Bad day - need to talk to someone please

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I’m having such a weird day today.

My normal ratios that are usually perfect are just not right at all today.

I had a hypo after breakfast which I have never had before and now another one after lunch.

I feel upset and defeated and I just don’t understand why this is happening.

Could do with someone to talk to for some support and advice.

Thank you!
Have you tried calling the Diabetes UK helpline? Their number is at the top of the page.
They can talk through your experience.

I haven’t no, I think it says they’re shut till 4th Jan?
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that its your bolus ratios are off, it could be that your basal is needing adjusted for instance as many find that it needs altered over different seasons

There are various reasons it could have happened, more activity than normal is just one thing but it could just be a one off weird day that you'll never know why happened, I myself required 16 glucose tablets despite reducing my bolus doses yesterday and have no idea why it happened but I won't fret over it. I managed the situation and did the best I could so it's now in the past, I too used to obsess over things and let it upset me until my consultant made very clear that it isn't healthy to do so and I had to start being more relaxed with things

We're all here for you to talk to so anything you have on your mind feel free to say xx
I get spells when I hypo several times a day and it is usually my basal insulin needs a small adjustment. It it all just part of the fun and games of diabetes, so don't beat your self up about it. The goal posts change every now and then when you aren't looking and it catches you unawares. Hope you have managed the hypos well and levels are now back up, but don't feel like you have failed. These things happen despite our best efforts and learning to manage hypos is an important aspect of insulin dependent diabetes so there are always positives you can take from it.

If you are newly diagnosed then it may be that your own pancreas is now managing to produce some insulin in fits and spurts because the injected insulin has taken some of the strain/workload off it. It is quite common for people to be started on insulin and then have to reduce it quite significantly for a period of weeks or months before they need to increase it again as their honeymoon period comes to an end.
Which basal insulin are you using? If it is Levemir then it might be wise to dial your evening dose back a bit. If you are on a once a day basal then it might be worth considering reducing the dose when you next take it.

Do you have Libre? If not then it might also be wise to set an alarm for through the night to wake up and check your levels between 2-3am.
Sometimes there are just days where your numbers go hypo for no reason. We’re all here to listen as talking helps
I get spells when I hypo several times a day and it is usually my basal insulin needs a small adjustment. It it all just part of the fun and games of diabetes, so don't beat your self up about it. The goal posts change every now and then when you aren't looking and it catches you unawares. Hope you have managed the hypos well and levels are now back up, but don't feel like you have failed. These things happen despite our best efforts and learning to manage hypos is an important aspect of insulin dependent diabetes so there are always positives you can take from it.

If you are newly diagnosed then it may be that your own pancreas is now managing to produce some insulin in fits and spurts because the injected insulin has taken some of the strain/workload off it. It is quite common for people to be started on insulin and then have to reduce it quite significantly for a period of weeks or months before they need to increase it again as their honeymoon period comes to an end.
Which basal insulin are you using? If it is Levemir then it might be wise to dial your evening dose back a bit. If you are on a once a day basal then it might be worth considering reducing the dose when you next take it.

Do you have Libre? If not then it might also be wise to set an alarm for through the night to wake up and check your levels between 2-3am.
Thank you so much for your message!

And thank you for making me realise I haven’t ‘failed’ cos I did feel a bit like that earlier. But yes managed the hypos fine, luckily I only just got into ‘hypo territory’ at 3.9 and 3.8 respectively so just took a few dextros and was fine.

My ratios have been working fine for a while but I notice recently they haven’t been working as well so maybe I am still producing some of my own insulin atm as I was only diagnosed 7 months ago so maybe need to scale it back a bit until I find that doesn’t work anymore potentially.

I am currently on lantus as my basal and although my dose is pretty small anyway, maybe I could try reducing it slightly to see if that helps.

And yes I do have a libre so I will make sure alarms are on tonight too! Think is I have never really had an issue with night hypos, just today meal times have been an absolute pain!

Again thank you so much for talking to me about it, really helps 🙂
Sometimes there are just days where your numbers go hypo for no reason. We’re all here to listen as talking helps
Hi, thank you for your message!

Yes I’ve heard people say sometimes you just have weird days where things go wrong for no obvious reason and I think today has been one of those days! I’ve never had a hypo after breakfast before so that was a first for me!

But thank you so much for talking to me, really means a lot as I was feeling quite upset and frustrated earlier but feeling better after talking to people on here so thanks for that 🙂
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that its your bolus ratios are off, it could be that your basal is needing adjusted for instance as many find that it needs altered over different seasons

There are various reasons it could have happened, more activity than normal is just one thing but it could just be a one off weird day that you'll never know why happened, I myself required 16 glucose tablets despite reducing my bolus doses yesterday and have no idea why it happened but I won't fret over it. I managed the situation and did the best I could so it's now in the past, I too used to obsess over things and let it upset me until my consultant made very clear that it isn't healthy to do so and I had to start being more relaxed with things

We're all here for you to talk to so anything you have on your mind feel free to say xx
Hi, thank you so much for your message!

You’re right, I think sometimes things just do go wrong for no obvious reason and today has been a weird day that’s for sure! I’ve never had a hypo after breakfast before so that was a first for me!

But thanks so much for talking to me, I was feeling rather upset and frustrated earlier so it really helps to talk to other people who understand 🙂
Sometimes we just have ‘wonky’ days. You’re certainly not alone, I’ve had a hypo already today, looks like lots of us are having a wonky day :(
Sometimes we just have ‘wonky’ days. You’re certainly not alone, I’ve had a hypo already today, looks like lots of us are having a wonky day :(
Hi, sorry to hear you’re not having the best day either!
On the plus side at least we know we are not alone and have each other to talk to when it goes a bit wrong, so glad I joined this forum! 🙂
Hi, sorry to hear you’re not having the best day either!
On the plus side at least we know we are not alone and have each other to talk to when it goes a bit wrong, so glad I joined this forum! 🙂
Yes, it’s brilliant to have some solidarity and not feel alone x
I know how you feel, today has been a day of highs for me and I've done nothing different, decided to treat myself to a KFC anyway lol. This diabeties game is really hard and lonely but just know you are never alone on here. All the best.
I’ve been on the blood sugar rollercoaster all day as my pump detached in the night so woke up very high…then crashed…you get the picture. At least I know why it happened.
I know how you feel, today has been a day of highs for me and I've done nothing different, decided to treat myself to a KFC anyway lol. This diabeties game is really hard and lonely but just know you are never alone on here. All the best.
I’ve done the same in the past…may as well make the most of the situation:D
Well I'm having a bad day now too as I just injected 7 units of Fiasp instead of Levemir. Tired and not concentrating, but thankfully I realised it was the wrong colour pen as I was putting the lid on it.
Really wanted an early night tonight and was just staying awake to inject Levemir and now I am going to have to stay awake for the next 4 hours to eat chocolate to soak up all that insulin and keep an eye on levels.... Tough life!! 🙄
Well I'm having a bad day now too as I just injected 7 units of Fiasp instead of Levemir. Tired and not concentrating, but thankfully I realised it was the wrong colour pen as I was putting the lid on it.
Really wanted an early night tonight and was just staying awake to inject Levemir and now I am going to have to stay awake for the next 4 hours to eat chocolate to soak up all that insulin and keep an eye on levels.... Tough life!! 🙄
Although your on a low carb diet. Having to eat plenty of chocolate could be worse! 🙄
Although your on a low carb diet. Having to eat plenty of chocolate could be worse! 🙄
I know, I shouldn't complain but was just getting my diet back on track after the festive season and now having to eat a whole bar of chocolate.... It just frightens me because I have no off switch once I start and it's a slippery slope that I really don't want my feet on. It's like an alcoholic having to have 2 or 3 drinks..... it is dangerous territory, but I am so stuffed after my evening meal that I can't manage anything more substantial.
I know, I shouldn't complain but was just getting my diet back on track after the festive season and now having to eat a whole bar of chocolate.... It just frightens me because I have no off switch once I start and it's a slippery slope that I really don't want my feet on. It's like an alcoholic having to have 2 or 3 drinks..... it is dangerous territory, but I am so stuffed after my evening meal that I can't manage anything more substantial.
At least it wasn’t a bigger dose of Levemir that you have in the evening
Sorry you’ve had a bit of a rough ride today @sg295

Try not to be too hard on yourself when things wobble - diabetes has a nasty habit of insisting on it’s own ‘rules’, and then changing them at the drop of a hat!

Remember there are a LOT of factors (some suggest 42) that can affect your levels. So it’s hardly surprising that things go off kilter every so often 🙂

On the basis that what don't kill you makes you stronger - I should've won the world's strongest woman by now - since I haven't it's probably another lie that grown ups tell you - as apparently the advice that eating your crusts will make your hair curl is, according to our eldest granddaughter when she was 7.
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