baked potatoes for our 'big night in' wed 17th

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Just a reminder that we are having baked potatoes for our 'big night in' on Wednesday 17th.

Everyone is invited - just let us know the carb count and your insulin ratio and dose etc so we can compare results, also if you added butter etc as this slows things down.

It has been suggested we have cheese and beans - but i know some people wont want that as a topping - so basically have what you like - but do let us know what the topping is as this will have an influence on the results!🙂

If Alex is high on the day I think i will give him tuna as beans normally send him quite high hours later - but will let you know.🙂

p.s. Steph - you HAVE to have cheese and beans - Northey said!🙂:DBev
Oh yes some are allowed to have what they like but not ME 🙄😛
Oh yes some are allowed to have what they like but not ME 🙄😛

We'll have the webcam switched on in your house Steff (remember those builders who were in the other week?) so no cheating!

Bev, I'm feeling pedantic, so edited out the grocer's apostrophe you had put in 'potatoes'. (I also eschewed the Dan Quayle spelling)😉
We'll have the webcam switched on in your house Steff (remember those builders who were in the other week?) so no cheating!

Bev, I'm feeling pedantic, so edited out the grocer's apostrophe you had put in 'potatoes'. (I also eschewed the Dan Quayle spelling)😉

He he! I thought it looked wrong - but couldnt make up my mind how to spell it! Can you explain what the 'Dan Quayle' spelling is?:confused::DBev
He he! I thought it looked wrong - but couldnt make up my mind how to spell it! Can you explain what the 'Dan Quayle' spelling is?:confused::DBev

Dan Quayle, once the second most powerful man on Earth, famously once corrected a child who had spelled 'potato' as, erm, 'potato'. He said it should be 'potatoe'!😱
You all probably know by now that I'm a total spelling and grammar fiend. Bad apostrophes drive me nuts. Potato and tomato are also pet peeves!

Sometimes I struggle to think of reasons why I might be considered tolerable! :D
Yay, looking forward to it, think I'll go for sweet potato with tuna and cheese! (sorry, another no beans person here!)
I made a big pan of chilli yesterday, so I'll have that with mine🙂

Edit: Not the whole pan!
I made a big pan of chilli yesterday, so I'll have that with mine🙂

Edit: Not the whole pan!

ohhhhh northeythat sounds yum, aymes im going down the same route as you im going fr sweet potato tuna and cheese.
Ive not tried with beans & cheese since carb counting so will def be up for trying it with that or maybe tuna and cheese as these are both my favourites x

I have an excuse to eat baked potato wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Will try to join in this one tomorrow. 🙂
Im in! I loooooooooooooooooooooove potato

Becky I would drive you made, apostrophes confuse me most of the time so I tend to leave them out if in doubt!! I thought I had the hang of it but the older I have got the worse I am remembering when to use them.
Cant do it tomorrow (Wednesday and Thursday nights are no good for me) so going to try and attempt it at lunchtime today as I am off today. What do I need to do? Apart from choose a topping for my baked pot? I dont carb count so do I just weigh my baked pot and let you know what I am having for my topping? Sorry for all the questions just never done it before :confused:🙂:confused:...
Think I might have it for lunch today instead as starting nights tomorrow.

My main problem is commas, girlfriend had to read my recent essay and put loads of commas in it because I just don't know where they are supposed to be.
Cant do it tomorrow (Wednesday and Thursday nights are no good for me) so going to try and attempt it at lunchtime today as I am off today. What do I need to do? Apart from choose a topping for my baked pot? I dont carb count so do I just weigh my baked pot and let you know what I am having for my topping? Sorry for all the questions just never done it before :confused:🙂:confused:...

Hi Carol, its great your taking part! As you dont carb count its a bit easier for you, just tell us exactly what you have eaten and the topping and if any butter etc used on potato. Then, tell us your pre-meal level, and then 1 2 3 and 4 hour levels afterwards. I am assuming you have test strips? If you dont want to do all 4 hours- thats fine - its just for you to see how different foods affect your levels and to give you an insight into what foods your body is happy with and which foods it isnt! Hope you enjoy it.🙂Bev
I'm trying to use up food in the cupboard as I'm working away from Thurs so think I might have a regular white baking potato tonight and a sweet potato tomorrow night. Should be an interesting comparison.
Bev, I'm feeling pedantic, so edited out the grocer's apostrophe you had put in 'potatoes'. (I also eschewed the Dan Quayle spelling)😉

Tsk! I just had to remove the apostrophe from your results thread! (You put result's). If it's a plural i.e. more than one result, it doesn't need an apostrophe. Apostrophes are used to denote either possesion ( as in the dog's bone, the cat's cream) or a missing letter (as in it's, you're, doesn't - the apostrophe shows there is a missing letter: it is, you are, does not etc.)

Lesson over! Any more grammatical errors of this nature may entail a one week ban!

Hi Carol, its great your taking part! As you dont carb count its a bit easier for you, just tell us exactly what you have eaten and the topping and if any butter etc used on potato. Then, tell us your pre-meal level, and then 1 2 3 and 4 hour levels afterwards. I am assuming you have test strips? If you dont want to do all 4 hours- thats fine - its just for you to see how different foods affect your levels and to give you an insight into what foods your body is happy with and which foods it isnt! Hope you enjoy it.🙂Bev

Thanks Bev, have everything organised, cant wait for lunch time now! Getting hungry at the thought of it :D
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