Birmingham forum meet

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Thanks for organising it, was really good to meet everyone, looking forward to the next meet in London.

Thank you for coming, lovely to meet you - never met a talking fruitloaf before, or encountered one with such lovely red hair! 🙂
was lovely to meet everyone yesterday, i had a great time despite how nervous i was. i'm glad you weren't all axe murderers too🙂
sorry i had to leave early too, i hope everyone enjoyed the rest of the day! x
Really excellent day with some utterly brilliant people - I enjoyed meeting every one of you! Apologies to Akasha for not getting a picture of you and your OH - thought we'd snapped everyone! 🙂QUOTE]

Oh thank hevens! i was starting to panic then. 😛 Not the most photo-genic.

It was great meeting people, putting a face and name to screen names.
Im hoping Caz managed to get back to new street after we left her in the bull ring....

Thanks Akasha made it back to Penny Blacks in one piece your directions were spot on 🙂
was lovely to meet everyone yesterday, i had a great time despite how nervous i was. i'm glad you weren't all axe murderers too🙂
sorry i had to leave early too, i hope everyone enjoyed the rest of the day! x

Oops so glad I didn't bring the axe with me! Left it in my other bag!! Was great to meet you, glad you made it.
Sure does look like you all had a good time, hope you all got back safe and well and not too hung-over!🙂 Toby.

Had a fantastic time Toby and back home safe :D
...i'm glad you weren't all axe murderers too🙂

Not all of us, it's true! 😉 See we've lulled you into a false sense of security for next time! :D

Flutterby - really loved your cards, but got distracted and forgot to buy any! Sorry, they really are excellent 🙂 Perhaps you could consider doing a forum Christmas card?
Great photos Alan, think a great day was had by all :D. I am sorry Akasha and Frantastic I didnt get a chance to speak to you much.

I wont be able to make London in November (too near my December exams) but hope you have a great time. If there is a York one January, I will try my best to make it.
Glad to read that Northerner thinks Birmingham has improved since last visit 20 years ago. Actually, it wasn't that bad then, but most people are pleasantly surprised by the city where I spent my teenage years and where my parents, sister & her family all still live. Nice to see real life photos of avatars.
Yey, finally home and settled after B'ham meet, slightly shattered, but very happy to have had a such a good time.

Thanks to Shiv for organising the venue and the recommendation of the hotel and thanks too for everyone who made the effort to come along and support this great Forum we all love so much

Thanks too to Alan (AKA the new Bailey) for the photos.

During the train journey, checked again rail fares for the London meet, at a minimum of ?105, means the whole thing (hotel etc) will be financially out of my reach. Bother.
Great photos Alan, think a great day was had by all :D. I am sorry Akasha and Frantastic I didnt get a chance to speak to you much.

yeah sorry i didn't get round the table to talk to everyone. we'll have to remember to keep shuffling seats next time so we get have a good natter with everyone. like speed dating hehe.
it really was a lovely day though!
...During the train journey, checked again rail fares for the London meet, at a minimum of ?105, means the whole thing (hotel etc) will be financially out of my reach. Bother.

Where's that teleportation device Star Trek promised us in the 1960s? 😉 If my fortunes change, hopefully a meet in Scotland won't be out of the question some time in the New Year! Or perhaps we could all meet on the border somewhere? Hadrian's Wall?
Hello folks,

It was wonderful to see all of you folk again or for the first time. Spent the train journery recovering from the booze. I had plenty of time in a four hour journey. Just had my Gran's eightieth birthday bash today so much booze again and seen the family.
Hello folks,

It was wonderful to see all of you folk again or for the first time. Spent the train journery recovering from the booze. I had plenty of time in a four hour journey. Just had my Gran's eightieth birthday bash today so much booze again and seen the family.

Hope Gran enjoyed her birthday Tom! 🙂
Hello folks,

It was wonderful to see all of you folk again or for the first time. Spent the train journery recovering from the booze. I had plenty of time in a four hour journey. Just had my Gran's eightieth birthday bash today so much booze again and seen the family.

Hope your Gran had a great birthday 🙂 x
Fabulous Photos!
So pleased you all had a great time and got home safely!
Lovely pictures, glad you all had a lovely day. Wish i could have been there.
Looks like you all had a great time 🙂
Flutterby - really loved your cards, but got distracted and forgot to buy any! Sorry, they really are excellent 🙂 Perhaps you could consider doing a forum Christmas card?[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, didn't really expect people to be buying, just nice to get other's opinions and see what people think of them. A forum Christmas card? What do you mean exactly? Am I being thick?? :confused: 🙂
Don't worry, didn't really expect people to be buying, just nice to get other's opinions and see what people think of them. A forum Christmas card? What do you mean exactly? Am I being thick?? :confused: 🙂

I was thinking it would be nice if you could design a forum Christmas card (or maybe a choice of design), then members could buy them to send out to other members, with maybe a small part of the cost going to charity. Of course, only if you thought it was feasible. 🙂 I could write a verse to go in them. 😱
cooolio that would be well good ...i only really send cards to about 10 people abroad and the old folks next door so always get the charity cards but id buy some from this forum for charity defo xxx
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