baked potatoes for our 'big night in' wed 17th

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Tsk! I just had to remove the apostrophe from your results thread! (You put result's). If it's a plural i.e. more than one result, it doesn't need an apostrophe. Apostrophes are used to denote either possesion ( as in the dog's bone, the cat's cream) or a missing letter (as in it's, you're, doesn't - the apostrophe shows there is a missing letter: it is, you are, does not etc.)

Lesson over! Any more grammatical errors of this nature may entail a one week ban!


Would you like to join me in the ban? I thought we weren't supposed to use 'text speak' on the forum? What does 'tsk' mean?:DBev

I believe the dictionary definition of 'tsk' is as follows:

'A sound made by disapproving forum users, usually used in jest' 😉

I will remember that! Aren't you supposed to use quotation marks when your quoting?😛:DBev
I will remember that! Aren't you supposed to use quotation marks when your quoting?😛:DBev

Becky correctly used single quotes - double quotes are used to indicate speech. I don't know, what do they teach you at school these days?🙄😉
Lesson over! Any more grammatical errors of this nature may entail a one week ban😉:D

Im safe then, you wont catch me making error's like that! 🙄
Me neither, Im well good at English I is' 🙂
Becky correctly used single quotes - double quotes are used to indicate speech. I don't know, what do they teach you at school these days?

Was it a single quote or an apostrophe?😱:DAs Becky was relaying what was in the dictionary - then surely she was quoting - therefore should have been using the double quote marks?:D

Northey, I think you may find yourself busy if you start behaving like the Grammar Police on here! Still, if it makes you happy..........:DBev
...they, I think you may find yourself busy if you start behaving like the Grammar Police on here! Still, if it makes you happy..........:DBev

As you correctly surmise Bev, I wouldn't have enough time in the day to correct everyone's dreadful grammar and spelling, so I have decided to just pick on you...:D
As you correctly surmise Bev, I wouldn't have enough time in the day to correct everyone's dreadful grammar and spelling, so I have decided to just pick on you...:D

Hey northey thats not stricktly true😉
As you correctly surmise Bev, I wouldn't have enough time in the day to correct everyone's dreadful grammar and spelling, so I have decided to just pick on you.

wot r u trynna saaaaay norveeeeee - snot juss me wot duz fingz ronnng yaaa noh - i amm finnnkin diss plassse iz a bittt diiiiskriiimmmminatin onn uz wot karnt sppeeeek phrooohpppa lyke woot i iz.....'n aaalll stuuuufffff lyke dah...ime gunna kumplayne 2 ssum1 bout u norveeeeeeee.....😱:(🙂Bev

pee ess - didd i gett all meee appostraffeeys rite????????????

Typical, just sat down to start doing baked pot results and I am 10.1 before I have even started eating 😡 don't know why, have not had anything since my breakfast at 9.30am. Feel fine so don't think I am coming down with anything. Will just need to keep an eye on my levels for the next few days. Might try and do the experiment at the end of the week...
wot r u trynna saaaaay norveeeeee - snot juss me wot duz fingz ronnng yaaa noh - i amm finnnkin diss plassse iz a bittt diiiiskriiimmmminatin onn uz wot karnt sppeeeek phrooohpppa lyke woot i iz.....'n aaalll stuuuufffff lyke dah...ime gunna kumplayne 2 ssum1 bout u norveeeeeeee.....😱:(🙂Bev

pee ess - didd i gett all meee appostraffeeys rite????????????

Now how long did all that take you to think about and type 🙂
Typical, just sat down to start doing baked pot results and I am 10.1 before I have even started eating 😡 don't know why, have not had anything since my breakfast at 9.30am. Feel fine so don't think I am coming down with anything. Will just need to keep an eye on my levels for the next few days. Might try and do the experiment at the end of the week...

Typical eh, hope you are ok.
I'm trying to use up food in the cupboard as I'm working away from Thurs so think I might have a regular white baking potato tonight and a sweet potato tomorrow night. Should be an interesting comparison.

Didn't end up doing that as planned. Did have a jacket spud as planned but had a hypo when cooking it which meant my sugars were a bit odd anyway. And in my hypo state I forgot to weigh it too!

Estimated the weight though and ended in the 6s so must've been fairly accurate, but by that time I wasn't hourly testing!

Will be doing the experiment with a sweet potato tomorrow though!
Well thats ingredients in all very nicely priced to i might add.
Well results are in and im ok with that , im pleased the coleslaw caused me no bother and im impressed with sweet potato was my first try of it and i really loved it.
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