Anyone fancy a flapjack?


Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Those dark chocolate topped coconut ones do look rather good. And we’ve just finished a dog walk. Eat what you like and just bolus for it, isn’t that what they say? And levels have been exceptionally stable during the last 24 hours - what’s the worst that could happen?

Still have to drive back though, so maybe knock 5-10g off the carb guesstimate just in case. Don’t want to risk going low before driving. But oats are ‘slow release’ right? And the coconut will be adding extra fat which should help slow absorption. And hey, I’ll leave it 5-10 mins after delivering the dose before eating. I mean, my coffee will have gone a bit cold but it’s worth it to reduce any possible rise eh?

Oh and this is the first big bolus after that set change, but basal has been coping OK, right? So it must be absorbing OK? Mustn’t it? Mustn’t it???

Sometimes I do those mental acrobatics and smugly see barely a wobble from an occasional treat.

Not today.

It WAS a good flapjack though :rofl::rofl::rofl:


And yes, that was 6.0 to 16.4 in less than 90 minutes. 🙄
Flapjacks are totally worth it! I’m drooling as I’m reading about it :rofl: If in doubt, I have half and half the bolus and see how that goes before eating the other half. This requires great restraint though!:D
That happened to me on Saturday after a busy and active time at the yard with daughter and pony. We called in at a farm shop on the way home and I had a chocolate brownie, and I did all the usual mental hoops, including adjustments for exercise and the GF usually being ground almonds, and driving, etc etc, and still went up a massive vertical cliff.
I reckon anything that’s calling 'Eat me!' as you go into the shop has got extra trickiness baked into it.
Those dark chocolate topped coconut ones do look rather good. And we’ve just finished a dog walk. Eat what you like and just bolus for it, isn’t that what they say? And levels have been exceptionally stable during the last 24 hours - what’s the worst that could happen?

Still have to drive back though, so maybe knock 5-10g off the carb guesstimate just in case. Don’t want to risk going low before driving. But oats are ‘slow release’ right? And the coconut will be adding extra fat which should help slow absorption. And hey, I’ll leave it 5-10 mins after delivering the dose before eating. I mean, my coffee will have gone a bit cold but it’s worth it to reduce any possible rise eh?

Oh and this is the first big bolus after that set change, but basal has been coping OK, right? So it must be absorbing OK? Mustn’t it? Mustn’t it???

Sometimes I do those mental acrobatics and smugly see barely a wobble from an occasional treat.

Not today.

It WAS a good flapjack though :rofl::rofl::rofl:

View attachment 30998

And yes, that was 6.0 to 16.4 in less than 90 minutes. 🙄
I laughed at this Mike because I have those same conversations usually out loud with my NovoRapid pen in my hand with the lid off! And my stomach exposed to the world! Mr Eggy just rolls his eyes!
Oh, I would not go into all that trouble for a flapjack... Now ask me about chocolate cake and that would be a different story 😉
Love hearing about your mental gymnastics @everydayupsanddowns
Makes me feel better about standing gazing at food with a glazed expression considering all the what ifs before choosing a (very well estimated or maybe not!) number of units and just going for it.
Hope it was well worth it!
gazing at food with a glazed expression considering all the what ifs before choosing a (very well estimated or maybe not!) number of units

Ah the SWAG bolus*. Yep. Guilty as charged.

* what some American bloggers once referred to as a Scientific Wild As*ed Guess
I’m very impressed with your chart- so stable. Does the pump help with that or are you just very good at managing your levels? My graphs are very hilly in comparison.
Yes. You must now eat more flapjack!

I’ve had plenty of practice to be fair. Sometimes it works, and I feel able to stand on my cafe chair and shout “I AM A DIABETES GENIUS!!”

Other times it’s today. :D
I’m very impressed with your chart- so stable. Does the pump help with that or are you just very good at managing your levels? My graphs are very hilly in comparison.

Yes it’s a hybrid closed loop, and has given me the best results I’ve ever had, but today’s graph was ridiculously stable.

The tSlim is amazing for me at night, but I’d usually see much more of a wobble around breakfast.

I think the stability made me feel bolder in chancing the flapjack. I have a decent success rate on the whole, but not today!
The problem is not enough flapjacks - you have insufficient data.
You now need to repeat the experiment with small alterations lots of times - and at the end of it I suspect you'll have got very little insight into the interaction between your use of insulin as required to deal with flapjacks, but the upside is that you'll have eaten all those flapjacks.
I think I might be just a bit jealous.
Loving this discussion!!

I used to love flapjacks especially the ones covered in good plain chocolate. When I got my Libre (so long ago) I saw what oats were doing to my levels with my morning porridge. So healthy!!. I eliminated oats. I have occasionally strayed back, in the interest of scientific experiment, but for me it just doesn’t work, and if I ask my HCL to sort this out afterwards it just doesn’t work for me. I have accepted defeat, and not returned to oats.

Now I feel that I need to just check whether this still applies after all these years!!!!
Can’t beat a good flapjack. There’s a local baker here and she makes all different ones. Whenever she is at a local event I always get myself one. Especially her Christmas ones.
I really like brownies too. They are very nice