BG after meals

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello I am sorry to be a bother to you all today, I was wondering if anyone could help me I'm a little confused in regards to counting Carbs, ill list my issue below.

Before a meal my sugars can be 7, I do my insulin 20mins before my meal, for breakfast it was porridge and a banana, it started off fine but then my Sugars just went up and up so I had to do a correction, I did 5 units for my breakfast.

So for dinner, I decided to divide the grams of carbs by 5 instead of 10, SO for dinner I did 14units but I am now having the same issue. before dinner, it was 8.3 it's now 10.9
Hi @Brad94 welcome to the forum.
Could you tell us a little more as it will help us give you the best advise.
What insulin’s are you on
How long after starting to eat did you test.
Your breakfast of porridge and a banana, have you had it before with a similar outcome .

Others far more experienced than me will be along soon, I have T2 so don’t feel I can be of too much help.
Sorry I am type 1, just been given the Libre sensor so have now can see how crazy my sugars really go lol. Im on novorapid and lantus

had breakfast at 10:48 AM worked nightshift hence the late breakfast. Sugars were 7.1 then at 11:51 - 9.3 and by 12:18 they hit 13.7.

For dinner, I had homemade burgar and chips, @5;37 they were 8.4 and then at 6:31 9.3 and my recent test at 8;02 they are now 13.8.
It might help people to know what type of insulin you are using and how long after your breakfast/dinner you saw your BG rise. It is normal for BG to go up after eating even for non diabetics but it should be returning to normal about 2 hrs after food from what I understand. I find that I am less responsive to insulin in the morning. I would be wary of significantly upping your insulin but then I am very sensitive to it and 1 unit too many sends my BG plummeting.

Edited to add....Sorry I see you posted more info after I composed my post
Sorry I am type 1, just been given the Libre sensor so have now can see how crazy my sugars really go lol. Im on novorapid and lantus

had breakfast at 10:48 AM worked nightshift hence the late breakfast. Sugars were 7.1 then at 11:51 - 9.3 and by 12:18 they hit 13.7.

For dinner, I had homemade burgar and chips, @5;37 they were 8.4 and then at 6:31 9.3 and my recent test at 8;02 they are now 13.8.

The amount of info a Libre gives is amazing isn’t it, yup I have one and it’s been a game changer for me.
I often find that they are less reliable at high and lowish levels so I usually follow up with a finger prick if I am out of range

It sounds to me that either your bolus ratio needs adjusting or could it be you have underestimated the carbohydrates.

I think it would be a good idea to contact your team for some more help.

Have you been on a DAPHNE or a similar course

Apologies for all the questions, you must be thinking you are a contestant on mastermind :D
Hi Brad I agree with Lin aka @Ljc, bolus seems to be a bit out of sorts, an extra unit may help but your breakfast is very carby. Just have half of a banana, porridge affects some diabetics more than others I would be very high on both. Nuts and cheese is a good hunger filler during the day, cheap and easy, if you like fruit frozen berries are great Lidl`s doing a great selection at the moment, hope this helps?
Sorry were are my manners? Welcome to the forum.
Sorry I am type 1, just been given the Libre sensor so have now can see how crazy my sugars really go lol. Im on novorapid and lantus

had breakfast at 10:48 AM worked nightshift hence the late breakfast. Sugars were 7.1 then at 11:51 - 9.3 and by 12:18 they hit 13.7.

For dinner, I had homemade burgar and chips, @5;37 they were 8.4 and then at 6:31 9.3 and my recent test at 8;02 they are now 13.8.

Have you had much advice from your clinic about how to interpret and use the extra information from Libre?

There are a really useful set of videos here that might help:

Hope you manage to make some gradual progress, perhaps target one meal at a time and try to resist changing too many things at once so you don’t end up chasing your tail.
Hi @Brad94

It is a bit of a juggling act to start with, and easy to panic when you first see the extremes of BG in a Libre.
Before my Libre I had happily eaten porridge thinking it was healthy and therefore good for BG. The Libre showed me another story as it rocketed afterwards. Both porridge and bananas are things I avoid now after seeing the effect that they have, as they are both very high in carbs. The Libre shows you what happens with different foods, and it can be used to help you make changes to your diet that are appropriate for you.

The links that @everydayupsanddowns has given you to the Libre training videos is very useful. I followed a number of these and learnt so much about making more effective use of the information from the Libre. Well worth a look.

I hope that you enjoy using the Libre and find out more and more about your own BG levels.
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