are going to need to make some changes.
You can make a lasagne with 1 layer of pasta and the others with courgette, or have a spag bol but with just a spoonful of spaghetti and lots of the sauce.
I make a savoury crumble which is much like a pie with just a topping make from some breadcrumbs, cheese, spring onion.
I think because I am trying to do this by diet and exercise only I am getting anxious over it all as i am newly diagnosed. All I want is to bring my hbAc 1 levels down. Iv never been over weight. Im 9 stone 8 and 5ft 2 i have a good BMI at 64 yrs. So dont understand why im cutting carbs. ?
I think because I am trying to do this by diet and exercise only I am getting anxious over it all as i am newly diagnosed. All I want is to bring my hbAc 1 levels down. Iv never been over weight. Im 9 stone 8 and 5ft 2 i have a good BMI at 64 yrs. So dont understand why im cutting carbs. ?
I walk at least 2 miles per day too and do 2 12 hour shifts per week physical job !!!
I think because I am trying to do this by diet and exercise only I am getting anxious over it all as i am newly diagnosed. All I want is to bring my hbAc 1 levels down. Iv never been over weight. Im 9 stone 8 and 5ft 2 i have a good BMI at 64 yrs. So dont understand why im cutting carbs. ?
Because you need to cut down on carbs because it is carbs which convert to glucose which your body cannot cope with as the insulin you are producing is not able to be used effectively to metabolise the glucose.
It is only by not eating the more carbs than your body can tolerate that your blood glucose will reduce. High blood glucose will ultimately cause all sorts of damage to your body and you are already experiencing some of that with the neuropathy.
Because you need to cut down on carbs because it is carbs which convert to glucose which your body cannot cope with as the insulin you are producing is not able to be used effectively to metabolise the glucose.
It is only by not eating the more carbs than your body can tolerate that your blood glucose will reduce. High blood glucose will ultimately cause all sorts of damage to your body and you are already experiencing some of that with the neuropathy.
CanI eat 80 percent dark chocolate if so how much and how often ???
I do not have neuropathy ??? And cannot afford to lose more weight it doesnt suit me at all ! I need to eat foods that do not make me lose weight !!
CanI eat 80 percent dark chocolate if so how much and how often ???
We generally buy the Aldi Moser Roth dark chocolate which are about 47g carb per 100g and there are 5 small bars in the packet so each bar is 11g carb so I would only have half of one at a time and we tend to have only at the weekend.
I suspect the 80% ones would be less carbs so you would have to make your own judgement as to what you want to allow yourself.
I do not have neuropathy ??? And cannot afford to lose more weight it doesnt suit me at all ! I need to eat foods that do not make me lose weight !!
I do not have white bread or cereals or fruit juice or pasta !! I eat very healthily.
Hey Jules

I was a lot like yourself when first diagnosed. I had a major soft spot for the carb heavy foods and the desert isle in Morrisons, I was diagnosed July 2022 at age 37 with an A1C of 89. Weighing 95kgs I took glimepiride, and ate nothing but Eggs and Avocado on sourdough bread for lunch and steak and eggs with veggies for Tea,. 2 meals a day in a 6 hr window. Fasted from 6pm until 12 noon the following day. Protein rich with very minimal carbs. After 2 month my A1C was 45. My Doctor was astounded. Been medication free now since January 2023. The first few months were hell I won’t lie. But today I have a 7 day average BGL of 5 fasting. I eat nothing desert wise but eat a few more carbs, still only 2 meals a day. It’s just the norm now. My overall average A1C fluctuates between 38 and 42 and weigh in at 73kgs. You just have to be consistent and willing to beat it.
Hey Jules

I was a lot like yourself when first diagnosed. I had a major soft spot for the carb heavy foods and the desert isle in Morrisons, I was diagnosed July 2022 at age 37 with an A1C of 89. Weighing 95kgs I took glimepiride, and ate nothing but Eggs and Avocado on sourdough bread for lunch and steak and eggs with veggies for Tea,. 2 meals a day in a 6 hr window. Fasted from 6pm until 12 noon the following day. Protein rich with very minimal carbs. After 2 month my A1C was 45. My Doctor was astounded. Been medication free now since January 2023. The first few months were hell I won’t lie. But today I have a 7 day average BGL of 5 fasting. I eat nothing desert wise but eat a few more carbs, still only 2 meals a day. It’s just the norm now. My overall average A1C fluctuates between 38 and 42 and weigh in at 73kgs. You just have to be consistent and willing to beat it.
Thanks for your reply I cannot get below 7.8 mainly 8.3 but only been diagnosed since december last year.I have taken no medication as I like my wine and am a bit worried with that so I have been doing it by diet and walking I dont think I could go from 6pm to 12 noon next day as I get hungry. I too have advocado and eggs on 1 slice brown bread in morning then a salad with prawns or tuba for lunch I have just veg and chicken or salmon for dinner. With wine. Can you tell me if eating after 8pm would make a differance in morning for blood sugars ?
Thanks for your reply I cannot get below 7.8 mainly 8.3 but only been diagnosed since december last year.I have taken no medication as I like my wine and am a bit worried with that so I have been doing it by diet and walking I dont think I could go from 6pm to 12 noon next day as I get hungry. I too have advocado and eggs on 1 slice brown bread in morning then a salad with prawns or tuba for lunch I have just veg and chicken or salmon for dinner. With wine. Can you tell me if eating after 8pm would make a differance in morning for blood sugars ?
Morning Jules

I know folk on Metformin and Glimepiride who drink regularly and are fine with it. I was fine with it.
I was fortunate that my work allowed me a month off to get myself sorted out, I used the Libra 2 sensors that give you realtime blood glucose readings direct to your phone, I used them for a few months. You can monitor which foods cause spikes and create a diary of what to avoid. They are expensive but you can get a 2 week free trial on their website. As for eating after 8pm, You can do, you just wouldn’t want to eat anything that’s going to cause the spikes, avoid Bread, pasta and rice if eating late. One of the other biggest culprits is processed foods especially frozen ready meals. Maybe have look at meal prepping that helped massively. The elevated morning level is called the morning phenomenon I sometimes still get it with levels around 7 straight after waking up. After a black coffee and walking the dog it drops.
Morning Jules

I know folk on Metformin and Glimepiride who drink regularly and are fine with it. I was fine with it.
I was fortunate that my work allowed me a month off to get myself sorted out, I used the Libra 2 sensors that give you realtime blood glucose readings direct to your phone, I used them for a few months. You can monitor which foods cause spikes and create a diary of what to avoid. They are expensive but you can get a 2 week free trial on their website. As for eating after 8pm, You can do, you just wouldn’t want to eat anything that’s going to cause the spikes, avoid Bread, pasta and rice if eating late. One of the other biggest culprits is processed foods especially frozen ready meals. Maybe have look at meal prepping that helped massively. The elevated morning level is called the morning phenomenon I sometimes still get it with levels around 7 straight after waking up. After a black coffee and walking the dog it drops.
Thankyou for your reply I bever eat bread at night only in suprprised that yu say people drink with.metformin as i rsad it causes lactic acidosis ? Or is that extremely rare. ? How long did you wait on your first blood test before you had your next blood test. My last test was middle of december but my next one is end of feb. Would that be too soon for blood levels to drop that quick ?
Would smoking raise my blood test result ? If so by how much roughly ?
I think because I am trying to do this by diet and exercise only I am getting anxious over it all as i am newly diagnosed. All I want is to bring my hbAc 1 levels down. Iv never been over weight. Im 9 stone 8 and 5ft 2 i have a good BMI at 64 yrs. So dont understand why im cutting carbs. ?
With a BMI of nearly 25 you are near to the traditional threshold for being regarded as overweight. That is where I was three years ago when diagnosed T2 with high HbA1c. I spent 4 months driving my BMI down to under 21 and achieved remission which I have so far maintained. I eat pretty well what I like subject to maintaining weight and can perfectly well eat roast potatoes or spag bol if I want because my first phase response fully recovered to a state of being non-diabetic. So if you can do this too then it need not be a future life of salmon and lettuce and dwelling on carbs. The aim is to get well again not merely manage an illness for ever.
Usually between 8.9 to 9.5
Oh i thought you could have a few potatoes on low carb ? If i stick to 130 carbs a day surely a roll is ok ?
Wine? Potatoes? Rolls? nope. Thanks for playing though! When I got diabetes I suddenly discovered that I didn't just have to give up what I thought was sugar: sweets and pastry. No, what I found out is that wine is sugar, potatoes are sugar, and bread is sugar. In other words, almost everything I liked in the world was sugar. That was a bucket of cold water, but there it is. Carbs turn into sugar, and while some are worse than others, they all contribute to that Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver and fatty pancreas you've been nursing along. 130 carbs? Try 30 carbs a day. That's right, if you want good sugar you can eat meat and leaves. That's an exaggeration, but not by much. You have several choices that can improve your situation: You can adopt a very low-carb, or ketogenic diet, or you can consider fasting, or better yet a combination of the two. If that doesn't work for you, there is a strategy that would reverse your type 2 diabetes. I'm using that strategy, and it's powerful, but not for the faint hearted.