Carbs how long do they take to affect neuropathy

Oh i thought you could have a few potatoes on low carb ? If i stick to 130 carbs a day surely a roll is ok ?
I think you might be quite surprised how many carbs there are in potatoes, 6 small chunks of roast potato (155g ) could be 40g carbs, and a bread roll even if quite small could be 25g carbs. It can all add up.
Yes but if only eating 2 eggs in morning and roast pork and green veg with 3 small potatoes and a roll with pork in evening with wine adds up to 130 carbs surely that is ok. ?
Yes but if only eating 2 eggs in morning and roast pork and green veg with 3 small potatoes and a roll with pork in evening with wine adds up to 130 carbs surely that is ok. ?
It should be but only your body knows if it can and the evidence is in your blood glucose level.
Some strategic testing before you eat and after 2 hours will tell you if it is.
Yes but if only eating 2 eggs in morning and roast pork and green veg with 3 small potatoes and a roll with pork in evening with wine adds up to 130 carbs surely that is ok.
It should be but only your body knows if it can and the evidence is in your blood glucose level.
Some strategic testing before you eat and after 2 hours will tell you if it is.
But most peoples blood sugar rises after 2 hours of eating even non diabetics surely. Mine is always lower in morning than after meals. But its usually alway 9 something after 2 hours of eating.
Yes but if only eating 2 eggs in morning and roast pork and green veg with 3 small potatoes and a roll with pork in evening with wine adds up to 130 carbs surely that is ok. ?

There's no such thing as a fixed value of carbs suitable for T2 diabetes, such as this 130g that gets mentioned a lot and is effectively meaningless. It depends on the individual and how they respond to rising blood sugar. Things like weight, insulin resistance, level of beta cell dysfunction, and exercise levels can affect levels.

You have to test until you find how much your own body can handle. If you can't get levels down through lifestyle change then you may need medication.
Thank you for your replys my levels seems to be lower next morning when I have been to work on a 12 hour shift at hospital. But I am 64 so need to rest in between.
Yes but if only eating 2 eggs in morning and roast pork and green veg with 3 small potatoes and a roll with pork in evening with wine adds up to 130 carbs surely that is ok.

But most peoples blood sugar rises after 2 hours of eating even non diabetics surely. Mine is always lower in morning than after meals. But its usually alway 9 something after 2 hours of eating.
Yes it does but the aim is to be no more than 8-8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal. If it is more than that then it suggests your carbs are too much for your body to cope with. But if your overall levels are higher than that then looking at the increase you get from the meal is a good guide, you want no more than 2-3mmol/l after the 2 hours.
the suggested 130g is a suggested starting point and many need to go lower especially if they are managing the condition with no medication. I have approx 70g per day.
Thank you for your replys my levels seems to be lower next morning when I have been to work on a 12 hour shift at hospital. But I am 64 so need to rest in between.
Yes I worked until I was 67 and would be doing anything up to 25000 steps and fairly physical work and it was only when I retired and wasn't doing nearly so much exercise that I slipped over into the diabetic range.
Yes it does but the aim is to be no more than 8-8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal. If it is more than that then it suggests your carbs are too much for your body to cope with. But if your overall levels are higher than that then looking at the increase you get from the meal is a good guide, you want no more than 2-3mmol/l after the 2 hours.
the suggested 130g is a suggested starting point and many need to go lower especially if they are managing the condition with no medication. I have approx 70g per day.
If i go lower i would feel starving hungry !! Any suggestions would be good to make me feel full up !!!
If i go lower i would feel starving hungry !! Any suggestions would be good to make me feel full up !!!
Plenty protein and veg, salads. Full fat Greek yoghurt with berries, high protein yoghurts various flavours Arla or Aldi ones or Kvarg deserts, sugarfree jelly with added berries and cream for deserts. Chunks cheese, nuts.
Boiled eggs, tuna, cooked meats, coleslaw with salads can make filling low carb lunches.
Chilli, curries, stirfry, omelettes make filling dinners.
Have done some of those foods omelettes doesnt fill me up for long butTuna wholemeal sandwich fills me up as does cheese and greek yoghut with stawberries altho vey bland and sour not my type of food. I bought brown spaggetti as im used to spag bog my craving it.
Have done some of those foods omelettes doesnt fill me up for long butTuna wholemeal sandwich fills me up as does cheese and greek yoghut with stawberries altho vey bland and sour not my type of food. I bought brown spaggetti as im used to spag bog my craving it.
Just as high carb as white spag, but try a small portion with lots of the sauce and test you may be OK otherwise try blackbean or edamame bean pasta.
What do you put in your omelette, I usually put bacon, mushrooms and cheese and have with loads of veg.
Did you have the full fat Greek yogurt as that is not at all sour but nice and creamy but the low fat one is.
Did you check out any of the meals in the Freshwell link I posted for some more ideas, here it is again.
Don't forget you started on a high HbA1C so it will take a while to start to come down. Many at that high levels would be taking oral medication.
Oh dear mine are higher than that most days. I dont have many carbs.
As you are fairly newly diagnosed @jules007 your body may still be adjusting to your new menu. There’s no need to panic. It’s early days for you. Perhaps keep doing what you are doing for a few more weeks and see of things gradually drift downwards?
As you are fairly newly diagnosed @jules007 your body may still be adjusting to your new menu. There’s no need to panic. It’s early days for you. Perhaps keep doing what you are doing for a few more weeks and see of things gradually drift downwards?
Thankyou but I am so fed up with just eating salmon and plateful of veg !! Its boring and tasteless. Im missing lasagne, spag bog chicken pie and mash ect .. and i always feel hungry and craving for food
Just as high carb as white spag, but try a small portion with lots of the sauce and test you may be OK otherwise try blackbean or edamame bean pasta.
What do you put in your omelette, I usually put bacon, mushrooms and cheese and have with loads of veg.
Did you have the full fat Greek yogurt as that is not at all sour but nice and creamy but the low fat one is.
Did you check out any of the meals in the Freshwell link I posted for some more ideas, here it is again.
Don't forget you started on a high HbA1C so it will take a while to start to come down. Many at that high levels would be taking oral medication.
I just dont want to go on medication as i like my wine the most and reading about metformin it has reaĺly scared me. I am eating blueberries low fat greei yogurt l9ads of veg and salad salmon and chicken shish kebab stawberries tuna ect.. but dont feel satisfied at all andi dont like the food at all
I just dont want to go on medication as i like my wine the most and reading about metformin it has reaĺly scared me. I am eating blueberries low fat greei yogurt l9ads of veg and salad salmon and chicken shish kebab stawberries tuna ect.. but dont feel satisfied at all andi dont like the food at all
Sorry spelling wasnt good last message. Basically i want to eat a nice lasagne or a spag bog with brown spaagetti something i love at least I hate salad
Thankyou but I am so fed up with just eating salmon and plateful of veg !! Its boring and tasteless. Im missing lasagne, spag bog chicken pie and mash ect .. and i always feel hungry and craving for food

I bake Salmon with orange, onion & fennel soaked in white wine and sprinkled with fresh Thyme.
it's delicious.
What comfort food can I have ? I am goi g to weatherspoons next week and dont know what to order i am so fed up with salad !!!
I am eating nothing but salmon and tuna its getting boring always hungry and craving !!
What is wrong with other meats, pork, lamb. beef, chicken plenty of tasty meals you can make with those.
Stir fry, curries, chilli, grilled with plenty of herbs or spices.
Salad doesn't need to be just lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber there are lots of other ingredients you can add.