Best yogurt for type 2 diabetes.

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I bought a yogurt maker the other day too. It's really lovely - I used commercial plain unsweetened yogurt as a starter, but will use the home made stuff for batch number two. Next time I'm going to strain it down to Greek Style. Best thing is hubby loves it too, and is having it on his breakfast. Just had some with blueberries for lunch. Very scrummy ! 🙂

I let mine settle, than use the whey for cooking, bread making, etc.
It's quite acidic, there are lots of uses for it on the internet.
hi everyone,i'm going through a bad patch with my diabetes (2),my reading was 22 (still in the old reading),i'm a very pickey eater i always have been,i'm struggling to get it down below 8,i buy the light and free yogurts (no added sugar) but thats not helping,i'm drinking lots of water,i try not to buy anything with sugar in.fruit seems to spike it as well,any ideas
what else do you eat? Some fruit is high in carbs.
I’ve had to cut out all fruit pretty much other than berries. It just spikes me too much.
That said I can have the odd apple or rhubarb based dish but anything citrus or vaguely tropical is out.
Stone fruits are also an issue if they’re very ripe (and hence more sugary).
I’ve had to cut out all fruit pretty much other than berries. It just spikes me too much.
That said I can have the odd apple or rhubarb based dish but anything citrus or vaguely tropical is out.
Stone fruits are also an issue if they’re very ripe (and hence more sugary).
yes me to but haven't tried berries will try and see what happens,i'm on gliclazide use to be on metformin a while back but had bad bouts of thrush with it
yes me to but haven't tried berries will try and see what happens,i'm on gliclazide use to be on metformin a while back but had bad bouts of thrush with it
Generally speaking berries with seeds in the outside are better tolerated for me than those which don’t.
i've been diabetic since the 90's,4 yrs ago got down to 10st 10lbs from 13st 6lbs,then we moved from suffolk were i went swimming,zumba,and dance classes,moved over to norfolk very rural nothing going on,don't drive, now everything hit bottom,up to 12st 12lbs,and can't get a grip of blood sugar, joined w.w. online.this morning 6.8 before breakfast
I’ve had to cut out all fruit pretty much other than berries. It just spikes me too much.
That said I can have the odd apple or rhubarb based dish but anything citrus or vaguely tropical is out.
Stone fruits are also an issue if they’re very ripe (and hence more sugary).

When I used a Libre sensor earlier this year, I experimented with Apples/Oranges/Tangerines and found practically no rise at all.

Although it's not the going up that's the problem, it's the not coming down!
i've been diabetic since the 90's,4 yrs ago got down to 10st 10lbs from 13st 6lbs,then we moved from suffolk were i went swimming,zumba,and dance classes,moved over to norfolk very rural nothing going on,don't drive, now everything hit bottom,up to 12st 12lbs,and can't get a grip of blood sugar, joined w.w. online.this morning 6.8 before breakfast
Have a look at this link as it might give you some new ideas for dietary changes.
Thrush is often an indicator of high blood glucose so it may have been that you didn't make enough dietary changes along with the metformin rather that it being the metformin as such.
6.8 before breakfast is not too bad and if you then have a low carb breakfast but I suppose you need to be careful with the medication you now have on being too low carb.
thanks i will look at that site,you think my diabetic nurse would have known that
I bought a yogurt maker the other day and can say it's the best yogurt I have ever tasted. No added sugar or sweetener needed with it either.
As the price of yogurt has gone through the roof it will save an awful lot of money in the long run as well 🙂
Hi , was it an Easyo? I have ones of these?
Looks amazing too that one. The yoghurt itself is more complicated to make and lots more expensive than an Esiyo though.
all you do is mix some live yogurt in milk put it in the jars and leave it for 8 hours. What is complicated about that?
I used to use a large jam jar and the pilot light on my old cooker to make yoghurt back in the 1970s - very useful when an impoverished student.
all you do is mix some live yogurt in milk put it in the jars and leave it for 8 hours. What is complicated about that?
I said "The yoghurt itself is more complicated to make and lots more expensive than an Esiyo though" - I did not mean it's complicated to make.
I said "The yoghurt itself is more complicated to make and lots more expensive than an Esiyo though" - I did not mean it's complicated to make.
Must admit to being very confused now.
All I use is milk to make the yoghurt and a bit of live yoghurt. All you do is mix the live yoghurt in with the milk and pour it on the jars leave for 8 hrs and it's ready. There's nothing else to do or add. So just the cost of milk.
I've been looking at the protein content in these, i personally would prefer the full fat greek of which i've found the fage/total 5% to have 15g per 150g, but this is quite pricey. The other day i tried Tesco high protein fromage frais £1.10 per 500g, so thats just over 3 pots of standard yoghurt 6.3g cho 4.8g sugar and 13.2g protein taste is pretty good and smooth, which i have with frozen raspberries and seeds
I've been looking at the protein content in these, i personally would prefer the full fat greek of which i've found the fage/total 5% to have 15g per 150g, but this is quite pricey. The other day i tried Tesco high protein fromage frais £1.10 per 500g, so thats just over 3 pots of standard yoghurt 6.3g cho 4.8g sugar and 13.2g protein taste is pretty good and smooth, which i have with frozen raspberries and seeds
I prefer the Fage too, my other half buys what ever size is on offer in Sainsbury's, they seem to rotate between the 2 differnt sizes.
I prefer the Fage too, my other half buys what ever size is on offer in Sainsbury's, they seem to rotate between the 2 differnt sizes.
yes get them when they are on offer they always seem to be somewhere, the 0% tastes like wallpaper paste :rofl:
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