anyone good at maths

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He he - are you useless at maths too?


Yes I am dreadful! I could tell you some REALLY funny stories, but why loose my job?! 🙂

Let's say you have ten pigs. That's 100% of the pigs you own. Then you increase your herd to twenty pigs - that's 100% more pigs than you started with, so it's a 100% increase. In the same way, your 0.025 is 100% of your dose, you then add 10x more (0.250), so it's 10x100%=1000% increase.:D

Oh thats soooooo funny I nearly did a weeeee!!!!!:D
Hi, as I did a physics degree I am really good at maths. I do despair at how it is taught these days as so many children seem not to grasp the basics. My niece seem could do some basic addition and subtraction before she started primary school and then spent the first two years going backwards. Now a graduate she still struggles. My godson was above average until he changed schools at seven and is now struggling. However I get a lot of satisfaction when I explain something and a youngster grasps it. Having hit the Five-O a couple of years ago I think I am too old to go into teaching now!
Hi, as I did a physics degree I am really good at maths. I do despair at how it is taught these days as so many children seem not to grasp the basics. My niece seem could do some basic addition and subtraction before she started primary school and then spent the first two years going backwards. Now a graduate she still struggles. My godson was above average until he changed schools at seven and is now struggling. However I get a lot of satisfaction when I explain something and a youngster grasps it. Having hit the Five-O a couple of years ago I think I am too old to go into teaching now!

I wish i had had a good maths teacher. Unfortunately in Comprehensive school (all girls) we had one male teacher - he was the maths teacher! He was utterly gorgeous and not one of us in the class ever grasped maths!😱

Anyway, my daughter is doing 'A' level maths and finds it a breeze - but she refuses to try to explain things to me because she says i am always looking for something that isnt there and i ask too many questions and dont accept what i am told! She is right. But i honestly do think that i am number dyslexic if thats even a condition!

It would be a miracle if someone could teach me maths. 😱:DBev
The easiest way to do this is in 3 steps:

Original Amount: 0.025
New Amount 0.275

1. New amount subtract original amount (0.275-0.025) = 0.25

2. Now divide the answer by the original amount to get the difference as a fraction (0.25 / 0.025) = 10

3. And then multipy the answer by 100 to get it as a percentage (10 x 100) = 1000%


P.S I wish I could take credit for this, but it was my wife that told me. Behind every great man and all that 😉
Hi, as I did a physics degree I am really good at maths. I do despair at how it is taught these days as so many children seem not to grasp the basics. My niece seem could do some basic addition and subtraction before she started primary school and then spent the first two years going backwards. Now a graduate she still struggles. My godson was above average until he changed schools at seven and is now struggling. However I get a lot of satisfaction when I explain something and a youngster grasps it. Having hit the Five-O a couple of years ago I think I am too old to go into teaching now!

We had an excellent maths teacher in my third year at grammar school. He was so good that he had taught us basically all we needed to know to get a good GCSE two years ahead of time (although we didn't take them earlier, but the next two years were just basically revision and lucky us, because the good teacher left and we had a succession of temporary teachers.) So, Mr Wilkinson - well done!

It was most apparent when we did the mock 'O' levels - the other class had had a different teacher and they all did so appallingly in comparison to our class that hey had to boost the results by 20% to make it look like they were capable of passing. This meant, of course, that some of our class got over 100%!

My greatest understanding of how it all fitted together - quadratic equations, calculus, graphs, geometry etc. - came when I did an Open University Maths foundation course about 10 years after leaving school. Before that I hadn't quite grasped the relationships.

I always thought that kids were too often brought up to be prejudiced against maths - that it was nerdy, difficult, or that it was somehow perfectly acceptable to say you are useless at maths which I think often stifled effort to learn because you wouldn't be thought badly of if you failed. Good teachers count(!) for a lot though!:D
But dont you get into embarrasing situations when you take your shoes and socks off to count your pigs Northerner?😛Bev
But dont you get into embarrasing situations when you take your shoes and socks off to count your pigs Northerner?😛Bev

Obviously, you weren't taught this fundemental precept bev, no wonder you struggle!😱😉
Even doing a degree now I still stuggle with basic maths. This makes all the scientific calculations sheer murder to do and get right. I wish I was of a more mathematical mind and then I would be able to get more stuff right and not look like a plank when maths is mentioned.
This thread has had me in hysterics!! Thank you so much :D:D:D
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My niece seem could do some basic addition and subtraction before she started primary school and then spent the first two years going backwards. Now a graduate she still struggles. My godson was above average until he changed schools at seven and is now struggling.

As a maths teacher, I think part of the problem is that there are a lot of "fads" in how working is set out :( - some of which are an improvement and some of which are not. The one which really springs to mind at the moment is "exchanging" when doing subtraction. I can understand why it is taught that way as it does explain what happens, but as a method of setting out working to solve a problem it is not brilliant as, if a pupil makes a mistake, they can't see easily what the original sum was to find where they went wrong! :confused: :confused: :confused:
I always enjoyed maths at skool! Was it the pretty young female maths teacher?? Or the big sweaty guy maths teacher, both were briliant actually in their own way! The big guy proved to me that zero does not equal zero!! It made perfect sense, conclusion what are we doing here???? :confused:
Sorry gang, I'm having a bad maths day and give up... :confused:

I learned maths with the help of the Cookie Monster....😱

Now if you was expressing it as cookies I might be interested... :D

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ohhh Rossi know what you mean 'zero means zero' and also..... if my daughter is 19years old isnt she realy 20 because you have to count the bit betwwen the 0 and the 1...
i also loved physics !
Im more interested in sacred maths now that describe proportions in nature such as the fibbinarcy series and the golden section!! heheee

I still couldnt work out bevs sum type1 and parents never cease to amaze me!!
The big guy proved to me that zero does not equal zero!! It made perfect sense, conclusion what are we doing here???? :confused:

I think I have proof somewhere that 1=2 among other things, I will try to find it for you!
ohhh Rossi know what you mean 'zero means zero' and also..... if my daughter is 19years old isnt she realy 20 because you have to count the bit betwwen the 0 and the 1...
i also loved physics !
Im more interested in sacred maths now that describe proportions in nature such as the fibbinarcy series and the golden section!! heheee

I still couldnt work out bevs sum type1 and parents never cease to amaze me!!

don't know about fibbinarcy but I remember the same maths teacher Mr Mac we'll call him got very enthusiastic about the golden section stuff! Well he got excited about all things maths related like that! good man he was/is?!
I think I have proof somewhere that 1=2 among other things, I will try to find it for you!

thats because the bit between the 1 and the 0
hubby just walked in an said about 1/infinity = zero
Ah yes, Fibbin Archie. Wasn't he Al Capone's bookkeeper?
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