Anyone else just wanna walk away from diabetes

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To show solidarity with vegans who have expressed animal rights beliefs on this thread, here's summary of what happens to farmed animals and the pain and suffering they experience in their short lives for humans to have an unlimited supply of cheap animal products available 24/7 in every supermarket and grocery store in the world, thanks to industrialised factory farming processes and very poor animal welfare standards to feed nearly 69 million people in the UK alone, and yet there are many plant-based healthy alternatives to dairy, eggs and honey which could easily be produced at much larger scales without all the unnecessary suffering of conscious intelligent social animals...

In the same way I would not be irresponsible and would be protective of the children in my extended family, I will not be posting the horrific animal cruelty videos recorded by animal rights activists from slaughter houses and factory premises out there online on this support forum, but if you are curious, look it up on Youtube, what happens to male chicks? And how are chicken nuggets made in the factory? I don't think the term "ultra processed food" really does justice to the industrial chemical slop which is what live chickens are reduced to by this brutal barbaric mechanical process, and many academics would argue that animal rights and environmental justice beliefs are equally as valid as established religious or spiritual beliefs as matters of conscience.
Exactly my reasons for not being pushed by a general practice nurse. Who said my bloods more important than my beliefs in animal rights. Thankfully my specialist diabetes nurse understands. As have nurses in team vegan so I’m hoping I’m in safe hands. Practice nurse does her best BUT was not aware my pain medication can push my numbers up.
Exactly my reasons for not being pushed by a general practice nurse. Who said my bloods more important than my beliefs in animal rights. Thankfully my specialist diabetes nurse understands. As have nurses in team vegan so I’m hoping I’m in safe hands. Practice nurse does her best BUT was not aware my pain medication can push my numbers up.
Incredible that a general practice nurse actually said that. Unfortunately I only have access to a general nurse and an out of touch GP.
I'm really sorry to hear this and unfortunately I have had to battle for everything in the most adversarial way possible since my diagnoses nearly year ago, and the time effort and dedication required to navigate the complex NHS complaints process is overwhelming, so well done and congrats on sticking to your principles, you as the patient are the most imortant person in this process of managing your medical conditions, and diabetes is your responsibility with healthcare staff to guide you, so of course any healthcare or treatment plan should be built around you as unique patient, and as many people point out on this forum, the standard NHS protocols for diabetes are very outdated too, I was told in my thirties that people my age didn't get Type 2 Diabetes and was refused health screening blood test, there's no understanding of high carb diet being addressed to lower blood glucose levels, my GP didn't mention remission and nobody at my GP surgery had heard of the NHS remission programme... So make best changes you can to your diet and exercise, have occasional treats in moderation and best of luck reviewing your vegan diet so it's low sugar low carb mostly low calorie and high in protein, we all know there's huge range of healthy plant-based foods out there too! Really glad you have supportive team vegan nurses too! 😉
Exactly my reasons for not being pushed by a general practice nurse. Who said my bloods more important than my beliefs in animal rights. Thankfully my specialist diabetes nurse understands. As have nurses in team vegan so I’m hoping I’m in safe hands. Practice nurse does her best BUT was not aware my pain medication can push my numbers up.

That’s a disgusting thing for the nurse to say. As @maryjaneholland says, veganism can count as a belief. I’d send her a link to Earthlings.
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