Best yogurt for type 2 diabetes.

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Must admit to being very confused now.
All I use is milk to make the yoghurt and a bit of live yoghurt. All you do is mix the live yoghurt in with the milk and pour it on the jars leave for 8 hrs and it's ready. There's nothing else to do or add. So just the cost of milk.
I thought you had purchased this? - Hence my waffling! :confused:

I thought you had purchased this? - Hence my waffling! :confused:

Yes I have and if you read the very badly written instructions it says you do not need to sterilise the milk as it is already done if you buy bottled milk.
So instructions are mix live yoghurt with milk and stick in jars put in yoghurt maker and leave for 8 hours.
Yes I have and if you read the very badly written instructions it says you do not need to sterilise the milk as it is already done if you buy bottled milk.
So instructions are mix live yoghurt with milk and stick in jars put in yoghurt maker and leave for 8 hours.

I use a similar one, mine is a one pot device though.
I never really worried about sterilising things though.
I just wash the pot out, and rinse with cold water.
If I use milk, I use pasteurised, not sterilised.
If I use oat, or hemp, or soya, that is UHT normally, so that is sterilised.
Mostly I use the previous yoghurt as a starter, but I do use a fresh shop yoghurt once a week or so to reset the culture.
OK......every morning I have a small carton of strawberry actimel with milk , chopped nuts and flaxseed, strawberries and blueberries

Compared to the rubbish I eat that's OK isn't it ?
I bought a yogurt maker the other day and can say it's the best yogurt I have ever tasted. No added sugar or sweetener needed with it either.
As the price of yogurt has gone through the roof it will save an awful lot of money in the long run as well 🙂
Would that be Easyo yoghurt maker? I’ve still got one lurking in the back of a cupboard, is all the yoghurt ok for us or just the plain Greek?
Some yoghurts particularly those with added fruit or fruit puree as in Muller corners are pretty high in carbs because of added sugar. Some of the low fat ones are also high carb but not all. You need to look at the total carbs per 100g or per pot to decide for yourself.
Quite a few people have full fat Greek yoghurt and add their own berries or nuts and seeds.
Would that be Easyo yoghurt maker? I’ve still got one lurking in the back of a cupboard, is all the yoghurt ok for us or just the plain Greek?
No it isn't 🙂
Would that be Easyo yoghurt maker? I’ve still got one lurking in the back of a cupboard, is all the yoghurt ok for us or just the plain Greek?
I have one also 🙂 not used it in a long time - I just buy from Aldi now and only have 30gsm at a time with 20-30grms of strawberries and same blueberries 🙂 put it in small kiner jars which are the perfect size.
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