No worries Amity Island and understand that none of us wants to be subject to anything that we considered may be harmful to us.Thanks @Wendal for getting the thread back on track.
My point is that I'd like to be informed of what their definition of "safe" is. That's all. From there I can make an informed decision about any product or service. Without a definition we are none the wiser.
Similarly with the effectiveness of the vaccines, we only got told one side of the story, with their 100% effective, without being informed that the actual absolute effectiveness was around just 1%.
As I started the comments, the world was told that the mRNA vaccines do not come through breast milk of vaccinated people. This was all "Fact" checked as was popular during the pandemic, however, it wasn't long until this was proven to be a false fact, the mRNA was proven to come through the milk.
As I work in this space I am fairly confident to make my own judgements about treatments etc and do have a lot of faith in the regulatory authorities which I do understand many others do not share.
I am a big believer in Vaccination and much of my position was based whilst working for Merck at the time of the Andrew Wakefield questioning of the MMR Vaccine.
Eventually it turned out his concerns were unfounded and directly caused a lot of suffering as parents did not get the combined Vaccine based on the fears he raised.
There are of course potential risks with any Vaccine and I know many who take a totally opposite view to the one I take which is that the history of Vaccination has saved many lives assuming they have passed all the regulatory Approvals.
It is an individual risk reward which we have to consider for ourselves whether we wish to take any treatment but overall even though I have a reasonable knowledge of how the body works I still generally speaking follow the medical advice but am quite happy to challenge their opinion if I disagree with it.
Best wishes.