baked potatoes for our 'big night in' wed 17th

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Looking at everyones levels - i think we are all in for a long night! I have turned the dual wave off for the last 20 minutes and i expect there will be a rise later on!😱🙂Bev
Goodness knows what is going on with jessica, may it is a lunchtime thing I can't get right. who knows.
just 6u and im dropping like a stone. urgh. And yes bev to answer your question, I looked up the bratwurst, I had chocolate for afters too...

very bizaare...last time I had jacket potato (at the snooker) I went sky high...
Is it wednesday tonight? Wowser I had baked tatties with beans and tuna.
Didn't carb count exactly, been having a funny day shot in 6 units I think? I was about 8 before, I will try and test later but will for sure look at others results for better analysis😉
I've had a crazy day blood sugar wise, so I've put this off til tomorrow and I'll add my numbers then!

Sam, did you weigh your potato before or after you baked it? I think the value you gave (31 g carb/ 100g potato) is for the baked value, whereas the uncooked is about half that, so it might explain why you've dropped?
Hmmmm, well my numbers are good and appear to be pretty steady (unless I'm doing some major peaking and troughing between each hour!!). Wonder if it's the lower GI of a sweet potato that's helped, will try to repeat it with a 'normal' potato another day and see what happens.
Really want to stay up to do the 5hr test to get the full picture but with such an early start in the morning I really mustn't so I've had a snack and will get off to bed soon. Hope I'm not about to have a late spike that will combine with the snack, I guess I'll see in the morning.
A little bit confused though, have reduced my evening ratio (following yesterday's chat with the consultant) in an attempt to get my pre bed readings up a little to avoiding snacking/night hypos yet have been much lower (and steadier) tonight and yesterday, how less insulin seems to = lower numbers at the moment is rather odd!
I've had a crazy day blood sugar wise, so I've put this off til tomorrow and I'll add my numbers then!

Sam, did you weigh your potato before or after you baked it? I think the value you gave (31 g carb/ 100g potato) is for the baked value, whereas the uncooked is about half that, so it might explain why you've dropped?

i went on the baked value
hmmm im at 4.6 now (if I remember correctly) lil confused by this as I thought I;d go sky high!
That was worth doing - i am surprised at how many went low at the 3 or 4 hour mark! Most people didnt get the huge spike - so perhaps baked potatoes arent that bad after all? I am also thinking that we shouldnt bolus so much for the beans as these seem to always send Alex low if we give the full carb value. What does anyone else think about their results? I think we overtreated the hypo's - but i needed a good nights sleep - hence waking on 12!😱🙂Bev
As I said in my results, I think I forgot to take account of the fact the I have been building up on the exercise and did 15k on the exercise bike in the afternoon. Exercise effects are so difficult to incorporate!😱 If I'd reduced by a couple of units, I probably wouldn't have hypoed.

Well that was a great experiement night. Usually Jessica hits the high teens with this meal but didn't. I do think I need to rethink the dual wave and will do a 65/35 next time (today at lunch actually but again over the 3 hours, think that worked)

Mand - dual wave looking at those numbers I would want to start with maybe 40/50 over 2 hours and see what happens. The numbers were pretty level actually, just slightly lower at the first couple of tests. You may not need a dual wave though. You can try it and if it doesn't work stick with what you did, it wasn't bad at all.

Bev - Think that maybe the percentage was too much at the end. I think you did 30/70 (can't check as will lose this), maybe you need to do 40/60 and see what happens.

I think they were good results actually and everyone can tweak their timings to get this right (except the type 2's but even those results were not bad at all).

Great experiment. I'm off to school to cover lunch today so will make Jessica eat it again !

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