Appalling statement

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I actually resent paying 1.99 for a pack of 3 mixed peppers and Grapes... why are they so expensive?? I literally have to go to every shop to get my shopping because different deals in every shop, Lidl or aldi are usually good for fruit and veg (price wise) And I as well dont understand why there are always great deals on the junk food.... it should totally be the other way around.... that would be a brilliant incentive for healthy eating 🙄

I have to budget my money to the last penny to afford my bills shopping 🙄and gracies things etc.... I have to write a list every week so i dont get tempted by the deals! although i cant resist a huge bag of doritos for a pound (thanks sainsburys) It is so crap that the junk food is the cheapest like :(

Couldnt agree more Lou, I was peckish before lunch today so popped into the local Tesco metro on my way home and bought one of the small mixed fruit packets and it cost me ?1.25 😡! I would have been cheaper with 2 packets of crisps... It costs a lot to eat healthy...
This is all so true - you can get 5 toffee crisps for a ?1. Yet fruit is so expensive and nice veg too.

Can we not start a campaign in some way to make fruit and veg cheaper - as so many smart alecs are telling us we are fat because we eat unhealthy - maybe we have a good argument - not sure where we would start though!
What I object to is the reinforcement in this aggressive and prejudicial manner of the notion that EVERYONE with diabetes (on rare occasions a distinction may be mentioned about type) has brought it on themselves
It must just be me, but I didn't find it aggressive and prejudicial. Maybe because I'm Type 1 and I lost a lot of weight as part of the diagnosis 🙂
I don't disagree that its unfair that the minority are treated the same as the majority, but thats the way the press works I'm afraid. Personally I am more annoyed about they other things people have mentioned on here like the price of healthy food. I also get more annoyed that a lot of Type 2's are not able to test their BG because of money rather than health reasons. The fact all type 2's are presumed to be obese is just an unfortunate reality that is going to be near impossible to change with regards to the press, they want to sell papers not provide accurate, clear medical reporting....
..The fact all type 2's are presumed to be obese is just an unfortunate reality that is going to be near impossible to change with regards to the press, they. want to sell papers not provide accurate, clear medical reporting....

That may indeed be true, but it doesn't make it right and I don't have to accept it.
They are a bunch of idol who should wake up and smell the coffee and get a decent job not to be sat on there fat arses writing drivel !!!!!😉

'breathing calmly now' 😛
That is true that papers want to sell papers but they do not like having to print big apologies and corrections. It just needs the press complaints people to find for type two people and it would be amazing how quickly that kind of journalism would stop.

im fed up with lazy juro`s the best way to get back at them is not to buy their rags simple as that without our money they would change their attitude
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