Carb Counting

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I'm just registering now,and it told me I already have registered!!??
Maybe one drunken night I read a thread of yours and did it without realising!!

Oh well cheers Katie and all.

haha you're welcome.

thats one hell of a dissertation!

I'm a doer apparently!!

yeah, wish i'd thought of it, it would actually interest me grr.
Hmm is this right, I can do a carb counting style course by registering with the sunny bournemoth e learning website link above posted by Katie? I never looked at it before as it was for bournmouth peeps! This is tempting? How long does it take, do I need days off work, like you do for dafne?? Sorry if questions are stupid, I just never expected an online course thing!

Thanks for the Leed link Rossi - been looking for a more comprehensive carb table! 🙂
I had a really good day yesterday carb counting and when I got up this morning I was 4.0. I thought it was too good to be true....and it obviously was. Have been doing it today and 2 hours after my breakfast I was 16.7 and just before my tea now I am 17.4. GOD I HATE HAVING DIABETES!
I haven't done anything different than what I did yesterday! oh well, back down to lesley reality with a big band then!
I had a really good day yesterday carb counting and when I got up this morning I was 4.0. I thought it was too good to be true....and it obviously was. Have been doing it today and 2 hours after my breakfast I was 16.7 and just before my tea now I am 17.4. GOD I HATE HAVING DIABETES!

Hi Lesley...

Please don't be to hard on yourself....🙂 are working very hard....🙂
Although I dont carb count for Nathan....Looking at your 2 readings at breakfast and the tea...they have stayed quite me if this were Nathan it would suggest may be his bolus needed a bit of tweaking.
What was your lunch time reading?

x🙂 me if this were Nathan it would suggest may be his bolus needed a bit of tweaking......

Do you mean 'Basal' there Heidi? I'm not sure actually, if Lesley woke to 4.0 then any increase in basal (if you did mean that) would have resulted in a hypo.

What did you have for breakfast Lesley? 2 hours after is probably a spike/peak. What was your level before lunch, and did you have any lunch?

What insulin are you on and when do you inject your basal (slow-acting)? Could be it's not lasting. Sorry for all the questions!

Stick at it, you'll get there! It can take some time and there are always anomalous days, so don't lose hope!🙂
Do you mean 'Basal' there Heidi? I'm not sure actually, if Lesley woke to 4.0 then any increase in basal (if you did mean that) would have resulted in a hypo.

Hi Northerner...

I was meaning Bolus...(Fast Acting).....

Absolutely any increase in Basal..(Long Acting)..and Lesley woke at 4.0...then most definately hypo would have happened.

If it were Nathan reading higher at tea time...than normal and consistantly over a couple of days I would increase his N/R by a unit or 2 at lunch.

Apologies Heidi - of course what you say makes sense.

Hehehehehehe....You had me there Northerner...totally confused with the two B'

Hehehehehehe....You had me there Northerner...totally confused with the two B'


Yes they should give them totally different names - like Stan and Hilda or something...

Hello all,

Just to say that I started carb counting on Thursday. The first few days were really quite crappy. I seem to be getting the hang of this now...sort of. With the carb counting today's bloods have been better. It's still quite a novelty for me to have to weigh everything that I eat though, a bit of a pain in the arse to if I'm honest.

It is a complete pain but the results do make it worth it 🙂 I'm sure you will become used to it and you will hopefully be able to 'eye' ball portions sizes or regular foods. I have to stop myself weighing mine or my son's food (which i do do :$) in the morning as it's just second nature now....Doh!

We used these for R (not sure if mentioned before) :

We can add in recipes or certain foods, and it has a long list of foods with carb values. They are expensive, i know if you go to vouchercodes you can get money off them as well, also if you sign up to a littlewoods account that used to give you money off as well - not sure if that still goes.....
Do you mean 'Basal' there Heidi? I'm not sure actually, if Lesley woke to 4.0 then any increase in basal (if you did mean that) would have resulted in a hypo.

What did you have for breakfast Lesley? 2 hours after is probably a spike/peak. What was your level before lunch, and did you have any lunch?

What insulin are you on and when do you inject your basal (slow-acting)? Could be it's not lasting. Sorry for all the questions!

Stick at it, you'll get there! It can take some time and there are always anomalous days, so don't lose hope!🙂


For my breakfast I had 2 slices of toast (white) and 2 rashers of bacon and I had 4 units . I worked out that each slice was 1.5 cp so that was 3 cp's and I have been using 1.5u to 1cp. As my pen doesn't do .5's I rounded to 4 units
as my sugar was only 4. then 2 hours later I was 16.3!! so I did just 1 unit to start bringing down and then before dinner I was 14.3 and I had a very small wholemeal bun with some chicken on so this was probably no more than 3 cp (I roughly guessed) so even though this would have worked out to 4.5 units I gave myself 6 units to bring it down. 2 hours later I was back up to 17.1!!!!
I don't understand what is going on. I had a chicken salad with jacket spud for tea last night and had 8 units (more that I needed but still needed to get results down. was 12.1 before bed then woke up at this morning feeling not quite right (no major hyp signs though) went downstairs and tested and I was 1.6!!!!! Needless to say, I am shattered today!
Good grief!! No wonder you are shattered :( Do you know what your correction factor is and if it's different at certain times of the day?

Hope today is better for you 🙂

For my breakfast I had 2 slices of toast (white) and 2 rashers of bacon and I had 4 units . I worked out that each slice was 1.5 cp so that was 3 cp's and I have been using 1.5u to 1cp. As my pen doesn't do .5's I rounded to 4 units
as my sugar was only 4. then 2 hours later I was 16.3!! so I did just 1 unit to start bringing down and then before dinner I was 14.3 and I had a very small wholemeal bun with some chicken on so this was probably no more than 3 cp (I roughly guessed) so even though this would have worked out to 4.5 units I gave myself 6 units to bring it down. 2 hours later I was back up to 17.1!!!!
I don't understand what is going on. I had a chicken salad with jacket spud for tea last night and had 8 units (more that I needed but still needed to get results down. was 12.1 before bed then woke up at this morning feeling not quite right (no major hyp signs though) went downstairs and tested and I was 1.6!!!!! Needless to say, I am shattered today!

Did you do any readings nearer the 4 hour after eating mark? At 2 hours you may still be getting a peak from the food so a later reading, when most of the insulin has gone, may be useful to help you assess whether your ratio is right or not, it may be that it needs tweaking, and it may be you need different ratios at different times of day.

You mention CPs which I know primarily as a dafne term (although I'm sure other use it too!) have you had the chance to do a dafne course or similar?
Hi Lesley,

I hope you are feeling a little better now..I'm not surprised you shattered....sending (((hugs)))

I cant really offer any advice other than what has been said by others.

I wonder if you need some help working out out your insulin to carb ratio? I haven't been on the bournemouth website for a long time so can't remember if it works one out for you.

Also maybe you need to try and be more accurate in your carb counting, if bread comes in a packets then it'll be easy to know how many carbs and start weighing other foods. Once you get to know how much is in things then it'll get easier to start eyeballing amounts, but to begin with it can be amazing how far off you can be.

Something about your basal doesn't seem right to me, it seems too much and not enough at the same time. From your day time readings (misbolusing aside) it seems not enough but hypoing in the night and waking up to 4 seems like it's too much. Not sure that i have any suggestions, but getting the basal set is so important. And you really can't get a good hold on your bolus ratios until your basal is there or thereabouts.
Are you on a flat basal insulin?

As Becca said I hope today is better for you
Did you do any readings nearer the 4 hour after eating mark? At 2 hours you may still be getting a peak from the food so a later reading, when most of the insulin has gone, may be useful to help you assess whether your ratio is right or not, it may be that it needs tweaking, and it may be you need different ratios at different times of day.

You mention CPs which I know primarily as a dafne term (although I'm sure other use it too!) have you had the chance to do a dafne course or similar?

I didn't do any readings around 4 hr after but to be honest, my reading pre meals were still high so I don't think it would have been much different. i haven't actually done a dafne course, I have been reading online and did the bdec learning course so I have basically taught myself. I have an appointment 2 weeks today to see the diabetic consultant as I want to go on a pump so hopefully they will refer me for the couse and hopefully (fingers tightly crossed) I might get accepted for the pump sometime soon.
I am on a flat basal amount of 18 units which I have a 9pm every night. I was having 16 units but waking up too high (around the 10's) so was told to up it to 18 units. To be honest, my sugars have never really been well controlled, not through lack of trying though! Don't know whether anyone has the same sort of thing but they seem to do what they like regardless of what I eat or do!
This is one of the things i hated about MDI for R. Her morning BM would be say about 5 mmol/L, then 2 hours later she would be in mid 20s up to 30 :( Then by lunchtime she would be back to 5 mmol/L !! We tried everything to get rid of that spike but the only thing that worked is the pump. She now goes up to 3-4mmol/L from her breakfast BM. I think you would be a good candidate for a pump, being able to adjust basals that fit your body's natural rythmn (sory can't spell) is invaluable.

We were also taught that by testing 2 hours after eating you should be 2-3mmol/L from your BM done before. If too high or too low after 2-3 days then something is wrong with your bolus. Trouble was, for R was that she still needed a snack when she was in the 20s as she would hypo by lunchtime. Not nice :(
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